
371 lines
13 KiB

//! Snapshot tests for Zebra JSON-RPC responses.
//! To update these snapshots, run:
//! ```sh
//! cargo insta test --review
//! ```
use std::sync::Arc;
use insta::dynamic_redaction;
use zebra_chain::{
parameters::Network::{Mainnet, Testnet},
use zebra_network::constants::USER_AGENT;
use zebra_test::mock_service::MockService;
use super::super::*;
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
mod get_block_template_rpcs;
/// Snapshot test for RPC methods responses.
#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
async fn test_rpc_response_data() {
let _init_guard = zebra_test::init();
async fn test_rpc_response_data_for_network(network: Network) {
// Create a continuous chain of mainnet and testnet blocks from genesis
let block_data = match network {
Mainnet => &*zebra_test::vectors::CONTINUOUS_MAINNET_BLOCKS,
Testnet => &*zebra_test::vectors::CONTINUOUS_TESTNET_BLOCKS,
let blocks: Vec<Arc<Block>> = block_data
.map(|(_height, block_bytes)| block_bytes.zcash_deserialize_into().unwrap())
let mut mempool: MockService<_, _, _, zebra_node_services::BoxError> =
// Create a populated state service
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs"), allow(unused_variables))]
let (state, read_state, latest_chain_tip, _chain_tip_change) =
zebra_state::populated_state(blocks.clone(), network).await;
// Start snapshots of RPC responses.
let mut settings = insta::Settings::clone_current();
settings.set_snapshot_suffix(format!("{}_{}", network_string(network), blocks.len() - 1));
// Test getblocktemplate-rpcs snapshots
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
// Init RPC
let (rpc, _rpc_tx_queue_task_handle) = RpcImpl::new(
"RPC test",
Buffer::new(mempool.clone(), 1),
// `getinfo`
let get_info = rpc.get_info().expect("We should have a GetInfo struct");
snapshot_rpc_getinfo(get_info, &settings);
// `getblockchaininfo`
let get_blockchain_info = rpc
.expect("We should have a GetBlockChainInfo struct");
snapshot_rpc_getblockchaininfo(get_blockchain_info, &settings);
// get the first transaction of the first block which is not the genesis
let first_block_first_transaction = &blocks[1].transactions[0];
// build addresses
let address = &first_block_first_transaction.outputs()[1]
let addresses = vec![address.to_string()];
// `getaddressbalance`
let get_address_balance = rpc
.get_address_balance(AddressStrings {
addresses: addresses.clone(),
.expect("We should have an AddressBalance struct");
snapshot_rpc_getaddressbalance(get_address_balance, &settings);
// `getblock` variants
const BLOCK_HEIGHT: u32 = 1;
let block_hash = blocks[BLOCK_HEIGHT as usize].hash();
// `getblock`, verbosity=0, height
let get_block = rpc
.get_block(BLOCK_HEIGHT.to_string(), Some(0u8))
.expect("We should have a GetBlock struct");
// `getblock`, verbosity=0, hash
let get_block = rpc
.get_block(block_hash.to_string(), Some(0u8))
.expect("We should have a GetBlock struct");
// `getblock`, verbosity=1, height
let get_block = rpc
.get_block(BLOCK_HEIGHT.to_string(), Some(1u8))
.expect("We should have a GetBlock struct");
snapshot_rpc_getblock_verbose("height_verbosity_1", get_block, &settings);
// `getblock`, verbosity=1, hash
let get_block = rpc
.get_block(block_hash.to_string(), Some(1u8))
.expect("We should have a GetBlock struct");
snapshot_rpc_getblock_verbose("hash_verbosity_1", get_block, &settings);
// `getblock`, no verbosity - defaults to 1, height
let get_block = rpc
.get_block(BLOCK_HEIGHT.to_string(), None)
.expect("We should have a GetBlock struct");
snapshot_rpc_getblock_verbose("height_verbosity_default", get_block, &settings);
// `getblock`, no verbosity - defaults to 1, hash
let get_block = rpc
.get_block(block_hash.to_string(), None)
.expect("We should have a GetBlock struct");
snapshot_rpc_getblock_verbose("hash_verbosity_default", get_block, &settings);
// `getbestblockhash`
let get_best_block_hash = rpc
.expect("We should have a GetBlockHash struct");
snapshot_rpc_getbestblockhash(get_best_block_hash, &settings);
// `getrawmempool`
// - a request to get all mempool transactions will be made by `getrawmempool` behind the scenes.
