refactor: styles refactoring readability

This commit is contained in:
Andre Neves 2019-02-24 16:56:58 -05:00
parent 62cb8e417a
commit 8c84a813dc
2 changed files with 137 additions and 98 deletions

View File

@ -1,94 +1,116 @@
// @flow
// Colors named with:
// Lights
const white = '#FFFFFF';
const text = white;
const brand = '#F4B728';
const brand2 = '#FFE240';
const gray = '#DDDDDD';
const silver = '#BBBBBB';
const silverChalice = '#AAAAAA';
const boulder = '#777777';
const doveGray = '#727272';
const scorpion = '#5D5D5D';
const manatee = '#8E8E96';
const friarGray = '#828282';
// Darks
const black = '#000000';
const shark = '#212124';
const tundora = '#4E4B4B';
const shipGray = '#3E3C42';
const codGray = '#1D1D1D';
const mineShaft = '#3A3A3A';
const woodsmoke = '#222222';
const heavyMetal = '#0A0A0A';
// Colors
const saffron = '#F4B728';
const brightSun = '#FFE240';
const offBrand = 'rgba(238,201,76,0.65)';
const error = '#FF6C6C';
const success = '#6AEAC0';
const darkBrand = '#212124';
const brandThree = '#5d5d65';
// Misc
const transparent = 'transparent';
export const DARK_COLORS = {
// General
background: '#212124',
text: white,
background: shark,
divider: black,
inactiveItem: brandThree,
activeItem: brand,
inactiveItem: scorpion,
activeItem: saffron,
// Header
headerTitle: text,
headerTitle: white,
// Select
selectButtonShadow: 'rgba(238,201,76,0.65)',
selectButtonShadow: offBrand,
// Send View (Additional Options Section)
sendAdditionalOptionsBg: black,
sendAdditionalOptionsBorder: black,
sendAdditionalInputBg: darkBrand,
sendAdditionalInputBg: shark,
sendAdditionalInputText: white,
// Dropdown
dropdownBg: '#5d5d5d',
dropdownHoveredBg: '#212124',
dropdownBorder: '#4e4b4b',
dropdownIconBorder: '#828282',
dropdownOpenedIconBorder: '#ddd',
dropdownBg: scorpion,
dropdownHoveredBg: shark,
dropdownBorder: tundora,
dropdownIconBorder: friarGray,
dropdownOpenedIconBorder: gray,
// Card
cardBackgroundColor: black,
sendCardBg: black,
sendCardBorder: 'transparent',
sendCardBorder: transparent,
// Buttons
buttonPrimaryBg: brand,
buttonPrimaryDisabledBg: brand,
buttonPrimaryBg: saffron,
buttonPrimaryDisabledBg: saffron,
buttonPrimaryText: black,
buttonSecondaryBg: '#ddd',
buttonSecondaryDisabledBg: brand,
buttonSecondaryBg: gray,
buttonSecondaryDisabledBg: saffron,
buttonSecondaryText: black,
buttonSecondaryBorder: '#ddd',
buttonSecondaryHoveredBg: '#bbb',
buttonBorderColor: '#3e3c42',
buttonSecondaryBorder: gray,
buttonSecondaryHoveredBg: silver,
buttonBorderColor: shipGray,
