
1434 lines
54 KiB

//! Initial [`Handshake`]s with Zebra peers over a `PeerTransport`.
use std::{
net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr},
task::{Context, Poll},
use chrono::{TimeZone, Utc};
use futures::{channel::oneshot, future, pin_mut, FutureExt, SinkExt, StreamExt};
use indexmap::IndexSet;
use tokio::{
io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite},
time::{error, timeout, Instant},
use tokio_stream::wrappers::IntervalStream;
use tokio_util::codec::Framed;
use tower::Service;
use tracing::{span, Level, Span};
use tracing_futures::Instrument;
use zebra_chain::{
chain_tip::{ChainTip, NoChainTip},
serialization::{DateTime32, SerializationError},
use crate::{
CancelHeartbeatTask, Client, ClientRequest, Connection, ErrorSlot, HandshakeError,
MinimumPeerVersion, PeerError,
peer_set::{ConnectionTracker, InventoryChange},
external::{types::*, AddrInVersion, Codec, InventoryHash, Message},
internal::{Request, Response},
BoxError, Config, PeerSocketAddr, VersionMessage,
mod tests;
/// A [`Service`] that handshakes with a remote peer and constructs a
/// client/server pair.
/// To avoid hangs, each handshake (or its connector) should be:
/// - launched in a separate task, and
/// - wrapped in a timeout.
pub struct Handshake<S, C = NoChainTip>
S: Service<Request, Response = Response, Error = BoxError> + Clone + Send + 'static,
S::Future: Send,
C: ChainTip + Clone + Send + 'static,
config: Config,
user_agent: String,
our_services: PeerServices,
relay: bool,
inbound_service: S,
address_book_updater: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<MetaAddrChange>,
inv_collector: broadcast::Sender<InventoryChange>,
minimum_peer_version: MinimumPeerVersion<C>,
nonces: Arc<futures::lock::Mutex<IndexSet<Nonce>>>,
parent_span: Span,
impl<S, C> fmt::Debug for Handshake<S, C>
S: Service<Request, Response = Response, Error = BoxError> + Clone + Send + 'static,
S::Future: Send,
C: ChainTip + Clone + Send + 'static,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
// skip the channels, they don't tell us anything useful
f.debug_struct(std::any::type_name::<Handshake<S, C>>())
.field("config", &self.config)
.field("user_agent", &self.user_agent)
.field("our_services", &self.our_services)
.field("relay", &self.relay)
.field("minimum_peer_version", &self.minimum_peer_version)
.field("parent_span", &self.parent_span)
impl<S, C> Clone for Handshake<S, C>
S: Service<Request, Response = Response, Error = BoxError> + Clone + Send + 'static,
S::Future: Send,
C: ChainTip + Clone + Send + 'static,
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
config: self.config.clone(),
user_agent: self.user_agent.clone(),
our_services: self.our_services,
relay: self.relay,
inbound_service: self.inbound_service.clone(),
address_book_updater: self.address_book_updater.clone(),
inv_collector: self.inv_collector.clone(),
minimum_peer_version: self.minimum_peer_version.clone(),
nonces: self.nonces.clone(),
parent_span: self.parent_span.clone(),
/// The metadata for a peer connection.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ConnectionInfo {
/// The connected peer address, if known.
/// This address might not be valid for outbound connections.
/// Peers can be connected via a transient inbound or proxy address,
/// which will appear as the connected address to the OS and Zebra.
pub connected_addr: ConnectedAddr,
/// The network protocol [`VersionMessage`] sent by the remote peer.
pub remote: VersionMessage,
/// The network protocol version negotiated with the remote peer.
/// Derived from `remote.version` and the
/// [current `zebra_network` protocol version](constants::CURRENT_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_VERSION).
pub negotiated_version: Version,
/// The peer address that we are handshaking with.
/// Typically, we can rely on outbound addresses, but inbound addresses don't
/// give us enough information to reconnect to that peer.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ConnectedAddr {
/// The address we used to make a direct outbound connection.
/// In an honest network, a Zcash peer is listening on this exact address
/// and port.
OutboundDirect {
/// The connected outbound remote address and port.
addr: PeerSocketAddr,
/// The address we received from the OS, when a remote peer directly
/// connected to our Zcash listener port.
/// In an honest network, a Zcash peer might be listening on this address,
/// if its outbound address is the same as its listener address. But the port
/// is an ephemeral outbound TCP port, not a listener port.
InboundDirect {
/// The connected inbound remote address and ephemeral port.
/// The IP address might be the address of a Zcash peer, but the port is an ephemeral port.
addr: PeerSocketAddr,
/// The proxy address we used to make an outbound connection.