// - as we have the mempool mocked we need to expect a request and wait for a response,
// which will be an empty mempool in this case.
// Note: this depends on `SHOULD_USE_ZCASHD_ORDER` being true.
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
let mempool_req = mempool
.expect_request_that(|request| matches!(request, mempool::Request::FullTransactions))
.map(|responder| {
responder.respond(mempool::Response::FullTransactions {
transactions: vec![],
last_seen_tip_hash: blocks[blocks.len() - 1].hash(),
#[cfg(not(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs"))]
let mempool_req = mempool
.expect_request_that(|request| matches!(request, mempool::Request::TransactionIds))
.map(|responder| {
// make the api call
let get_raw_mempool = rpc.get_raw_mempool();
let (response, _) = futures::join!(get_raw_mempool, mempool_req);
let get_raw_mempool = response.expect("We should have a GetRawTransaction struct");
snapshot_rpc_getrawmempool(get_raw_mempool, &settings);
// `z_gettreestate`
let tree_state = rpc
.expect("We should have a GetTreestate struct");
snapshot_rpc_z_gettreestate(tree_state, &settings);
// `getrawtransaction` verbosity=0
// - similar to `getrawmempool` described above, a mempool request will be made to get the requested
// transaction from the mempool, response will be empty as we have this transaction in state
let mempool_req = mempool
.expect_request_that(|request| {
matches!(request, mempool::Request::TransactionsByMinedId(_))
.map(|responder| {
// make the api call
let get_raw_transaction =
rpc.get_raw_transaction(first_block_first_transaction.hash().encode_hex(), 0u8);
let (response, _) = futures::join!(get_raw_transaction, mempool_req);
let get_raw_transaction = response.expect("We should have a GetRawTransaction struct");
snapshot_rpc_getrawtransaction("verbosity_0", get_raw_transaction, &settings);
// `getrawtransaction` verbosity=1
let mempool_req = mempool
.expect_request_that(|request| {
matches!(request, mempool::Request::TransactionsByMinedId(_))
.map(|responder| {
// make the api call
let get_raw_transaction =
rpc.get_raw_transaction(first_block_first_transaction.hash().encode_hex(), 1u8);
let (response, _) = futures::join!(get_raw_transaction, mempool_req);
let get_raw_transaction = response.expect("We should have a GetRawTransaction struct");
snapshot_rpc_getrawtransaction("verbosity_1", get_raw_transaction, &settings);
// `getaddresstxids`
let get_address_tx_ids = rpc
.get_address_tx_ids(GetAddressTxIdsRequest {
addresses: addresses.clone(),
start: 1,
end: 10,
.expect("We should have a vector of strings");
snapshot_rpc_getaddresstxids(get_address_tx_ids, &settings);
// `getaddressutxos`
let get_address_utxos = rpc
.get_address_utxos(AddressStrings { addresses })
.expect("We should have a vector of strings");
snapshot_rpc_getaddressutxos(get_address_utxos, &settings);
/// Snapshot `getinfo` response, using `cargo insta` and JSON serialization.
fn snapshot_rpc_getinfo(info: GetInfo, settings: &insta::Settings) {
settings.bind(|| {
insta::assert_json_snapshot!("get_info", info, {
".subversion" => dynamic_redaction(|value, _path| {
// assert that the subversion value is user agent
assert_eq!(value.as_str().unwrap(), USER_AGENT);
// replace with:
/// Snapshot `getblockchaininfo` response, using `cargo insta` and JSON serialization.
