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//! Access to Zebra chain tip information.
//! Zebra has 3 different interfaces for access to chain tip information:
//! * [zebra_state::Request](crate::request): [tower::Service] requests about chain state,
//! * [LatestChainTip] for efficient access to the current best tip, and
//! * [ChainTipChange] to `await` specific changes to the chain tip.
use std::{fmt, sync::Arc};
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use futures::TryFutureExt;
use tokio::sync::watch;
use tracing::{field, instrument};
use zebra_chain::{
chain_tip::{BestTipChanged, ChainTip},
parameters::{Network, NetworkUpgrade},
transaction::{self, Transaction},
use crate::{
request::ContextuallyValidBlock, service::watch_receiver::WatchReceiver, FinalizedBlock,
use TipAction::*;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
use proptest_derive::Arbitrary;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
use zebra_chain::serialization::arbitrary::datetime_full;
mod tests;
/// The internal watch channel data type for [`ChainTipSender`], [`LatestChainTip`],
/// and [`ChainTipChange`].
type ChainTipData = Option<ChainTipBlock>;
/// A chain tip block, with precalculated block data.
/// Used to efficiently update [`ChainTipSender`], [`LatestChainTip`],
/// and [`ChainTipChange`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"), derive(Arbitrary))]
pub struct ChainTipBlock {
/// The hash of the best chain tip block.
pub hash: block::Hash,
/// The height of the best chain tip block.
pub height: block::Height,
/// The network block time of the best chain tip block.
any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"),
proptest(strategy = "datetime_full()")
pub time: DateTime<Utc>,
/// The block transactions.
pub transactions: Vec<Arc<Transaction>>,
/// The mined transaction IDs of the transactions in `block`,
/// in the same order as `block.transactions`.
pub transaction_hashes: Arc<[transaction::Hash]>,
/// The hash of the previous block in the best chain.
/// This block is immediately behind the best chain tip.
/// ## Note
/// If the best chain fork has changed, or some blocks have been skipped,
/// this hash will be different to the last returned `ChainTipBlock.hash`.
pub previous_block_hash: block::Hash,
impl fmt::Display for ChainTipBlock {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("height", &self.height)
.field("hash", &self.hash)
.field("transactions", &self.transactions.len())
impl From<ContextuallyValidBlock> for ChainTipBlock {
fn from(contextually_valid: ContextuallyValidBlock) -> Self {
let ContextuallyValidBlock {
} = contextually_valid;
Self {
time: block.header.time,
transactions: block.transactions.clone(),
previous_block_hash: block.header.previous_block_hash,
impl From<FinalizedBlock> for ChainTipBlock {
fn from(finalized: FinalizedBlock) -> Self {
let FinalizedBlock {
} = finalized;
Self {
time: block.header.time,
transactions: block.transactions.clone(),
previous_block_hash: block.header.previous_block_hash,
/// A sender for changes to the non-finalized and finalized chain tips.
pub struct ChainTipSender {
/// Have we got any chain tips from the non-finalized state?
/// Once this flag is set, we ignore the finalized state.
/// `None` tips don't set this flag.
use_non_finalized_tip: bool,
/// The sender channel for chain tip data.
sender: watch::Sender<ChainTipData>,
impl ChainTipSender {
/// Create new linked instances of [`ChainTipSender`], [`LatestChainTip`], and [`ChainTipChange`],
/// using an `initial_tip` and a [`Network`].
#[instrument(skip(initial_tip), fields(new_height, new_hash))]
pub fn new(
initial_tip: impl Into<Option<ChainTipBlock>>,
network: Network,
) -> (Self, LatestChainTip, ChainTipChange) {
let initial_tip = initial_tip.into();
let (sender, receiver) = watch::channel(None);
let mut sender = ChainTipSender {
use_non_finalized_tip: false,
let current = LatestChainTip::new(receiver);
let change = ChainTipChange::new(current.clone(), network);
(sender, current, change)
/// Update the latest finalized tip.
/// May trigger an update to the best tip.
skip(self, new_tip),
fields(old_use_non_finalized_tip, old_height, old_hash, new_height, new_hash)
pub fn set_finalized_tip(&mut self, new_tip: impl Into<Option<ChainTipBlock>> + Clone) {
let new_tip = new_tip.into();
if !self.use_non_finalized_tip {
/// Update the latest non-finalized tip.