// Transactions
transactionSent: error,
transactionReceived: success,
transactionsDate: '#777777',
transactionsItemHovered: '#222222',
transactionsDate: boulder,
transactionsItemHovered: woodsmoke,
transactionItemBg: black,
transactionItemHoverBg: '#0A0A0A',
transactionItemBorder: 'transparent',
transactionItemAddress: '#A7A7A7',
transactionItemHoverBg: heavyMetal,
transactionItemBorder: transparent,
transactionItemAddress: silverChalice,
transactionItemAddressHover: white,
transactionDetailsShadow: `0px 0px 20px 0px ${black}`,
transactionDetailsBg: darkBrand,
transactionDetailsRowHover: '#1D1D1D',
transactionDetailsDivider: '#3A3A3A',
transactionDetailsLabel: '#777777',
transactionLabelText: '#777777',
transactionDetailsBg: shark,
transactionDetailsRowHover: codGray,
transactionDetailsDivider: mineShaft,
transactionDetailsLabel: boulder,
transactionLabelText: boulder,
transactionLabelTextHovered: white,
// Status Pill
statusPillLabel: '#727272',
statusPillLabel: doveGray,
statusPillBg: black,
statusPillBorder: black,
// Sidebar
sidebarBg: black,
sidebarBorderRight: black,
sidebarLogoGradientBegin: brand,
sidebarLogoGradientEnd: brand2,
sidebarHoveredItemLabel: '#8e8e96',
sidebarActiveItemBorder: 'red',
sidebarItem: brandThree,
sidebarItemActive: brand,
sidebarItemHovered: '#FFF',
sidebarItemHoveredBg: darkBrand,
sidebarLogoGradientBegin: saffron,
sidebarLogoGradientEnd: brightSun,
sidebarHoveredItemLabel: manatee,
sidebarActiveItemBorder: error,
sidebarItem: scorpion,
sidebarItemActive: saffron,
sidebarItemHovered: white,
sidebarItemHoveredBg: shark,
// QRCode
qrCodeWrapperBg: black,
@ -96,8 +118,8 @@ export const DARK_COLORS = {
// Forms
inputBg: black,
inputBorder: 'transparent',
inputBorderActive: '#222',
inputBorder: transparent,
inputBorderActive: woodsmoke,
// Wallet Summary
walletSummaryBg: black,
@ -106,22 +128,22 @@ export const DARK_COLORS = {
// Wallet Address
walletAddressBg: black,
walletAddressBorder: black,
walletAddressInput: '#828282',
walletAddressInput: friarGray,
walletAddressInputHovered: white,
walletAddressTooltip: black,
walletAddressTooltipBg: white,
// Console
consoleBg: black,
consoleBorder: 'transparent',
consoleBorder: transparent,
// Settings
settingsCardBg: black,
settingsLearnMore: '#AAAAAA',
settingsLearnMoreHovered: '#fff',
settingsLearnMore: silverChalice,
settingsLearnMoreHovered: white,
// Loading
loadingScreenBg: black,
loadingScreenText: white,
loadingScreenProgress: brand,
loadingScreenProgress: saffron,

