
199 lines
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//! Async RedJubjub batch verifier service
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use futures::{future::BoxFuture, FutureExt};
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use rand::thread_rng;
use tokio::sync::watch;
use tower::{util::ServiceFn, Service};
use tower_batch_control::{Batch, BatchControl};
use tower_fallback::Fallback;
use zebra_chain::primitives::redjubjub::{batch, *};
use crate::BoxError;
use super::{spawn_fifo, spawn_fifo_and_convert};
mod tests;
/// The type of the batch verifier.
type BatchVerifier = batch::Verifier;
/// The type of verification results.
type VerifyResult = Result<(), Error>;
/// The type of the batch sender channel.
type Sender = watch::Sender<Option<VerifyResult>>;
/// The type of the batch item.
/// This is a `RedJubjubItem`.
pub type Item = batch::Item;
/// Global batch verification context for RedJubjub signatures.
/// This service transparently batches contemporaneous signature verifications,
/// handling batch failures by falling back to individual verification.
/// Note that making a `Service` call requires mutable access to the service, so
/// you should call `.clone()` on the global handle to create a local, mutable
/// handle.
pub static VERIFIER: Lazy<
Batch<Verifier, Item>,
ServiceFn<fn(Item) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<(), BoxError>>>,
> = Lazy::new(|| {
// We want to fallback to individual verification if batch verification fails,
// so we need a Service to use.
// Because we have to specify the type of a static, we need to be able to
// write the type of the closure and its return value. But both closures and
// async blocks have unnameable types. So instead we cast the closure to a function
// (which is possible because it doesn't capture any state), and use a BoxFuture
// to erase the result type.
// (We can't use BoxCloneService to erase the service type, because it is !Sync.)
(|item: Item| Verifier::verify_single_spawning(item).boxed()) as fn(_) -> _,
/// RedJubjub signature verifier service
pub struct Verifier {
/// A batch verifier for RedJubjub signatures.
batch: BatchVerifier,
/// A channel for broadcasting the result of a batch to the futures for each batch item.
/// Each batch gets a newly created channel, so there is only ever one result sent per channel.
/// Tokio doesn't have a oneshot multi-consumer channel, so we use a watch channel.
tx: Sender,
impl Default for Verifier {
fn default() -> Self {
let batch = BatchVerifier::default();
let (tx, _) = watch::channel(None);
Self { batch, tx }
impl Verifier {
/// Returns the batch verifier and channel sender from `self`,
/// replacing them with a new empty batch.
fn take(&mut self) -> (BatchVerifier, Sender) {
// Use a new verifier and channel for each batch.
let batch = mem::take(&mut self.batch);
let (tx, _) = watch::channel(None);
let tx = mem::replace(&mut self.tx, tx);
(batch, tx)
/// Synchronously process the batch, and send the result using the channel sender.
/// This function blocks until the batch is completed.
fn verify(batch: BatchVerifier, tx: Sender) {
let result = batch.verify(thread_rng());
let _ = tx.send(Some(result));
/// Flush the batch using a thread pool, and return the result via the channel.
/// This returns immediately, usually before the batch is completed.
fn flush_blocking(&mut self) {
let (batch, tx) = self.take();
// Correctness: Do CPU-intensive work on a dedicated thread, to avoid blocking other futures.
// We don't care about execution order here, because this method is only called on drop.
tokio::task::block_in_place(|| rayon::spawn_fifo(|| Self::verify(batch, tx)));
/// Flush the batch using a thread pool, and return the result via the channel.
/// This function returns a future that becomes ready when the batch is completed.
async fn flush_spawning(batch: BatchVerifier, tx: Sender) {
// Correctness: Do CPU-intensive work on a dedicated thread, to avoid blocking other futures.
let _ = tx.send(spawn_fifo(move || batch.verify(thread_rng())).await.ok());
/// Verify a single item using a thread pool, and return the result.
async fn verify_single_spawning(item: Item) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
// Correctness: Do CPU-intensive work on a dedicated thread, to avoid blocking other futures.
spawn_fifo_and_convert(move || item.verify_single()).await
impl Service<BatchControl<Item>> for Verifier {
type Response = ();
type Error = BoxError;
type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(), BoxError>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
fn call(&mut self, req: BatchControl<Item>) -> Self::Future {
match req {
BatchControl::Item(item) => {
tracing::trace!("got item");
let mut rx = self.tx.subscribe();
Box::pin(async move {
match rx.changed().await {
Ok(()) => {
// We use a new channel for each batch,
// so we always get the correct batch result here.
let result = rx.borrow()
.ok_or("threadpool unexpectedly dropped response channel sender. Is Zebra shutting down?")?;
if result.is_ok() {
tracing::trace!(?result, "validated redjubjub signature");
} else {
tracing::trace!(?result, "invalid redjubjub signature");
Err(_recv_error) => panic!("verifier was dropped without flushing"),
BatchControl::Flush => {
tracing::trace!("got redjubjub flush command");
let (batch, tx) = self.take();
Box::pin(Self::flush_spawning(batch, tx).map(Ok))
impl Drop for Verifier {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// We need to flush the current batch in case there are still any pending futures.
// This returns immediately, usually before the batch is completed.