
279 lines
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//! Orchard shielded data for `V5` `Transaction`s.
use std::{
cmp::{Eq, PartialEq},
fmt::{self, Debug},
use byteorder::{ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt};
use halo2::pasta::pallas;
use reddsa::{self, orchard::Binding, orchard::SpendAuth, Signature};
use crate::{
amount::{Amount, NegativeAllowed},
orchard::{tree, Action, Nullifier, ValueCommitment},
AtLeastOne, SerializationError, TrustedPreallocate, ZcashDeserialize, ZcashSerialize,
/// A bundle of [`Action`] descriptions and signature data.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct ShieldedData {
/// The orchard flags for this transaction.
/// Denoted as `flagsOrchard` in the spec.
pub flags: Flags,
/// The net value of Orchard spends minus outputs.
/// Denoted as `valueBalanceOrchard` in the spec.
pub value_balance: Amount,
/// The shared anchor for all `Spend`s in this transaction.
/// Denoted as `anchorOrchard` in the spec.
pub shared_anchor: tree::Root,
/// The aggregated zk-SNARK proof for all the actions in this transaction.
/// Denoted as `proofsOrchard` in the spec.
pub proof: Halo2Proof,
/// The Orchard Actions, in the order they appear in the transaction.
/// Denoted as `vActionsOrchard` and `vSpendAuthSigsOrchard` in the spec.
pub actions: AtLeastOne<AuthorizedAction>,
/// A signature on the transaction `sighash`.
/// Denoted as `bindingSigOrchard` in the spec.
pub binding_sig: Signature<Binding>,
impl fmt::Display for ShieldedData {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut fmter = f.debug_struct("orchard::ShieldedData");
fmter.field("actions", &self.actions.len());
fmter.field("value_balance", &self.value_balance);
fmter.field("flags", &self.flags);
fmter.field("proof_len", &self.proof.zcash_serialized_size());
fmter.field("shared_anchor", &self.shared_anchor);
impl ShieldedData {
/// Iterate over the [`Action`]s for the [`AuthorizedAction`]s in this
/// transaction, in the order they appear in it.
pub fn actions(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Action> {
/// Collect the [`Nullifier`]s for this transaction.
pub fn nullifiers(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Nullifier> {
self.actions().map(|action| &action.nullifier)
/// Calculate the Action binding verification key.
/// Getting the binding signature validating key from the Action description
/// value commitments and the balancing value implicitly checks that the
/// balancing value is consistent with the value transferred in the
/// Action descriptions, but also proves that the signer knew the
/// randomness used for the Action value commitments, which
/// prevents replays of Action descriptions that perform an output.
/// In Orchard, all Action descriptions have a spend authorization signature,
/// therefore the proof of knowledge of the value commitment randomness
/// is less important, but stills provides defense in depth, and reduces the
/// differences between Orchard and Sapling.
/// The net value of Orchard spends minus outputs in a transaction
/// is called the balancing value, measured in zatoshi as a signed integer
/// cv_balance.
/// Consistency of cv_balance with the value commitments in Action
/// descriptions is enforced by the binding signature.
/// Instead of generating a key pair at random, we generate it as a function
/// of the value commitments in the Action descriptions of the transaction, and
/// the balancing value.
/// <https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#orchardbalance>
pub fn binding_verification_key(&self) -> reddsa::VerificationKeyBytes<Binding> {
let cv: ValueCommitment = self.actions().map(|action| action.cv).sum();
let cv_balance: ValueCommitment =
ValueCommitment::new(pallas::Scalar::zero(), self.value_balance);
let key_bytes: [u8; 32] = (cv - cv_balance).into();
/// Provide access to the `value_balance` field of the shielded data.
/// Needed to calculate the sapling value balance.
pub fn value_balance(&self) -> Amount<NegativeAllowed> {
/// Collect the cm_x's for this transaction, if it contains [`Action`]s with
/// outputs, in the order they appear in the transaction.
pub fn note_commitments(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &pallas::Base> {
self.actions().map(|action| &action.cm_x)
impl AtLeastOne<AuthorizedAction> {
/// Iterate over the [`Action`]s of each [`AuthorizedAction`].
pub fn actions(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Action> {
.map(|authorized_action| &authorized_action.action)
/// An authorized action description.