View File

@ -1,17 +1,34 @@
// @flow
// Colors named with:
// Lights
const white = '#FFFFFF';
const whiteHover = '#F9FBFE';
const offWhite = '#F9F9F9';
const alto = '#DDDDDD';
const silver = '#C1C1C1';
const silverChalice = '#AAAAAA';
const boulder = '#A0A0A0';
const doveGray = '#666666';
const starDust = '#777777';
// Darks
const black = '#000000';
const text = '#142533';
const secondaryText = '#777777';
const brand = '#5684EB';
const mineShaft = '#222222';
const shipGray = '#3E3C42';
const scorpion = '#989898';
const dustyGray = '#999999';
const bitter = '#828282';
const manatee = '#8E8E96';
// Colors
const error = '#FF6C6C';
const success = '#66BE54';
const logo = '#F4B728';
const logo2 = '#FFE240';
const border = '#DDDDDD';
const cornflowerBlue = '#5684EB';
const saffron = '#F4B728';
const brightSun = '#FFE240';
const offBrand = 'rgba(238,201,76,0.65)';
export const LIGHT_COLORS = {
// General
@ -19,113 +36,113 @@ export const LIGHT_COLORS = {
background: offWhite,
divider: '#AAAAAA',
divider: silverChalice,
inactiveItem: success,
activeItem: brand,
activeItem: cornflowerBlue,
// Header
headerTitle: text,
// Select
selectButtonShadow: 'rgba(238,201,76,0.65)',
selectButtonShadow: offBrand,
// Send View (Additional Options Section)
sendAdditionalOptionsBg: white,
sendAdditionalOptionsBorder: border,
sendAdditionalOptionsBorder: alto,
sendAdditionalInputBg: offWhite,
sendAdditionalInputText: white,
// Dropdown
dropdownBg: offWhite,
dropdownHoveredBg: white,
dropdownBorder: border,
dropdownIconBorder: '#c1c1c1',
dropdownOpenedIconBorder: '#828282',
dropdownBorder: alto,
dropdownIconBorder: silver,
dropdownOpenedIconBorder: bitter,
// Card
cardBackgroundColor: black,
sendCardBg: white,
sendCardBorder: border,
sendCardBorder: alto,
// Buttons
buttonPrimaryBg: brand,
buttonPrimaryDisabledBg: brand,
buttonPrimaryBg: cornflowerBlue,
buttonPrimaryDisabledBg: cornflowerBlue,
buttonPrimaryText: white,
buttonSecondaryBg: '#989898',
buttonSecondaryDisabledBg: brand,
buttonSecondaryBorder: '#989898',
buttonSecondaryBg: scorpion,
buttonSecondaryDisabledBg: cornflowerBlue,
buttonSecondaryBorder: scorpion,
buttonSecondaryText: white,
buttonSecondaryHoveredBg: '#aaa',
buttonBorderColor: '#3E3C42',
buttonSecondaryHoveredBg: silverChalice,
buttonBorderColor: shipGray,
// Transactions
transactionSent: error,
transactionReceived: success,
transactionsDate: secondaryText,
transactionsItemHovered: '#222222',
transactionsDate: starDust,
transactionsItemHovered: mineShaft,
transactionItemBg: white,
transactionItemHoverBg: whiteHover,
transactionItemBorder: border,
transactionItemAddress: '#666666',
transactionItemBorder: alto,
transactionItemAddress: doveGray,
transactionItemAddressHover: black,
transactionDetailsShadow: `0px 0px 1px 0px ${black}`,
transactionDetailsBg: white,
transactionDetailsRowHover: whiteHover,
transactionDetailsDivider: border,
transactionDetailsLabel: '#999999',
transactionLabelText: '#666666',
transactionDetailsDivider: alto,
transactionDetailsLabel: dustyGray,
transactionLabelText: doveGray,
transactionLabelTextHovered: black,
// Status Pill
statusPillLabel: text,
statusPillBg: '#F9FBFE',
statusPillBorder: border,
statusPillBg: whiteHover,
statusPillBorder: alto,
// Sidebar
sidebarBg: white,
sidebarBorderRight: border,
sidebarLogoGradientBegin: logo,
sidebarLogoGradientEnd: logo2,
sidebarHoveredItemLabel: '#8E8E96',
sidebarItem: '#aaa',
sidebarBorderRight: alto,
sidebarLogoGradientBegin: saffron,
sidebarLogoGradientEnd: brightSun,
sidebarHoveredItemLabel: manatee,
sidebarItem: silverChalice,
sidebarItemActive: text,
sidebarItemHovered: text,
sidebarItemHoveredBg: offWhite,
sidebarActiveItemLabel: '#8E8E96',
sidebarActiveItemBorder: 'red',
sidebarActiveItemLabel: manatee,
sidebarActiveItemBorder: error,
// QR Code
qrCodeWrapperBg: white,
qrCodeWrapperBorder: border,
qrCodeWrapperBorder: alto,
// Forms
inputBg: white,
inputBorder: border,
inputBorderActive: '#828282',
inputBorder: alto,
inputBorderActive: bitter,
// Wallet Summary
walletSummaryBg: white,
walletSummaryBorder: border,
walletSummaryBorder: alto,
// Wallet Address
walletAddressBg: white,
walletAddressBorder: border,
walletAddressInput: '#666',
walletAddressBorder: alto,
walletAddressInput: doveGray,
walletAddressInputHovered: black,
walletAddressTooltip: white,
walletAddressTooltipBg: black,
// Console
consoleBg: white,
consoleBorder: border,
consoleBorder: alto,
// Settings
settingsCardBg: white,
settingsLearnMore: '#a0a0a0',
settingsLearnMoreHovered: '#000',
settingsLearnMore: boulder,
settingsLearnMoreHovered: black,
// Loading
loadingScreenBg: black,
loadingScreenText: white,
loadingScreenProgress: logo,
loadingScreenProgress: saffron,