fn snapshot_rpc_getblockchaininfo(info: GetBlockChainInfo, settings: &insta::Settings) {
settings.bind(|| {
insta::assert_json_snapshot!("get_blockchain_info", info, {
".estimatedheight" => dynamic_redaction(|value, _path| {
// assert that the value looks like a valid height here
assert!(u32::try_from(value.as_u64().unwrap()).unwrap() < Height::MAX_AS_U32);
// replace with:
/// Snapshot `getaddressbalance` response, using `cargo insta` and JSON serialization.
fn snapshot_rpc_getaddressbalance(address_balance: AddressBalance, settings: &insta::Settings) {
settings.bind(|| insta::assert_json_snapshot!("get_address_balance", address_balance));
/// Check `getblock` response, using `cargo insta`, JSON serialization, and block test vectors.
/// The snapshot file does not contain any data, but it does enforce the response format.
fn snapshot_rpc_getblock_data(
variant: &'static str,
block: GetBlock,
block_data: &[u8],
settings: &insta::Settings,
) {
let block_data = hex::encode(block_data);
settings.bind(|| {
insta::assert_json_snapshot!(format!("get_block_data_{variant}"), block, {
"." => dynamic_redaction(move |value, _path| {
// assert that the block data matches, without creating a 1.5 kB snapshot file
assert_eq!(value.as_str().unwrap(), block_data);
// replace with:
/// Check `getblock` response with verbosity=1, using `cargo insta` and JSON serialization.
fn snapshot_rpc_getblock_verbose(
variant: &'static str,
block: GetBlock,
settings: &insta::Settings,
) {
settings.bind(|| insta::assert_json_snapshot!(format!("get_block_verbose_{variant}"), block));
/// Snapshot `getbestblockhash` response, using `cargo insta` and JSON serialization.
fn snapshot_rpc_getbestblockhash(tip_hash: GetBlockHash, settings: &insta::Settings) {
settings.bind(|| insta::assert_json_snapshot!("get_best_block_hash", tip_hash));
/// Snapshot `getrawmempool` response, using `cargo insta` and JSON serialization.
fn snapshot_rpc_getrawmempool(raw_mempool: Vec<String>, settings: &insta::Settings) {
settings.bind(|| insta::assert_json_snapshot!("get_raw_mempool", raw_mempool));
/// Snapshot `z_gettreestate` response, using `cargo insta` and JSON serialization.
fn snapshot_rpc_z_gettreestate(tree_state: GetTreestate, settings: &insta::Settings) {
settings.bind(|| insta::assert_json_snapshot!("z_get_treestate", tree_state));
/// Snapshot `getrawtransaction` response, using `cargo insta` and JSON serialization.
fn snapshot_rpc_getrawtransaction(
variant: &'static str,
raw_transaction: GetRawTransaction,
settings: &insta::Settings,
) {
settings.bind(|| {
insta::assert_json_snapshot!(format!("get_raw_transaction_{variant}"), raw_transaction)
/// Snapshot `getaddressbalance` response, using `cargo insta` and JSON serialization.
fn snapshot_rpc_getaddresstxids(transactions: Vec<String>, settings: &insta::Settings) {
settings.bind(|| insta::assert_json_snapshot!("get_address_tx_ids", transactions));
/// Snapshot `getaddressutxos` response, using `cargo insta` and JSON serialization.
fn snapshot_rpc_getaddressutxos(utxos: Vec<GetAddressUtxos>, settings: &insta::Settings) {
settings.bind(|| insta::assert_json_snapshot!("get_address_utxos", utxos));
/// Utility function to convert a `Network` to a lowercase string.
fn network_string(network: Network) -> String {
let mut net_suffix = network.to_string();