/// The proxy address can be used by many connections, but our own ephemeral
/// outbound address and port can be used as an identifier for the duration
/// of this connection.
OutboundProxy {
/// The remote address and port of the proxy.
proxy_addr: SocketAddr,
/// The local address and transient port we used to connect to the proxy.
transient_local_addr: SocketAddr,
/// The address we received from the OS, when a remote peer connected via an
/// inbound proxy.
/// The proxy's ephemeral outbound address can be used as an identifier for
/// the duration of this connection.
InboundProxy {
/// The local address and transient port we used to connect to the proxy.
transient_addr: SocketAddr,
/// An isolated connection, where we deliberately don't have any connection metadata.
// TODO: handle Tor onion addresses
/// Get an unspecified IPv4 address for `network`
pub fn get_unspecified_ipv4_addr(network: Network) -> SocketAddr {
(Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED, network.default_port()).into()
use ConnectedAddr::*;
impl ConnectedAddr {
/// Returns a new outbound directly connected addr.
pub fn new_outbound_direct(addr: PeerSocketAddr) -> ConnectedAddr {
OutboundDirect { addr }
/// Returns a new inbound directly connected addr.
pub fn new_inbound_direct(addr: PeerSocketAddr) -> ConnectedAddr {
InboundDirect { addr }
/// Returns a new outbound connected addr via `proxy`.
/// `local_addr` is the ephemeral local address of the connection.
pub fn new_outbound_proxy(proxy: SocketAddr, local_addr: SocketAddr) -> ConnectedAddr {
OutboundProxy {
proxy_addr: proxy,
transient_local_addr: local_addr,
/// Returns a new inbound connected addr from `proxy`.
// TODO: distinguish between direct listeners and proxy listeners in the
// rest of zebra-network
pub fn new_inbound_proxy(proxy: SocketAddr) -> ConnectedAddr {
InboundProxy {
transient_addr: proxy,
/// Returns a new isolated connected addr, with no metadata.
pub fn new_isolated() -> ConnectedAddr {
/// Returns a `PeerSocketAddr` that can be used to track this connection in the
/// `AddressBook`.
/// `None` for inbound connections, proxy connections, and isolated
/// connections.
/// # Correctness
/// This address can be used for reconnection attempts, or as a permanent
/// identifier.
/// # Security
/// This address must not depend on the canonical address from the `Version`
/// message. Otherwise, malicious peers could interfere with other peers
/// `AddressBook` state.
/// TODO: remove the `get_` from these methods (Rust style avoids `get` prefixes)
pub fn get_address_book_addr(&self) -> Option<PeerSocketAddr> {
match self {
OutboundDirect { addr } => Some(*addr),
// TODO: consider using the canonical address of the peer to track
// outbound proxy connections
InboundDirect { .. } | OutboundProxy { .. } | InboundProxy { .. } | Isolated => None,
/// Returns a `PeerSocketAddr` that can be used to temporarily identify a
/// connection.
/// Isolated connections must not change Zebra's peer set or address book
/// state, so they do not have an identifier.
/// # Correctness
/// The returned address is only valid while the original connection is
/// open. It must not be used in the `AddressBook`, for outbound connection
/// attempts, or as a permanent identifier.
/// # Security
/// This address must not depend on the canonical address from the `Version`
/// message. Otherwise, malicious peers could interfere with other peers'
/// `PeerSet` state.
pub fn get_transient_addr(&self) -> Option<PeerSocketAddr> {
match self {
OutboundDirect { addr } => Some(*addr),
InboundDirect { addr } => Some(*addr),
OutboundProxy {
} => Some(PeerSocketAddr::from(*transient_local_addr)),
InboundProxy { transient_addr } => Some(PeerSocketAddr::from(*transient_addr)),
Isolated => None,
/// Returns the metrics label for this connection's address.
pub fn get_transient_addr_label(&self) -> String {
.map_or_else(|| "isolated".to_string(), |addr| addr.to_string())
/// Returns a short label for the kind of connection.
pub fn get_short_kind_label(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
OutboundDirect { .. } => "Out",
InboundDirect { .. } => "In",
OutboundProxy { .. } => "ProxOut",
InboundProxy { .. } => "ProxIn",
Isolated => "Isol",
/// Returns a list of alternate remote peer addresses, which can be used for
/// reconnection attempts.
/// Uses the connected address, and the remote canonical address.
