
329 lines
11 KiB

//! Transaction Queue.
//! All transactions that are sent from RPC methods should be added to this queue for retries.
//! Transactions can fail to be inserted to the mempool immediately by different reasons,
//! like having not mined utxos.
//! The [`Queue`] is just an `IndexMap` of transactions with insertion date.
//! We use this data type because we want the transactions in the queue to be in order.
//! The [`Runner`] component will do the processing in it's [`Runner::run()`] method.
use std::{collections::HashSet, sync::Arc};
use chrono::Duration;
use indexmap::IndexMap;
use tokio::{
sync::broadcast::{self, error::TryRecvError},
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt};
use zebra_chain::{
parameters::{Network, NetworkUpgrade},
transaction::{Transaction, UnminedTx, UnminedTxId},
use zebra_node_services::{
mempool::{Gossip, Request, Response},
use zebra_state::{MinedTx, ReadRequest, ReadResponse};
mod tests;
/// The approximate target number of blocks a transaction can be in the queue.
/// Size of the queue and channel.
pub const CHANNEL_AND_QUEUE_CAPACITY: usize = 20;
/// The height to use in spacing calculation if we don't have a chain tip.
const NO_CHAIN_TIP_HEIGHT: Height = Height(1);
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
/// The queue is a container of transactions that are going to be
/// sent to the mempool again.
pub struct Queue {
transactions: IndexMap<UnminedTxId, (Arc<Transaction>, Instant)>,
/// The runner will make the processing of the transactions in the queue.
pub struct Runner {
queue: Queue,
receiver: broadcast::Receiver<UnminedTx>,
tip_height: Height,
impl Queue {
/// Start a new queue
pub fn start() -> (Runner, broadcast::Sender<UnminedTx>) {
let (sender, receiver) = broadcast::channel(CHANNEL_AND_QUEUE_CAPACITY);
let queue = Queue {
transactions: IndexMap::new(),
let runner = Runner {
tip_height: Height(0),
(runner, sender)
/// Get the transactions in the queue.
pub fn transactions(&self) -> IndexMap<UnminedTxId, (Arc<Transaction>, Instant)> {
/// Insert a transaction to the queue.
pub fn insert(&mut self, unmined_tx: UnminedTx) {
.insert(unmined_tx.id, (unmined_tx.transaction, Instant::now()));
// remove if queue is over capacity
if self.transactions.len() > CHANNEL_AND_QUEUE_CAPACITY {
/// Remove a transaction from the queue.
pub fn remove(&mut self, unmined_id: UnminedTxId) {
/// Remove the oldest transaction from the queue.
pub fn remove_first(&mut self) {
impl Runner {
/// Get the queue transactions as a `HashSet` of unmined ids.
fn transactions_as_hash_set(&self) -> HashSet<UnminedTxId> {
let transactions = self.queue.transactions();
transactions.iter().map(|t| *t.0).collect()
/// Get the queue transactions as a `Vec` of transactions.
fn transactions_as_vec(&self) -> Vec<Arc<Transaction>> {
let transactions = self.queue.transactions();
transactions.iter().map(|t| t.1 .0.clone()).collect()
/// Update the `tip_height` field with a new height.
pub fn update_tip_height(&mut self, height: Height) {
self.tip_height = height;
/// Retry sending to mempool if needed.
/// Creates a loop that will run each time a new block is mined.
/// In this loop, get the transactions that are in the queue and:
/// - Check if they are now in the mempool and if so, delete the transaction from the queue.
/// - Check if the transaction is now part of a block in the state and if so,
/// delete the transaction from the queue.
/// - With the transactions left in the queue, retry sending them to the mempool ignoring
/// the result of this operation.
