
473 lines
16 KiB

//! Support functions for the `get_block_template()` RPC.
use std::{collections::HashMap, iter, sync::Arc};
use jsonrpc_core::{Error, ErrorCode, Result};
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt};
use zebra_chain::{
amount::{self, Amount, NegativeOrZero, NonNegative},
merkle::{self, AuthDataRoot},
Block, ChainHistoryBlockTxAuthCommitmentHash, Height,
transaction::{Transaction, UnminedTx, VerifiedUnminedTx},
use zebra_consensus::{
funding_stream_address, funding_stream_values, miner_subsidy, FundingStreamReceiver,
use zebra_node_services::mempool;
use zebra_state::GetBlockTemplateChainInfo;
use crate::methods::get_block_template_rpcs::{
types::{default_roots::DefaultRoots, transaction::TransactionTemplate},
pub use crate::methods::get_block_template_rpcs::types::get_block_template::*;
// - Parameter checks
/// Checks that `data` is omitted in `Template` mode or provided in `Proposal` mode,
/// Returns an error if there's a mismatch between the mode and whether `data` is provided.
pub fn check_parameters(parameters: &Option<JsonParameters>) -> Result<()> {
let Some(parameters) = parameters else {
return Ok(())
match parameters {
JsonParameters {
mode: GetBlockTemplateRequestMode::Template,
data: None,
| JsonParameters {
mode: GetBlockTemplateRequestMode::Proposal,
data: Some(_),
} => Ok(()),
JsonParameters {
mode: GetBlockTemplateRequestMode::Proposal,
data: None,
} => Err(Error {
code: ErrorCode::InvalidParams,
message: "\"data\" parameter must be \
provided in \"proposal\" mode"
data: None,
JsonParameters {
mode: GetBlockTemplateRequestMode::Template,
data: Some(_),
} => Err(Error {
code: ErrorCode::InvalidParams,
message: "\"data\" parameter must be \
omitted in \"template\" mode"
data: None,
/// Returns the miner address, or an error if it is invalid.
pub fn check_miner_address(
miner_address: Option<transparent::Address>,
) -> Result<transparent::Address> {
miner_address.ok_or_else(|| Error {
code: ErrorCode::ServerError(0),
message: "configure mining.miner_address in zebrad.toml \
with a transparent address"
data: None,
/// Attempts to validate block proposal against all of the server's
/// usual acceptance rules (except proof-of-work).
/// Returns a `getblocktemplate` [`Response`].
pub async fn validate_block_proposal<ChainVerifier, Tip, SyncStatus>(
mut chain_verifier: ChainVerifier,
block_proposal_bytes: Vec<u8>,
network: Network,
latest_chain_tip: Tip,
sync_status: SyncStatus,
) -> Result<Response>
ChainVerifier: Service<zebra_consensus::Request, Response = block::Hash, Error = zebra_consensus::BoxError>
+ Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
Tip: ChainTip + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
SyncStatus: ChainSyncStatus + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
check_synced_to_tip(network, latest_chain_tip, sync_status)?;
let block: Block = match block_proposal_bytes.zcash_deserialize_into() {
Ok(block) => block,
Err(parse_error) => {
"error response from block parser in CheckProposal request"
return Ok(
ProposalResponse::rejected("invalid proposal format", parse_error.into()).into(),
let chain_verifier_response = chain_verifier
.map_err(|error| Error {
code: ErrorCode::ServerError(0),
message: error.to_string(),
data: None,
.map(|_hash| ProposalResponse::Valid)
.unwrap_or_else(|verify_chain_error| {
"error response from chain_verifier in CheckProposal request"
ProposalResponse::rejected("invalid proposal", verify_chain_error)
// - State and syncer checks
/// Returns an error if Zebra is not synced to the consensus chain tip.
/// This error might be incorrect if the local clock is skewed.
pub fn check_synced_to_tip<Tip, SyncStatus>(
network: Network,
latest_chain_tip: Tip,
sync_status: SyncStatus,
) -> Result<()>
Tip: ChainTip + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
SyncStatus: ChainSyncStatus + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
// The tip estimate may not be the same as the one coming from the state
// but this is ok for an estimate
let (estimated_distance_to_chain_tip, local_tip_height) = latest_chain_tip
.ok_or_else(|| Error {
code: ErrorCode::ServerError(0),
message: "No Chain tip available yet".to_string(),
data: None,
if !sync_status.is_close_to_tip()
|| estimated_distance_to_chain_tip > MAX_ESTIMATED_DISTANCE_TO_NETWORK_CHAIN_TIP
"Zebra has not synced to the chain tip. \
Hint: check your network connection, clock, and time zone settings."
return Err(Error {
message: format!(
"Zebra has not synced to the chain tip, \
estimated distance: {estimated_distance_to_chain_tip:?}, \
local tip: {local_tip_height:?}. \
Hint: check your network connection, clock, and time zone settings."
data: None,
// - State and mempool data fetches
/// Returns the state data for the block template.