/// Skips duplicates. If this is an outbound connection, also skips the
/// remote address that we're currently connected to.
pub fn get_alternate_addrs(
mut canonical_remote: PeerSocketAddr,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = PeerSocketAddr> {
let addrs = match self {
OutboundDirect { addr } => {
// Fixup unspecified addresses and ports using known good data
if canonical_remote.ip().is_unspecified() {
if canonical_remote.port() == 0 {
// Try the canonical remote address, if it is different from the
// outbound address (which we already have in our address book)
if &canonical_remote != addr {
} else {
// we didn't learn a new address from the handshake:
// it's the same as the outbound address, which is already in our address book
InboundDirect { addr } => {
// Use the IP from the TCP connection, and the port the peer told us
let maybe_addr = SocketAddr::new(addr.ip(), canonical_remote.port()).into();
// Try both addresses, but remove one duplicate if they match
if canonical_remote != maybe_addr {
vec![canonical_remote, maybe_addr]
} else {
// Proxy addresses can't be used for reconnection attempts, but we
// can try the canonical remote address
OutboundProxy { .. } | InboundProxy { .. } => vec![canonical_remote],
// Hide all metadata for isolated connections
Isolated => Vec::new(),
impl fmt::Debug for ConnectedAddr {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let kind = self.get_short_kind_label();
let addr = self.get_transient_addr_label();
if matches!(self, Isolated) {
} else {
/// A builder for `Handshake`.
pub struct Builder<S, C = NoChainTip>
S: Service<Request, Response = Response, Error = BoxError> + Clone + Send + 'static,
S::Future: Send,
C: ChainTip + Clone + Send + 'static,
config: Option<Config>,
our_services: Option<PeerServices>,
user_agent: Option<String>,
relay: Option<bool>,
inbound_service: Option<S>,
address_book_updater: Option<tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<MetaAddrChange>>,
inv_collector: Option<broadcast::Sender<InventoryChange>>,
latest_chain_tip: C,
impl<S, C> Builder<S, C>
S: Service<Request, Response = Response, Error = BoxError> + Clone + Send + 'static,
S::Future: Send,
C: ChainTip + Clone + Send + 'static,
/// Provide a config. Mandatory.
pub fn with_config(mut self, config: Config) -> Self {
self.config = Some(config);
/// Provide a service to handle inbound requests. Mandatory.
pub fn with_inbound_service(mut self, inbound_service: S) -> Self {
self.inbound_service = Some(inbound_service);
/// Provide a channel for registering inventory advertisements. Optional.
/// This channel takes transient remote addresses, which the `PeerSet` uses
/// to look up peers that have specific inventory.
pub fn with_inventory_collector(
mut self,
inv_collector: broadcast::Sender<InventoryChange>,
) -> Self {
self.inv_collector = Some(inv_collector);
/// Provide a hook for timestamp collection. Optional.
/// This channel takes `MetaAddr`s, permanent addresses which can be used to
/// make outbound connections to peers.
pub fn with_address_book_updater(
mut self,
address_book_updater: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<MetaAddrChange>,
) -> Self {
self.address_book_updater = Some(address_book_updater);
/// Provide the services this node advertises to other peers. Optional.
/// If this is unset, the node will advertise itself as a client.
pub fn with_advertised_services(mut self, services: PeerServices) -> Self {
self.our_services = Some(services);
/// Provide this node's user agent. Optional.
/// This must be a valid BIP14 string. If it is unset, the user-agent will be empty.
pub fn with_user_agent(mut self, user_agent: String) -> Self {
self.user_agent = Some(user_agent);
/// Provide a realtime endpoint to obtain the current best chain tip block height. Optional.
/// If this is unset, the minimum accepted protocol version for peer connections is kept
/// constant over network upgrade activations.
/// Use [`NoChainTip`] to explicitly provide no chain tip.
pub fn with_latest_chain_tip<NewC>(self, latest_chain_tip: NewC) -> Builder<S, NewC>
NewC: ChainTip + Clone + Send + 'static,
Builder {
// TODO: Until Rust RFC 2528 reaches stable, we can't do `..self`
config: self.config,
inbound_service: self.inbound_service,
address_book_updater: self.address_book_updater,
our_services: self.our_services,
user_agent: self.user_agent,
relay: self.relay,
inv_collector: self.inv_collector,
/// Whether to request that peers relay transactions to our node. Optional.
/// If this is unset, the node will not request transactions.
pub fn want_transactions(mut self, relay: bool) -> Self {
self.relay = Some(relay);
/// Consume this builder and produce a [`Handshake`].
