# Zepio | ZEC Wallet Zepio is a Sapling-enabled shielded-address-first Zcash wallet, featuring cross-platform applications (macOS, Windows and Linux), built-in full node with support for `mainnet` and `testnet`, as well as `dark` and `light` themes. ![Build Status](https://app.bitrise.io/app/a5bc7a8391d5501b/status.svg?token=SOuGNc3Qf9rCj3Osl-eHyQ&branch=master) ![Flow Coverage](./public/flow-coverage-badge.svg) ### [Latest Documentation](https://zepiowallet.com) ### [Latest Release](https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zepio/releases) ![Zepio Wallet](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ZcashFoundation/zepio-docs/develop/docz/assets/dashboard.png) ## Stack Information List of the main open source libraries and technologies used in building **Zepio**: - [zcashd](https://github.com/zcash/zcash): Zcash node daemon - [Electron](https://github.com/electron/electron): Desktop application builder - [React](https://facebook.github.io/react/): User interface view layer - [Redux](http://redux.js.org/): Predictable application state container - [Styled Components](https://www.styled-components.com/): Visual primitives for theming and styling applications - [webpack](http://webpack.github.io/): Application module bundler (and more) - [Babel](http://babeljs.io/): ES7/JSX transpilling - [ESLint](http://eslint.org/): Code linting rules - [Flow](https://flow.org): JavaScript static type checker - [Docz](https://docz.site): Documentation builder ## Installing and Running From Source To run **Zepio** from source you'll need to perform the following steps: ```bash # Ensure you have Node LTS v8+ # https://nodejs.org/en/ # Clone Codebase git clone git@github.com:ZcashFoundation/zepio.git # Install Dependencies # inside of the `zepio` folder yarn install # or npm install # Start Application # webpack development server hosts the application on port # 8080 and launches the Electron wrapper, which also hosts # the `zcashd` node daemon process. yarn start # or npm start ``` ## Building Application Locally To build the application locally follow the instructions below: ```bash # Make sure you are inside of the main `zepio` folder # Run Build Script yarn electron:distall # Executables and binaries available under `/dist` folder ``` ## Flow Coverage (Static Type Checker) For a deeper look on the static typing coverage of the application, please follow below: ```bash # Make sure you are inside of the main `zepio` folder # Generate Flow Coverage Report # this can take a couple seconds yarn flow:report # Browser should open with the file `index.html` opened # Files are also available at `zepio/flow-coverage/source` ``` ## Component Library (Docz) To see Zepio's React component library, please visit https://zepio-components.now.sh. We're always looking for folks to help keep the styleguide updated. To run the component library locally, run the following: ```bash # Make sure you are inside of the main `zepio` folder # Run Docz Development Script yarn docz:dev # Visit ``` To build the component library locally, run the following: ```bash # Make sure you are inside of the main `zepio` folder # Run Build Script yarn docz:build # Check `/.docz/dist` folder for built static assets ``` ## Tests To run the application's tests, please run the below: ```bash # Make sure you are inside of the main `zepio` folder # For Unit Tests: Run Jest Unit Test Suite yarn test:unit # For E2E (end-to-end) Tests: Run Jest E2E Suite yarn e2e:serve # on another terminal window yarn test e2e ``` ## Contributing In order to contribute and submit PRs to improve the **Zepio** codebase, please check our [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zepio/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) guide. ## License MIT © Zcash Foundation 2019 [zfnd.org](zfnd.org)