/// May trigger an update to the best tip.
skip(self, new_tip),
fields(old_use_non_finalized_tip, old_height, old_hash, new_height, new_hash)
pub fn set_best_non_finalized_tip(
&mut self,
new_tip: impl Into<Option<ChainTipBlock>> + Clone,
) {
let new_tip = new_tip.into();
// once the non-finalized state becomes active, it is always populated
// but ignoring `None`s makes the tests easier
if new_tip.is_some() {
self.use_non_finalized_tip = true;
/// Possibly send an update to listeners.
/// An update is only sent if the current best tip is different from the last best tip
/// that was sent.
fn update(&mut self, new_tip: Option<ChainTipBlock>) {
// Correctness: the `self.sender.borrow()` must not be placed in a `let` binding to prevent
// a read-lock being created and living beyond the `self.sender.send(..)` call. If that
// happens, the `send` method will attempt to obtain a write-lock and will dead-lock.
// Without the binding, the guard is dropped at the end of the expression.
let active_hash = self
.map(|active_value| active_value.hash);
let needs_update = match (new_tip.as_ref(), active_hash) {
// since the blocks have been contextually validated,
// we know their hashes cover all the block data
(Some(new_tip), Some(active_hash)) => new_tip.hash != active_hash,
(Some(_new_tip), None) => true,
(None, _active_value_hash) => false,
if needs_update {
let _ = self.sender.send(new_tip);
/// Record `new_tip` in the current span.
/// Callers should create a new span with empty `new_height` and `new_hash` fields.
fn record_new_tip(new_tip: &Option<ChainTipBlock>) {
Self::record_tip(&tracing::Span::current(), "new", new_tip);
/// Record `new_tip` and the fields from `self` in the current span.
/// The fields recorded are:
/// - `new_height`
/// - `new_hash`
/// - `old_height`
/// - `old_hash`
/// - `old_use_non_finalized_tip`
/// Callers should create a new span with the empty fields described above.
fn record_fields(&self, new_tip: &Option<ChainTipBlock>) {
let span = tracing::Span::current();
let old_tip = &*self.sender.borrow();
Self::record_tip(&span, "new", new_tip);
Self::record_tip(&span, "old", old_tip);
/// Record `tip` into `span` using the `prefix` to name the fields.
/// Callers should create a new span with empty `{prefix}_height` and `{prefix}_hash` fields.
fn record_tip(span: &tracing::Span, prefix: &str, tip: &Option<ChainTipBlock>) {
let height = tip.as_ref().map(|block| block.height);
let hash = tip.as_ref().map(|block| block.hash);
span.record(format!("{prefix}_height").as_str(), field::debug(height));
span.record(format!("{prefix}_hash").as_str(), field::debug(hash));
/// Efficient access to the state's current best chain tip.
/// Each method returns data from the latest tip,
/// regardless of how many times you call it.
/// Cloned instances provide identical tip data.
/// The chain tip data is based on:
/// * the best non-finalized chain tip, if available, or
/// * the finalized tip.
/// ## Note
/// If a lot of blocks are committed at the same time,
/// the latest tip will skip some blocks in the chain.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct LatestChainTip {
/// The receiver for the current chain tip's data.
receiver: WatchReceiver<ChainTipData>,
impl LatestChainTip {
/// Create a new [`LatestChainTip`] from a watch channel receiver.
fn new(receiver: watch::Receiver<ChainTipData>) -> Self {
Self {
receiver: WatchReceiver::new(receiver),
/// Maps the current data `ChainTipData` to `Option<U>`
/// by applying a function to the watched value,
/// while holding the receiver lock as briefly as possible.
/// This helper method is a shorter way to borrow the value from the [`watch::Receiver`] and
/// extract some information from it, while also adding the current chain tip block's fields as
/// records to the current span.
/// A single read lock is acquired to clone `T`, and then released after the clone.
/// See the performance note on [`WatchReceiver::with_watch_data`].
/// Does not mark the watched data as seen.