/// Returns an error only if any mandatory field was unset.
pub fn finish(self) -> Result<Handshake<S, C>, &'static str> {
let config = self.config.ok_or("did not specify config")?;
let inbound_service = self
.ok_or("did not specify inbound service")?;
let inv_collector = self.inv_collector.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let (tx, _) = broadcast::channel(100);
let address_book_updater = self.address_book_updater.unwrap_or_else(|| {
// No `AddressBookUpdater` for timestamp collection was passed, so create a stub
// channel. Dropping the receiver means sends will fail, but we don't care.
let (tx, _rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);
let nonces = Arc::new(futures::lock::Mutex::new(IndexSet::new()));
let user_agent = self.user_agent.unwrap_or_default();
let our_services = self.our_services.unwrap_or_else(PeerServices::empty);
let relay = self.relay.unwrap_or(false);
let network = config.network;
let minimum_peer_version = MinimumPeerVersion::new(self.latest_chain_tip, network);
Ok(Handshake {
parent_span: Span::current(),
impl<S> Handshake<S, NoChainTip>
S: Service<Request, Response = Response, Error = BoxError> + Clone + Send + 'static,
S::Future: Send,
/// Create a builder that configures a [`Handshake`] service.
pub fn builder() -> Builder<S, NoChainTip> {
// We don't derive `Default` because the derive inserts a `where S:
// Default` bound even though `Option<S>` implements `Default` even if
// `S` does not.
Builder {
config: None,
our_services: None,
user_agent: None,
relay: None,
inbound_service: None,
address_book_updater: None,
inv_collector: None,
latest_chain_tip: NoChainTip,
/// Negotiate the Zcash network protocol version with the remote peer at `connected_addr`, using
/// the connection `peer_conn`.
/// We split `Handshake` into its components before calling this function, to avoid infectious
/// `Sync` bounds on the returned future.
/// Returns the [`VersionMessage`] sent by the remote peer, and the [`Version`] negotiated with the
/// remote peer, inside a [`ConnectionInfo`] struct.
pub async fn negotiate_version<PeerTransport>(
peer_conn: &mut Framed<PeerTransport, Codec>,
connected_addr: &ConnectedAddr,
config: Config,
nonces: Arc<futures::lock::Mutex<IndexSet<Nonce>>>,
user_agent: String,
our_services: PeerServices,
relay: bool,
mut minimum_peer_version: MinimumPeerVersion<impl ChainTip>,
) -> Result<Arc<ConnectionInfo>, HandshakeError>
PeerTransport: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + 'static,
// Create a random nonce for this connection
let local_nonce = Nonce::default();
// Insert the nonce for this handshake into the shared nonce set.
// Each connection has its own connection state, and handshakes execute concurrently.
// # Correctness
// It is ok to wait for the lock here, because handshakes have a short
// timeout, and the async mutex will be released when the task times
// out.
let mut locked_nonces = nonces.lock().await;
// Duplicate nonces are very rare, because they require a 64-bit random number collision,
// and the nonce set is limited to a few hundred entries.
let is_unique_nonce = locked_nonces.insert(local_nonce);
if !is_unique_nonce {
return Err(HandshakeError::LocalDuplicateNonce);
// # Security
// Limit the amount of memory used for nonces.
// Nonces can be left in the set if the connection fails or times out between
// the nonce being inserted, and it being removed.
// Zebra has strict connection limits, so we limit the number of nonces to
// the configured connection limit.
// This is a tradeoff between:
// - avoiding memory denial of service attacks which make large numbers of connections,
// for example, 100 failed inbound connections takes 1 second.
// - memory usage: 16 bytes per `Nonce`, 3.2 kB for 200 nonces
// - collision probability: two hundred 64-bit nonces have a very low collision probability
// <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem#Probability_of_a_shared_birthday_(collision)>
while locked_nonces.len() > config.peerset_total_connection_limit() {
// Don't leak our exact clock skew to our peers. On the other hand,
// we can't deviate too much, or zcashd will get confused.
// Inspection of the zcashd source code reveals that the timestamp
// is only ever used at the end of parsing the version message, in
// pfrom->nTimeOffset = timeWarning.AddTimeData(pfrom->addr, nTime, GetTime());
// AddTimeData is defined in src/timedata.cpp and is a no-op as long
// as the difference between the specified timestamp and the
// zcashd's local time is less than TIMEDATA_WARNING_THRESHOLD, set
// to 10 * 60 seconds (10 minutes).
// nTimeOffset is peer metadata that is never used, except for
// statistics.
// To try to stay within the range where zcashd will ignore our clock skew,
// truncate the timestamp to the nearest 5 minutes.
