// @flow import { getApp } from '../setup/utils'; const app = getApp(); beforeAll(async () => { await app.start(); await app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded(); }); afterAll(() => app.stop()); describe('Startup', () => { test('should open the window', () => expect(app.client.getWindowCount()).resolves.toEqual(1)); test('should have the right title', () => { expect(app.client.getTitle()).resolves.toEqual('Zepio'); }); test('should show the text "Zepio Starting" in loading screen', async () => expect(app.client.element('#loading-screen:first-child p').getHTML()).resolves.toEqual( expect.stringContaining('Zepio Starting'), )); test('should show the zcash logo in loading screen', () => expect(app.client.getAttribute('#loading-screen:first-child img', 'src')).resolves.toEqual( expect.stringContaining('/assets/zcash-simple-icon.svg'), )); test('should show the loading circle in loading screen', () => { expect(app.client.element('#loading-screen svg').isExisting()).resolves.toEqual(true); }); });