/// Every authorized Orchard `Action` must have a corresponding `SpendAuth` signature.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct AuthorizedAction {
/// The action description of this Action.
pub action: Action,
/// The spend signature.
pub spend_auth_sig: Signature<SpendAuth>,
impl AuthorizedAction {
/// Split out the action and the signature for V5 transaction
/// serialization.
pub fn into_parts(self) -> (Action, Signature<SpendAuth>) {
(self.action, self.spend_auth_sig)
// Combine the action and the spend auth sig from V5 transaction
/// deserialization.
pub fn from_parts(action: Action, spend_auth_sig: Signature<SpendAuth>) -> AuthorizedAction {
AuthorizedAction {
/// The size of a single Action
/// Actions are 5 * 32 + 580 + 80 bytes so the total size of each Action is 820 bytes.
/// [7.5 Action Description Encoding and Consensus][ps]
/// [ps]: <https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#actionencodingandconsensus>
pub const ACTION_SIZE: u64 = 5 * 32 + 580 + 80;
/// The size of a single `Signature<SpendAuth>`.
/// Each Signature is 64 bytes.
/// [7.1 Transaction Encoding and Consensus][ps]
/// [ps]: <https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#actionencodingandconsensus>
pub const SPEND_AUTH_SIG_SIZE: u64 = 64;
/// The size of a single AuthorizedAction
/// Each serialized `Action` has a corresponding `Signature<SpendAuth>`.
/// The maximum number of orchard actions in a valid Zcash on-chain transaction V5.
/// If a transaction contains more actions than can fit in maximally large block, it might be
/// valid on the network and in the mempool, but it can never be mined into a block. So
/// rejecting these large edge-case transactions can never break consensus.
impl TrustedPreallocate for Action {
fn max_allocation() -> u64 {
// Since a serialized Vec<AuthorizedAction> uses at least one byte for its length,
// and the signature is required,
// a valid max allocation can never exceed this size
// # Consensus
// > [NU5 onward] nSpendsSapling, nOutputsSapling, and nActionsOrchard MUST all be less than 2^16.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#txnconsensus
// This acts as nActionsOrchard and is therefore subject to the rule.
// The maximum value is actually smaller due to the block size limit,
// but we ensure the 2^16 limit with a static assertion.
static_assertions::const_assert!(MAX < (1 << 16));
impl TrustedPreallocate for Signature<SpendAuth> {
fn max_allocation() -> u64 {
// Each signature must have a corresponding action.
bitflags! {
/// Per-Transaction flags for Orchard.
/// The spend and output flags are passed to the `Halo2Proof` verifier, which verifies
/// the relevant note spending and creation consensus rules.
/// # Consensus
/// > [NU5 onward] In a version 5 transaction, the reserved bits 2..7 of the flagsOrchard
/// > field MUST be zero.
/// <https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#txnconsensus>
/// ([`bitflags`](https://docs.rs/bitflags/1.2.1/bitflags/index.html) restricts its values to the
/// set of valid flags)
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Flags: u8 {
/// Enable spending non-zero valued Orchard notes.
/// "the `enableSpendsOrchard` flag, if present, MUST be 0 for coinbase transactions"
const ENABLE_SPENDS = 0b00000001;
/// Enable creating new non-zero valued Orchard notes.
const ENABLE_OUTPUTS = 0b00000010;
// We use the `bitflags 2.x` library to implement [`Flags`]. The
// `2.x` version of the library uses a different serialization
// format compared to `1.x`.
// This manual implementation uses the `bitflags_serde_legacy` crate
// to serialize `Flags` as `bitflags 1.x` would.
impl serde::Serialize for Flags {
fn serialize<S: serde::Serializer>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
bitflags_serde_legacy::serialize(self, "Flags", serializer)
// We use the `bitflags 2.x` library to implement [`Flags`]. The
// `2.x` version of the library uses a different deserialization
// format compared to `1.x`.
// This manual implementation uses the `bitflags_serde_legacy` crate
// to deserialize `Flags` as `bitflags 1.x` would.
impl<'de> serde::Deserialize<'de> for Flags {
fn deserialize<D: serde::Deserializer<'de>>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> {
bitflags_serde_legacy::deserialize("Flags", deserializer)
impl ZcashSerialize for Flags {
fn zcash_serialize<W: io::Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
impl ZcashDeserialize for Flags {
fn zcash_deserialize<R: io::Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
// Consensus rule: "In a version 5 transaction,
// the reserved bits 2..7 of the flagsOrchard field MUST be zero."
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#txnencodingandconsensus
// Clippy 1.64 is wrong here, this lazy evaluation is necessary, constructors are functions. This is fixed in 1.66.
.ok_or_else(|| SerializationError::Parse("invalid reserved orchard flags"))