let now = Utc::now().timestamp();
let timestamp = Utc
.timestamp_opt(now - now.rem_euclid(5 * 60), 0)
.expect("in-range number of seconds and valid nanosecond");
let (their_addr, our_services, our_listen_addr) = match connected_addr {
// Version messages require an address, so we use
// an unspecified address for Isolated connections
Isolated => {
let unspec_ipv4 = get_unspecified_ipv4_addr(config.network);
(unspec_ipv4.into(), PeerServices::empty(), unspec_ipv4)
_ => {
let their_addr = connected_addr
.expect("non-Isolated connections have a remote addr");
(their_addr, our_services, config.listen_addr)
let our_version = VersionMessage {
services: our_services,
address_recv: AddrInVersion::new(their_addr, PeerServices::NODE_NETWORK),
// TODO: detect external address (#1893)
address_from: AddrInVersion::new(our_listen_addr, our_services),
nonce: local_nonce,
user_agent: user_agent.clone(),
start_height: minimum_peer_version.chain_tip_height(),
debug!(?our_version, "sending initial version message");
let mut remote_msg = peer_conn
// Wait for next message if the one we got is not Version
let remote: VersionMessage = loop {
match remote_msg {
Message::Version(version_message) => {
debug!(?version_message, "got version message from remote peer");
break version_message;
_ => {
remote_msg = peer_conn
debug!(?remote_msg, "ignoring non-version message from remote peer");
let remote_address_services = remote.address_from.untrusted_services();
if remote_address_services != remote.services {
"peer with inconsistent version services and version address services",
// Check for nonce reuse, indicating self-connection
// # Correctness
// We must wait for the lock before we continue with the connection, to avoid
// self-connection. If the connection times out, the async lock will be
// released.
// # Security
// We don't remove the nonce here, because peers that observe our network traffic could
// maliciously remove nonces, and force us to make self-connections.
let nonce_reuse = nonces.lock().await.contains(&remote.nonce);
if nonce_reuse {
info!(?connected_addr, "rejecting self-connection attempt");
// # Security
// Reject connections to peers on old versions, because they might not know about all
// network upgrades and could lead to chain forks or slower block propagation.
let min_version = minimum_peer_version.current();
if remote.version < min_version {
remote_ip = ?their_addr,
"disconnecting from peer with obsolete network protocol version",
// the value is the number of rejected handshakes, by peer IP and protocol version
"remote_ip" => their_addr.to_string(),
"remote_version" => remote.version.to_string(),
"min_version" => min_version.to_string(),
"user_agent" => remote.user_agent.clone(),
// the value is the remote version of the most recent rejected handshake from each peer
"remote_ip" => their_addr.to_string(),
.set(remote.version.0 as f64);
// Disconnect if peer is using an obsolete version.
return Err(HandshakeError::ObsoleteVersion(remote.version));
let negotiated_version = min(constants::CURRENT_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_VERSION, remote.version);
// Limit containing struct size, and avoid multiple duplicates of 300+ bytes of data.
let connection_info = Arc::new(ConnectionInfo {
connected_addr: *connected_addr,
remote_ip = ?their_addr,
"negotiated network protocol version with peer",
// the value is the number of connected handshakes, by peer IP and protocol version
"remote_ip" => their_addr.to_string(),
"remote_version" => connection_info.remote.version.to_string(),
"negotiated_version" => negotiated_version.to_string(),
"min_version" => min_version.to_string(),
"user_agent" => connection_info.remote.user_agent.clone(),
// the value is the remote version of the most recent connected handshake from each peer
"remote_ip" => their_addr.to_string(),
.set(connection_info.remote.version.0 as f64);
let mut remote_msg = peer_conn
// Wait for next message if the one we got is not Verack
loop {
match remote_msg {
Message::Verack => {
debug!(?remote_msg, "got verack message from remote peer");
_ => {
remote_msg = peer_conn
debug!(?remote_msg, "ignoring non-verack message from remote peer");
/// A handshake request.
/// Contains the information needed to handshake with the peer.
pub struct HandshakeRequest<PeerTransport>
PeerTransport: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + 'static,
/// The tokio [`TcpStream`](tokio::net::TcpStream) or Tor
/// `arti_client::DataStream` to the peer.
// Use [`arti_client::DataStream`] when #5492 is done.
pub data_stream: PeerTransport,
/// The address of the peer, and other related information.
pub connected_addr: ConnectedAddr,
/// A connection tracker that reduces the open connection count when dropped.
/// Used to limit the number of open connections in Zebra.
pub connection_tracker: ConnectionTracker,
impl<S, PeerTransport, C> Service<HandshakeRequest<PeerTransport>> for Handshake<S, C>
S: Service<Request, Response = Response, Error = BoxError> + Clone + Send + 'static,
S::Future: Send,
C: ChainTip + Clone + Send + 'static,
PeerTransport: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + 'static,
type Response = Client;
type Error = BoxError;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
fn call(&mut self, req: HandshakeRequest<PeerTransport>) -> Self::Future {
let HandshakeRequest {
} = req;
let negotiator_span = debug_span!("negotiator", peer = ?connected_addr);
// set the peer connection span's parent to the global span, as it
// should exist independently of its creation source (inbound
// connection, crawler, initial peer, ...)
let connection_span =
span!(parent: &self.parent_span, Level::INFO, "", peer = ?connected_addr);
// Clone these upfront, so they can be moved into the future.
let nonces = self.nonces.clone();
let inbound_service = self.inbound_service.clone();
let address_book_updater = self.address_book_updater.clone();
let inv_collector = self.inv_collector.clone();
let config = self.config.clone();
let user_agent = self.user_agent.clone();
let our_services = self.our_services;
let relay = self.relay;
let minimum_peer_version = self.minimum_peer_version.clone();
// # Security
// `zebra_network::init()` implements a connection timeout on this future.