/// You should call `check_synced_to_tip()` before calling this function.
/// If the state does not have enough blocks, returns an error.
pub async fn fetch_state_tip_and_local_time<State>(
state: State,
) -> Result<GetBlockTemplateChainInfo>
State: Service<
Response = zebra_state::ReadResponse,
Error = zebra_state::BoxError,
> + Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
let request = zebra_state::ReadRequest::ChainInfo;
let response = state
.map_err(|error| Error {
code: ErrorCode::ServerError(0),
message: error.to_string(),
data: None,
let chain_info = match response {
zebra_state::ReadResponse::ChainInfo(chain_info) => chain_info,
_ => unreachable!("incorrect response to {request:?}"),
/// Returns the transactions that are currently in `mempool`, or None if the
/// `last_seen_tip_hash` from the mempool response doesn't match the tip hash from the state.
/// You should call `check_synced_to_tip()` before calling this function.
/// If the mempool is inactive because Zebra is not synced to the tip, returns no transactions.
pub async fn fetch_mempool_transactions<Mempool>(
mempool: Mempool,
chain_tip_hash: block::Hash,
) -> Result<Option<Vec<VerifiedUnminedTx>>>
Mempool: Service<
Response = mempool::Response,
Error = zebra_node_services::BoxError,
> + 'static,
Mempool::Future: Send,
let response = mempool
.map_err(|error| Error {
code: ErrorCode::ServerError(0),
message: error.to_string(),
data: None,
let mempool::Response::FullTransactions {
} = response else {
unreachable!("unmatched response to a mempool::FullTransactions request")
// Check that the mempool and state were in sync when we made the requests
Ok((last_seen_tip_hash == chain_tip_hash).then_some(transactions))
// - Response processing
/// Generates and returns the coinbase transaction and default roots.
/// If `like_zcashd` is true, try to match the coinbase transactions generated by `zcashd`
/// in the `getblocktemplate` RPC.
pub fn generate_coinbase_and_roots(
network: Network,
height: Height,
miner_address: transparent::Address,
mempool_txs: &[VerifiedUnminedTx],
history_tree: Arc<zebra_chain::history_tree::HistoryTree>,
like_zcashd: bool,
extra_coinbase_data: Vec<u8>,
) -> (TransactionTemplate<NegativeOrZero>, DefaultRoots) {
// Generate the coinbase transaction
let miner_fee = calculate_miner_fee(mempool_txs);
let coinbase_txn = generate_coinbase_transaction(
// Calculate block default roots
// TODO: move expensive root, hash, and tree cryptography to a rayon thread?
let default_roots = calculate_default_root_hashes(&coinbase_txn, mempool_txs, history_tree);
let coinbase_txn = TransactionTemplate::from_coinbase(&coinbase_txn, miner_fee);
(coinbase_txn, default_roots)
// - Coinbase transaction processing
/// Returns a coinbase transaction for the supplied parameters.
/// If `like_zcashd` is true, try to match the coinbase transactions generated by `zcashd`
/// in the `getblocktemplate` RPC.
pub fn generate_coinbase_transaction(
network: Network,
height: Height,
miner_address: transparent::Address,
miner_fee: Amount<NonNegative>,
like_zcashd: bool,
extra_coinbase_data: Vec<u8>,
) -> UnminedTx {
let outputs = standard_coinbase_outputs(network, height, miner_address, miner_fee, like_zcashd);
if like_zcashd {
Transaction::new_v4_coinbase(network, height, outputs, like_zcashd, extra_coinbase_data)
} else {
Transaction::new_v5_coinbase(network, height, outputs, extra_coinbase_data).into()
/// Returns the total miner fee for `mempool_txs`.
pub fn calculate_miner_fee(mempool_txs: &[VerifiedUnminedTx]) -> Amount<NonNegative> {
let miner_fee: amount::Result<Amount<NonNegative>> =
mempool_txs.iter().map(|tx| tx.miner_fee).sum();
"invalid selected transactions: \
fees in a valid block can not be more than MAX_MONEY",
/// Returns the standard funding stream and miner reward transparent output scripts
/// for `network`, `height` and `miner_fee`.
