// @flow import theme from 'styled-theming'; import { DARK, LIGHT } from '../constants/themes'; import { typography } from './typography'; import { DARK_COLORS, LIGHT_COLORS } from './colors'; // Building color object from theme keys // All themes must have the same variables as DARK_COLORS const colorKeys = Object.keys(DARK_COLORS); const colors: Object = {}; colorKeys.forEach((key: string) => { colors[key] = theme('mode', { [LIGHT]: LIGHT_COLORS[key], [DARK]: DARK_COLORS[key], }); }); export const appTheme: AppTheme = { // General mode: DARK, // Typography ...typography, // Sizes & Spacing sidebarWidth: '180px', headerHeight: '60px', layoutPaddingLeft: '35px', layoutPaddingRight: '35px', layoutContentPaddingTop: '20px', boxBorderRadius: '3px', // Misc transitionEase: 'cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94)', // Colors colors: { ...colors }, };