// Any code outside this future does not have a timeout.
let fut = async move {
addr = ?connected_addr,
"negotiating protocol version with remote peer"
let mut peer_conn = Framed::new(
let connection_info = negotiate_version(
&mut peer_conn,
let remote_services = connection_info.remote.services;
// The handshake succeeded: update the peer status from AttemptPending to Responded,
// and send initial connection info.
if let Some(book_addr) = connected_addr.get_address_book_addr() {
// the collector doesn't depend on network activity,
// so this await should not hang
let _ = address_book_updater
.send(MetaAddr::new_connected(book_addr, &remote_services))
// Reconfigure the codec to use the negotiated version.
// TODO: The tokio documentation says not to do this while any frames are still being processed.
// Since we don't know that here, another way might be to release the tcp
// stream from the unversioned Framed wrapper and construct a new one with a versioned codec.
let bare_codec = peer_conn.codec_mut();
debug!("constructing client, spawning server");
// These channels communicate between the inbound and outbound halves of the connection,
// and between the different connection tasks. We create separate tasks and channels
// for each new connection.
let (server_tx, server_rx) = futures::channel::mpsc::channel(0);
let (shutdown_tx, shutdown_rx) = oneshot::channel();
let error_slot = ErrorSlot::default();
let (peer_tx, peer_rx) = peer_conn.split();
// Instrument the peer's rx and tx streams.
let inner_conn_span = connection_span.clone();
let peer_tx = peer_tx.with(move |msg: Message| {
let span = debug_span!(parent: inner_conn_span.clone(), "outbound_metric");
// Add a metric for outbound messages.
"command" => msg.command(),
"addr" => connected_addr.get_transient_addr_label(),
// We need to use future::ready rather than an async block here,
// because we need the sink to be Unpin, and the With<Fut, ...>
// returned by .with is Unpin only if Fut is Unpin, and the
// futures generated by async blocks are not Unpin.
// Ping/Pong messages and every error must update the peer address state via
// the inbound_ts_collector.
// The heartbeat task sends regular Ping/Pong messages,
// and it ends the connection if the heartbeat times out.
// So we can just track peer activity based on Ping and Pong.
// (This significantly improves performance, by reducing time system calls.)
let inbound_ts_collector = address_book_updater.clone();
let inbound_inv_collector = inv_collector.clone();
let ts_inner_conn_span = connection_span.clone();
let inv_inner_conn_span = connection_span.clone();
let peer_rx = peer_rx
.then(move |msg| {
// Add a metric for inbound messages and errors.
// Fire a timestamp or failure event.
let inbound_ts_collector = inbound_ts_collector.clone();
let span =
debug_span!(parent: ts_inner_conn_span.clone(), "inbound_ts_collector");
async move {
match &msg {
Ok(msg) => {
"command" => msg.command(),
"addr" => connected_addr.get_transient_addr_label(),
// # Security
// Peer messages are not rate-limited, so we can't send anything
// to a shared channel or do anything expensive here.
Err(err) => {
"error" => err.to_string(),
"addr" => connected_addr.get_transient_addr_label(),
// # Security
// Peer errors are rate-limited because:
// - opening connections is rate-limited
// - the number of connections is limited
// - after the first error, the peer is disconnected
if let Some(book_addr) = connected_addr.get_address_book_addr() {
let _ = inbound_ts_collector
.send(MetaAddr::new_errored(book_addr, remote_services))
.then(move |msg| {
let inbound_inv_collector = inbound_inv_collector.clone();
let span = debug_span!(parent: inv_inner_conn_span.clone(), "inventory_filter");
register_inventory_status(msg, connected_addr, inbound_inv_collector)
// If we've learned potential peer addresses from the inbound connection remote address
// or the handshake version message, add those addresses to the peer cache for this
// peer.
// # Security
// We can't add these alternate addresses directly to the address book. If we did,
// malicious peers could interfere with the address book state of other peers by
// providing their addresses in `Version` messages. Or they could fill the address book
// with fake addresses.