/// # Correctness
/// To avoid deadlocks, see the correctness note on [`WatchReceiver::with_watch_data`].
fn with_chain_tip_block<U, F>(&self, f: F) -> Option<U>
F: FnOnce(&ChainTipBlock) -> U,
let span = tracing::Span::current();
let register_span_fields = |chain_tip_block: Option<&ChainTipBlock>| {
tracing::field::debug(chain_tip_block.map(|block| block.height)),
tracing::field::debug(chain_tip_block.map(|block| block.hash)),
tracing::field::debug(chain_tip_block.map(|block| block.time)),
tracing::field::debug(chain_tip_block.map(|block| block.previous_block_hash)),
tracing::field::debug(chain_tip_block.map(|block| block.transaction_hashes.len())),
self.receiver.with_watch_data(|chain_tip_block| {
// TODO: replace with Option::inspect when it stabilises
// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/91345
impl ChainTip for LatestChainTip {
fn best_tip_height(&self) -> Option<block::Height> {
self.with_chain_tip_block(|block| block.height)
fn best_tip_hash(&self) -> Option<block::Hash> {
self.with_chain_tip_block(|block| block.hash)
fn best_tip_height_and_hash(&self) -> Option<(block::Height, block::Hash)> {
self.with_chain_tip_block(|block| (block.height, block.hash))
fn best_tip_block_time(&self) -> Option<DateTime<Utc>> {
self.with_chain_tip_block(|block| block.time)
fn best_tip_height_and_block_time(&self) -> Option<(block::Height, DateTime<Utc>)> {
self.with_chain_tip_block(|block| (block.height, block.time))
fn best_tip_mined_transaction_ids(&self) -> Arc<[transaction::Hash]> {
self.with_chain_tip_block(|block| block.transaction_hashes.clone())
.unwrap_or_else(|| Arc::new([]))
/// Returns when the state tip changes.
/// Marks the state tip as seen when the returned future completes.
fn best_tip_changed(&mut self) -> BestTipChanged {
/// Mark the current best state tip as seen.
fn mark_best_tip_seen(&mut self) {
/// A chain tip change monitor.
/// Awaits changes and resets of the state's best chain tip,
/// returning the latest [`TipAction`] once the state is updated.
/// Each cloned instance separately tracks the last block data it provided. If
/// the best chain fork has changed since the last tip change on that instance,
/// it returns a [`Reset`].
/// The chain tip data is based on:
/// * the best non-finalized chain tip, if available, or
/// * the finalized tip.
pub struct ChainTipChange {
/// The receiver for the current chain tip's data.
latest_chain_tip: LatestChainTip,
/// The most recent [`block::Hash`] provided by this instance.
/// ## Note
/// If the best chain fork has changed, or some blocks have been skipped,
/// this hash will be different to the last returned `ChainTipBlock.hash`.
last_change_hash: Option<block::Hash>,
/// The network for the chain tip.
network: Network,
/// Actions that we can take in response to a [`ChainTipChange`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum TipAction {
/// The chain tip was updated continuously,
/// using a child `block` of the previous block.
/// The genesis block action is a `Grow`.
Grow {
/// Information about the block used to grow the chain.
block: ChainTipBlock,
/// The chain tip was reset to a block with `height` and `hash`.
/// Resets can happen for different reasons:
/// - a newly created or cloned [`ChainTipChange`], which is behind the
/// current tip,
/// - extending the chain with a network upgrade activation block,
/// - switching to a different best [`Chain`][1], also known as a rollback, and
/// - receiving multiple blocks since the previous change.
/// To keep the code and tests simple, Zebra performs the same reset
/// actions, regardless of the reset reason.
/// `Reset`s do not have the transaction hashes from the tip block, because
/// all transactions should be cleared by a reset.
/// [1]: super::non_finalized_state::Chain
Reset {
/// The block height of the tip, after the chain reset.
height: block::Height,
/// The block hash of the tip, after the chain reset.
/// Mainly useful for logging and debugging.
hash: block::Hash,
impl ChainTipChange {
/// Wait until the tip has changed, then return the corresponding [`TipAction`].
/// The returned action describes how the tip has changed
/// since the last call to this method.
/// If there have been no changes since the last time this method was called,
/// it waits for the next tip change before returning.
/// If there have been multiple changes since the last time this method was called,
/// they are combined into a single [`TipAction::Reset`].
/// Returns an error if communication with the state is lost.
/// ## Note
/// If a lot of blocks are committed at the same time,
/// the change will skip some blocks, and return a [`Reset`].
last_change_hash = ?self.last_change_hash,
network = ?self.network,
pub async fn wait_for_tip_change(&mut self) -> Result<TipAction, watch::error::RecvError> {
let block = self.tip_block_change().await?;
let action = self.action(block.clone());
self.last_change_hash = Some(block.hash);
/// Returns:
/// - `Some(`[`TipAction`]`)` if there has been a change since the last time the method was called.
/// - `None` if there has been no change.
