
90 lines
2.3 KiB

// @flow
import fs from 'fs';
import { locateZcashConf } from './locate-zcash-conf';
import { filterObjectNullKeys } from '../../app/utils/filter-object-null-keys';
type ZcashConfFile = {
testnet: ?string,
regtest: ?string,
proxy: ?string,
bind: ?string,
whitebind: ?string,
addnode: ?string,
connect: ?string,
listen: ?string,
maxconnections: ?string,
server: ?string,
rpcbind: ?string,
rpcuser: ?string,
rpcpassword: ?string,
rpcclienttimeout: ?string,
rpcallowip: ?string,
rpcport: ?string,
rpcconnect: ?string,
sendfreetransactions: ?string,
txconfirmtarget: ?string,
gen: ?string,
genproclimit: ?string,
keypool: ?string,
paytxfee: ?string,
datadir?: string,
conf?: string,
// eslint-disable-next-line
export const parseZcashConf = (customDir: ?string): Promise<ZcashConfFile> => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(customDir || locateZcashConf(), (err, file) => {
if (err) return reject(err);
const fileString = file.toString();
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
// $FlowFixMe
const payload: ZcashConfFile = filterObjectNullKeys(
fileString.split('\n').reduce((acc, cur) => {
if (!cur) return acc;
const line = cur.trim();
if (line.startsWith('#')) return acc;
const [key, value] = cur.split('=');
return { ...acc, [key.trim().toLowerCase()]: value.trim() };
}, {}),
/* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */
export const generateArgsFromConf = (obj: ZcashConfFile): Array<string> => Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, key) => {
// We can omit the credentials for the command line
if (key === 'rpcuser' || key === 'rpcpassword') return acc;
return acc.concat(`-${key}=${String(obj[key])}`);
}, []);
type ParseCmdArgsPayload = {
rpcuser: string,
rpcpassword: string,
rpcconnect: string,
rpcport: string,
testnet: string,
const ARGS = ['rpcuser', 'rpcpassword', 'testnet', 'rpcport', 'rpcconnect'];
export const parseCmdArgs = (cmd: string): ParseCmdArgsPayload => {
const splitArgs = cmd.split(' ');
return ARGS.reduce((acc, cur) => {
const configKey = `-${cur}`;
const inArgs = splitArgs.find(x => x.startsWith(configKey));
return { ...acc, [cur]: inArgs ? inArgs.replace(`${configKey}=`, '') : '' };
}, {});