
105 lines
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//! Zebrad EntryPoint
use crate::{
commands::{StartCmd, ZebradCmd},
use std::path::PathBuf;
use abscissa_core::{
command::{Command, Usage},
FrameworkError, Options, Runnable,
// (See https://docs.rs/abscissa_core/0.5.2/src/abscissa_core/command/entrypoint.rs.html)
/// Toplevel entrypoint command.
/// Handles obtaining toplevel help as well as verbosity settings.
#[derive(Debug, Options)]
pub struct EntryPoint {
/// Path to the configuration file
#[options(short = "c", help = "path to configuration file")]
pub config: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Obtain help about the current command
#[options(short = "h", help = "print help message")]
pub help: bool,
/// Increase verbosity setting
#[options(short = "v", help = "be verbose")]
pub verbose: bool,
/// Subcommand to execute.
/// The `command` option will delegate option parsing to the command type,
/// starting at the first free argument. Defaults to start.
#[options(command, default_expr = "Some(ZebradCmd::Start(StartCmd::default()))")]
pub command: Option<ZebradCmd>,
impl EntryPoint {
/// Borrow the underlying command type
fn command(&self) -> &ZebradCmd {
.expect("Some(ZebradCmd::Start(StartCmd::default()) as default value")
impl Runnable for EntryPoint {
fn run(&self) {
impl Command for EntryPoint {
/// Name of this program as a string
fn name() -> &'static str {
/// Description of this program
fn description() -> &'static str {
/// Version of this program
fn version() -> &'static str {
/// Authors of this program
fn authors() -> &'static str {
/// Get usage information for a particular subcommand (if available)
fn subcommand_usage(command: &str) -> Option<Usage> {
impl Configurable<ZebradConfig> for EntryPoint {
/// Path to the command's configuration file
fn config_path(&self) -> Option<PathBuf> {
match &self.config {
// Use explicit `-c`/`--config` argument if passed
Some(cfg) => Some(cfg.clone()),
// Otherwise defer to the toplevel command's config path logic
None => self.command.as_ref().and_then(|cmd| cmd.config_path()),
/// Process the configuration after it has been loaded, potentially
/// modifying it or returning an error if options are incompatible
fn process_config(&self, config: ZebradConfig) -> Result<ZebradConfig, FrameworkError> {
match &self.command {
Some(cmd) => cmd.process_config(config),
None => Ok(config),