/// See [`Self::wait_for_tip_change`] for details.
last_change_hash = ?self.last_change_hash,
network = ?self.network,
pub fn last_tip_change(&mut self) -> Option<TipAction> {
let block = self.latest_chain_tip.with_chain_tip_block(|block| {
if Some(block.hash) != self.last_change_hash {
} else {
// Ignore an unchanged tip.
let block_hash = block.hash;
let tip_action = self.action(block);
self.last_change_hash = Some(block_hash);
/// Return an action based on `block` and the last change we returned.
fn action(&self, block: ChainTipBlock) -> TipAction {
// check for an edge case that's dealt with by other code
Some(block.hash) != self.last_change_hash,
"ChainTipSender and ChainTipChange ignore unchanged tips"
// If the previous block hash doesn't match, reset.
// We've either:
// - just initialized this instance,
// - changed the best chain to another fork (a rollback), or
// - skipped some blocks in the best chain.
// Consensus rules:
// > It is possible for a reorganization to occur
// > that rolls back from after the activation height, to before that height.
// > This can handled in the same way as any regular chain orphaning or reorganization,
// > as long as the new chain is valid.
// https://zips.z.cash/zip-0200#chain-reorganization
// If we're at a network upgrade activation block, reset.
// Consensus rules:
// > When the current chain tip height reaches ACTIVATION_HEIGHT,
// > the node's local transaction memory pool SHOULD be cleared of transactions
// > that will never be valid on the post-upgrade consensus branch.
// https://zips.z.cash/zip-0200#memory-pool
// Skipped blocks can include network upgrade activation blocks.
// Fork changes can activate or deactivate a network upgrade.
// So we must perform the same actions for network upgrades and skipped blocks.
if Some(block.previous_block_hash) != self.last_change_hash
|| NetworkUpgrade::is_activation_height(self.network, block.height)
} else {
/// Create a new [`ChainTipChange`] from a [`LatestChainTip`] receiver and [`Network`].
fn new(latest_chain_tip: LatestChainTip, network: Network) -> Self {
Self {
last_change_hash: None,
/// Wait until the next chain tip change, then return the corresponding [`ChainTipBlock`].
/// Returns an error if communication with the state is lost.
async fn tip_block_change(&mut self) -> Result<ChainTipBlock, watch::error::RecvError> {
loop {
// If there are multiple changes while this code is executing,
// we don't rely on getting the first block or the latest block
// after the change notification.
// Any block update after the change will do,
// we'll catch up with the tip after the next change.
// Wait until we have a new block
// last_tip_change() updates last_change_hash, but it doesn't call receiver.changed().
// So code that uses both sync and async methods can have spurious pending changes.
// TODO: use `receiver.borrow_and_update()` in `with_chain_tip_block()`,
// once we upgrade to tokio 1.0 (#2200)
// and remove this extra check
let new_block = self
.with_chain_tip_block(|block| {
if Some(block.hash) != self.last_change_hash {
} else {
if let Some(block) = new_block {
return Ok(block);
impl Clone for ChainTipChange {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
latest_chain_tip: self.latest_chain_tip.clone(),
// clear the previous change hash, so the first action is a reset
last_change_hash: None,
network: self.network,
impl TipAction {
/// Is this tip action a [`Reset`]?
pub fn is_reset(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Reset { .. })
/// Returns the block hash of this tip action,
/// regardless of the underlying variant.
pub fn best_tip_hash(&self) -> block::Hash {
match self {
Grow { block } => block.hash,
Reset { hash, .. } => *hash,
/// Returns the block height of this tip action,
/// regardless of the underlying variant.
pub fn best_tip_height(&self) -> block::Height {
match self {
Grow { block } => block.height,
Reset { height, .. } => *height,
/// Returns the block hash and height of this tip action,
/// regardless of the underlying variant.
pub fn best_tip_hash_and_height(&self) -> (block::Hash, block::Height) {
match self {
Grow { block } => (block.hash, block.height),
Reset { hash, height } => (*hash, *height),
/// Returns a [`Grow`] based on `block`.
pub(crate) fn grow_with(block: ChainTipBlock) -> Self {
Grow { block }
/// Returns a [`Reset`] based on `block`.
pub(crate) fn reset_with(block: ChainTipBlock) -> Self {
Reset {
height: block.height,
hash: block.hash,
/// Converts this [`TipAction`] into a [`Reset`].
/// Designed for use in tests.
pub(crate) fn into_reset(self) -> Self {
match self {
Grow { block } => Reset {
height: block.height,
hash: block.hash,
reset @ Reset { .. } => reset,