/// Only works for post-Canopy heights.
/// If `like_zcashd` is true, try to match the coinbase transactions generated by `zcashd`
/// in the `getblocktemplate` RPC.
pub fn standard_coinbase_outputs(
network: Network,
height: Height,
miner_address: transparent::Address,
miner_fee: Amount<NonNegative>,
like_zcashd: bool,
) -> Vec<(Amount<NonNegative>, transparent::Script)> {
let funding_streams = funding_stream_values(height, network)
.expect("funding stream value calculations are valid for reasonable chain heights");
// Optional TODO: move this into a zebra_consensus function?
let funding_streams: HashMap<
(Amount<NonNegative>, transparent::Address),
> = funding_streams
.map(|(receiver, amount)| {
(amount, funding_stream_address(height, network, receiver)),
let miner_reward = miner_subsidy(height, network)
.expect("reward calculations are valid for reasonable chain heights")
+ miner_fee;
let miner_reward =
miner_reward.expect("reward calculations are valid for reasonable chain heights");
combine_coinbase_outputs(funding_streams, miner_address, miner_reward, like_zcashd)
/// Combine the miner reward and funding streams into a list of coinbase amounts and addresses.
/// If `like_zcashd` is true, try to match the coinbase transactions generated by `zcashd`
/// in the `getblocktemplate` RPC.
fn combine_coinbase_outputs(
funding_streams: HashMap<FundingStreamReceiver, (Amount<NonNegative>, transparent::Address)>,
miner_address: transparent::Address,
miner_reward: Amount<NonNegative>,
like_zcashd: bool,
) -> Vec<(Amount<NonNegative>, transparent::Script)> {
// Combine all the funding streams with the miner reward.
let mut coinbase_outputs: Vec<(Amount<NonNegative>, transparent::Address)> = funding_streams
.map(|(_receiver, (amount, address))| (amount, address))
coinbase_outputs.push((miner_reward, miner_address));
let mut coinbase_outputs: Vec<(Amount<NonNegative>, transparent::Script)> = coinbase_outputs
.map(|(amount, address)| (*amount, address.create_script_from_address()))
// The HashMap returns funding streams in an arbitrary order,
// but Zebra's snapshot tests expect the same order every time.
if like_zcashd {
// zcashd sorts outputs in serialized data order, excluding the length field
coinbase_outputs.sort_by_key(|(_amount, script)| script.clone());
} else {
// Zebra sorts by amount then script.
// Since the sort is stable, equal amounts will remain sorted by script.
coinbase_outputs.sort_by_key(|(_amount, script)| script.clone());
coinbase_outputs.sort_by_key(|(amount, _script)| *amount);
// - Transaction roots processing
/// Returns the default block roots for the supplied coinbase and mempool transactions,
/// and the supplied history tree.
/// This function runs expensive cryptographic operations.
pub fn calculate_default_root_hashes(
coinbase_txn: &UnminedTx,
mempool_txs: &[VerifiedUnminedTx],
history_tree: Arc<zebra_chain::history_tree::HistoryTree>,
) -> DefaultRoots {
let (merkle_root, auth_data_root) = calculate_transaction_roots(coinbase_txn, mempool_txs);
let history_tree = history_tree;
let chain_history_root = history_tree.hash().expect("history tree can't be empty");
let block_commitments_hash = ChainHistoryBlockTxAuthCommitmentHash::from_commitments(
DefaultRoots {
/// Returns the transaction effecting and authorizing roots
/// for `coinbase_txn` and `mempool_txs`, which are used in the block header.
// TODO: should this be spawned into a cryptographic operations pool?
// (it would only matter if there were a lot of small transactions in a block)
pub fn calculate_transaction_roots(
coinbase_txn: &UnminedTx,
mempool_txs: &[VerifiedUnminedTx],
) -> (merkle::Root, AuthDataRoot) {
let block_transactions =
|| iter::once(coinbase_txn).chain(mempool_txs.iter().map(|tx| &tx.transaction));
let merkle_root = block_transactions().cloned().collect();
let auth_data_root = block_transactions().cloned().collect();
(merkle_root, auth_data_root)