// These peer addresses are rate-limited because:
// - opening connections is rate-limited
// - these addresses are put in the peer address cache
// - the peer address cache is only used when Zebra requests addresses from that peer
let remote_canonical_addr = connection_info.remote.address_from.addr();
let alternate_addrs = connected_addr
.map(|addr| {
// Assume the connecting node is a server node, and it's available now.
let server = Connection::new(
let connection_task = tokio::spawn(
let heartbeat_task = tokio::spawn(
.instrument(tracing::debug_span!(parent: connection_span, "heartbeat"))
let client = Client {
shutdown_tx: Some(shutdown_tx),
// Correctness: As a defence-in-depth against hangs, wrap the entire handshake in a timeout.
let fut = timeout(constants::HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT, fut);
// Spawn a new task to drive this handshake, forwarding panics to the calling task.
|join_result: Result<
Result<Result<Client, HandshakeError>, error::Elapsed>,
>| {
match join_result {
Ok(Ok(Ok(connection_client))) => Ok(connection_client),
Ok(Ok(Err(handshake_error))) => Err(handshake_error.into()),
Ok(Err(timeout_error)) => Err(timeout_error.into()),
Err(join_error) => match join_error.try_into_panic() {
// Forward panics to the calling task
Ok(panic_reason) => panic::resume_unwind(panic_reason),
Err(join_error) => Err(join_error.into()),
/// Register any advertised or missing inventory in `msg` for `connected_addr`.
pub(crate) async fn register_inventory_status(
msg: Result<Message, SerializationError>,
connected_addr: ConnectedAddr,
inv_collector: broadcast::Sender<InventoryChange>,
) -> Result<Message, SerializationError> {
match (&msg, connected_addr.get_transient_addr()) {
(Ok(Message::Inv(advertised)), Some(transient_addr)) => {
// We ignore inventory messages with more than one
// block, because they are most likely replies to a
// query, rather than a newly gossiped block.
// (We process inventory messages with any number of
// transactions.)
// https://zebra.zfnd.org/dev/rfcs/0003-inventory-tracking.html#inventory-monitoring
// Note: zcashd has a bug where it merges queued inv messages of
// the same or different types. Zebra compensates by sending `notfound`
// responses to the inv collector. (#2156, #1768)
// (We can't split `inv`s, because that fills the inventory registry
// with useless entries that the whole network has, making it large and slow.)
match advertised.as_slice() {
[advertised @ InventoryHash::Block(_)] => {
"registering gossiped advertised block inventory for peer"
// The peer set and inv collector use the peer's remote
// address as an identifier
// If all receivers have been dropped, `send` returns an error.
// When that happens, Zebra is shutting down, so we want to ignore this error.
let _ = inv_collector
.send(InventoryChange::new_available(*advertised, transient_addr));
advertised => {
let advertised = advertised
.filter(|advertised| advertised.unmined_tx_id().is_some());
"registering advertised unmined transaction inventory for peer",
if let Some(change) =
InventoryChange::new_available_multi(advertised, transient_addr)
// Ignore channel errors that should only happen during shutdown.
let _ = inv_collector.send(change);
(Ok(Message::NotFound(missing)), Some(transient_addr)) => {
// Ignore Errors and the unsupported FilteredBlock type
let missing = missing.iter().filter(|missing| {
missing.unmined_tx_id().is_some() || missing.block_hash().is_some()
debug!(?missing, "registering missing inventory for peer");
if let Some(change) = InventoryChange::new_missing_multi(missing, transient_addr) {
let _ = inv_collector.send(change);
_ => {}
/// Send periodical heartbeats to `server_tx`, and update the peer status through
/// `heartbeat_ts_collector`.
/// # Correctness
/// To prevent hangs:
/// - every await that depends on the network must have a timeout (or interval)
/// - every error/shutdown must update the address book state and return
/// The address book state can be updated via `ClientRequest.tx`, or the
/// heartbeat_ts_collector.
/// Returning from this function terminates the connection's heartbeat task.
async fn send_periodic_heartbeats_with_shutdown_handle(
connected_addr: ConnectedAddr,
shutdown_rx: oneshot::Receiver<CancelHeartbeatTask>,
server_tx: futures::channel::mpsc::Sender<ClientRequest>,
heartbeat_ts_collector: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<MetaAddrChange>,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
use futures::future::Either;
let heartbeat_run_loop = send_periodic_heartbeats_run_loop(
// Currently, select prefers the first future if multiple
// futures are ready.
// Starvation is impossible here, because interval has a
// slow rate, and shutdown is a oneshot. If both futures
// are ready, we want the shutdown to take priority over
// sending a useless heartbeat.
match future::select(shutdown_rx, heartbeat_run_loop).await {
Either::Left((Ok(CancelHeartbeatTask), _unused_run_loop)) => {
tracing::trace!("shutting down because Client requested shut down");
Either::Left((Err(oneshot::Canceled), _unused_run_loop)) => {
tracing::trace!("shutting down because Client was dropped");
Either::Right((result, _unused_shutdown)) => {
tracing::trace!("shutting down due to heartbeat failure");
// heartbeat_timeout() already send an error on the timestamp collector channel
/// Send periodical heartbeats to `server_tx`, and update the peer status through
/// `heartbeat_ts_collector`.