/// Additionally, each iteration of the above loop, will receive and insert to the queue
/// transactions that are pending in the channel.
pub async fn run<Mempool, State, Tip>(
mut self,
mempool: Mempool,
state: State,
tip: Tip,
network: Network,
) where
Mempool: Service<Request, Response = Response, Error = BoxError> + Clone + 'static,
State: Service<ReadRequest, Response = ReadResponse, Error = zebra_state::BoxError>
+ Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
Tip: ChainTip + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
loop {
// if we don't have a chain use `NO_CHAIN_TIP_HEIGHT` to get block spacing
let tip_height = match tip.best_tip_height() {
Some(height) => height,
// get spacing between blocks
let spacing = NetworkUpgrade::target_spacing_for_height(network, tip_height);
// sleep until the next block
tokio::time::sleep(spacing.to_std().expect("should never be less than zero")).await;
// get transactions from the channel
loop {
let tx = match self.receiver.try_recv() {
Ok(tx) => tx,
Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => break,
Err(TryRecvError::Lagged(skipped_count)) => {
tracing::info!("sendrawtransaction queue was full: skipped {skipped_count} transactions");
Err(TryRecvError::Closed) => {
"sendrawtransaction queue was closed: is Zebra shutting down?"
// skip some work if stored tip height is the same as the one arriving
// TODO: check tip block hashes instead, so we always retry when there is a chain fork (these are rare)
if tip_height != self.tip_height {
// update the chain tip
if !self.queue.transactions().is_empty() {
// remove what is expired
// remove if any of the queued transactions is now in the mempool
let in_mempool =
Self::check_mempool(mempool.clone(), self.transactions_as_hash_set()).await;
// remove if any of the queued transactions is now in the state
let in_state =
Self::check_state(state.clone(), self.transactions_as_hash_set()).await;
// retry what is left in the queue
let _retried = Self::retry(mempool.clone(), self.transactions_as_vec()).await;
/// Remove transactions that are expired according to number of blocks and current spacing between blocks.
fn remove_expired(&mut self, spacing: Duration) {
// Have some extra time to to make sure we re-submit each transaction `NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS_TO_EXPIRE`
// times, as the main loop also takes some time to run.
let extra_time = Duration::seconds(5);
let duration_to_expire =
Duration::seconds(NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS_TO_EXPIRE * spacing.num_seconds()) + extra_time;
let transactions = self.queue.transactions();
let now = Instant::now();
for tx in transactions.iter() {
let tx_time =
tx.1 .1
.expect("should never be less than zero"),
.expect("this is low numbers, should always be inside bounds");
if now > tx_time {
/// Remove transactions from the queue that had been inserted to the state or the mempool.
fn remove_committed(&mut self, to_remove: HashSet<UnminedTxId>) {
for r in to_remove {
/// Check the mempool for given transactions.
/// Returns transactions that are in the mempool.
async fn check_mempool<Mempool>(
mempool: Mempool,
transactions: HashSet<UnminedTxId>,
) -> HashSet<UnminedTxId>
Mempool: Service<Request, Response = Response, Error = BoxError> + Clone + 'static,
let mut response = HashSet::new();
if !transactions.is_empty() {
let request = Request::TransactionsById(transactions);
// ignore any error coming from the mempool
let mempool_response = mempool.oneshot(request).await;
if let Ok(Response::Transactions(txs)) = mempool_response {
for tx in txs {
/// Check the state for given transactions.
/// Returns transactions that are in the state.
async fn check_state<State>(
state: State,
transactions: HashSet<UnminedTxId>,
) -> HashSet<UnminedTxId>
State: Service<ReadRequest, Response = ReadResponse, Error = zebra_state::BoxError>
+ Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
let mut response = HashSet::new();
for t in transactions {
let request = ReadRequest::Transaction(t.mined_id());
// ignore any error coming from the state
let state_response = state.clone().oneshot(request).await;
if let Ok(ReadResponse::Transaction(Some(MinedTx { tx, .. }))) = state_response {
/// Retry sending given transactions to mempool.
/// Returns the transaction ids that were retried.
async fn retry<Mempool>(
mempool: Mempool,
transactions: Vec<Arc<Transaction>>,
) -> HashSet<UnminedTxId>
Mempool: Service<Request, Response = Response, Error = BoxError> + Clone + 'static,
let mut retried = HashSet::new();
for tx in transactions {
let unmined = UnminedTx::from(tx);
let gossip = Gossip::Tx(unmined.clone());
let request = Request::Queue(vec![gossip]);
// Send to mempool and ignore any error
let _ = mempool.clone().oneshot(request).await;
// return what we retried but don't delete from the queue,
// we might retry again in a next call.