/// See `send_periodic_heartbeats_with_shutdown_handle` for details.
async fn send_periodic_heartbeats_run_loop(
connected_addr: ConnectedAddr,
mut server_tx: futures::channel::mpsc::Sender<ClientRequest>,
heartbeat_ts_collector: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<MetaAddrChange>,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
// Don't send the first heartbeat immediately - we've just completed the handshake!
let mut interval = tokio::time::interval_at(
Instant::now() + constants::HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL,
// If the heartbeat is delayed, also delay all future heartbeats.
// (Shorter heartbeat intervals just add load, without any benefit.)
let mut interval_stream = IntervalStream::new(interval);
while let Some(_instant) = interval_stream.next().await {
// We've reached another heartbeat interval without
// shutting down, so do a heartbeat request.
let heartbeat = send_one_heartbeat(&mut server_tx);
heartbeat_timeout(heartbeat, &heartbeat_ts_collector, &connected_addr).await?;
// # Security
// Peer heartbeats are rate-limited because:
// - opening connections is rate-limited
// - the number of connections is limited
// - Zebra initiates each heartbeat using a timer
if let Some(book_addr) = connected_addr.get_address_book_addr() {
// the collector doesn't depend on network activity,
// so this await should not hang
let _ = heartbeat_ts_collector
unreachable!("unexpected IntervalStream termination")
/// Send one heartbeat using `server_tx`.
async fn send_one_heartbeat(
server_tx: &mut futures::channel::mpsc::Sender<ClientRequest>,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
// We just reached a heartbeat interval, so start sending
// a heartbeat.
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
// Try to send the heartbeat request
let request = Request::Ping(Nonce::default());
tracing::trace!(?request, "queueing heartbeat request");
match server_tx.try_send(ClientRequest {
// we're not requesting inventory, so we don't need to update the registry
inv_collector: None,
transient_addr: None,
span: tracing::Span::current(),
}) {
Ok(()) => {}
Err(e) => {
if e.is_disconnected() {
} else if e.is_full() {
// Send the message when the Client becomes ready.
// If sending takes too long, the heartbeat timeout will elapse
// and close the connection, reducing our load to busy peers.
} else {
// we need to map unexpected error types to PeerErrors
warn!(?e, "unexpected try_send error");
// Flush the heartbeat request from the queue
tracing::trace!("sent heartbeat request");
// Heartbeats are checked internally to the
// connection logic, but we need to wait on the
// response to avoid canceling the request.
tracing::trace!("got heartbeat response");
/// Wrap `fut` in a timeout, handing any inner or outer errors using
/// `handle_heartbeat_error`.
async fn heartbeat_timeout<F, T>(
fut: F,
address_book_updater: &tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<MetaAddrChange>,
connected_addr: &ConnectedAddr,
) -> Result<T, BoxError>
F: Future<Output = Result<T, BoxError>>,
let t = match timeout(constants::HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL, fut).await {
Ok(inner_result) => {
handle_heartbeat_error(inner_result, address_book_updater, connected_addr).await?
Err(elapsed) => {
handle_heartbeat_error(Err(elapsed), address_book_updater, connected_addr).await?
/// If `result.is_err()`, mark `connected_addr` as failed using `address_book_updater`.
async fn handle_heartbeat_error<T, E>(
result: Result<T, E>,
address_book_updater: &tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<MetaAddrChange>,
connected_addr: &ConnectedAddr,
) -> Result<T, E>
E: std::fmt::Debug,
match result {
Ok(t) => Ok(t),
Err(err) => {
tracing::debug!(?err, "heartbeat error, shutting down");
// # Security
// Peer errors and shutdowns are rate-limited because:
// - opening connections is rate-limited
// - the number of connections is limited
// - after the first error or shutdown, the peer is disconnected
if let Some(book_addr) = connected_addr.get_address_book_addr() {
let _ = address_book_updater
.send(MetaAddr::new_errored(book_addr, None))
/// Mark `connected_addr` as shut down using `address_book_updater`.
async fn handle_heartbeat_shutdown(
peer_error: PeerError,
address_book_updater: &tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<MetaAddrChange>,
connected_addr: &ConnectedAddr,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
tracing::debug!(?peer_error, "client shutdown, shutting down heartbeat");
if let Some(book_addr) = connected_addr.get_address_book_addr() {
let _ = address_book_updater