
189 lines
5.7 KiB

// @flow
import cp from 'child_process';
import path from 'path';
import os from 'os';
import fs from 'fs';
import processExists from 'process-exists';
/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
import isDev from 'electron-is-dev';
import type { ChildProcess } from 'child_process';
import eres from 'eres';
import uuid from 'uuid/v4';
import findProcess from 'find-process';
/* eslint-disable-next-line import/named */
import { mainWindow } from '../electron';
import waitForDaemonClose from './wait-for-daemon-close';
import getBinariesPath from './get-binaries-path';
import getOsFolder from './get-os-folder';
import getDaemonName from './get-daemon-name';
import fetchParams from './run-fetch-params';
import { locateZcashConf } from './locate-zcash-conf';
import log from './logger';
import store from '../electron-store';
import { parseZcashConf, parseCmdArgs, generateArgsFromConf } from './parse-zcash-conf';
import { isTestnet } from '../is-testnet';
import {
} from '../../app/constants/zcash-network';
const getDaemonOptions = ({
username, password, useDefaultZcashConf, optionsFromZcashConf,
}) => {
Show metrics on stdout
Set to 1 for a persistent metrics screen, 0 for sequential metrics
Number of seconds between metrics refreshes
const defaultOptions = [
...(isTestnet() ? ['-testnet', '-addnode=testnet.z.cash'] : ['-addnode=mainnet.z.cash']),
// Overwriting the settings with values taken from "zcash.conf"
if (useDefaultZcashConf) defaultOptions.push(`-conf=${locateZcashConf()}`);
return Array.from(new Set([...defaultOptions, ...optionsFromZcashConf]));
let resolved = false;
const ZCASHD_PROCESS_NAME = getDaemonName();
// eslint-disable-next-line
const runDaemon: () => Promise<?ChildProcess> = () => new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const processName = path.join(getBinariesPath(), getOsFolder(), ZCASHD_PROCESS_NAME);
const isRelaunch = Boolean(process.argv.find(arg => arg === '--relaunch'));
if (!mainWindow.isDestroyed()) mainWindow.webContents.send('zcashd-params-download', 'Fetching params...');
store.set('DAEMON_FETCHING_PARAMS', true);
const [err] = await eres(fetchParams());
if (err) {
log('Something went wrong fetching params: ', err);
return reject(new Error(err));
if (!mainWindow.isDestroyed()) mainWindow.webContents.send('zcashd-params-download', 'Zepio Starting');
log('Fetch Params finished!');
store.set('DAEMON_FETCHING_PARAMS', false);
// In case of --relaunch on argv, we need wait to close the old zcash daemon
// a workaround is use a interval to check if there is a old process running
if (isRelaunch) {
await waitForDaemonClose(ZCASHD_PROCESS_NAME);
const [, isRunning] = await eres(processExists(ZCASHD_PROCESS_NAME));
// This will parse and save rpcuser and rpcpassword in the store
let [, optionsFromZcashConf] = await eres(parseZcashConf());
// if the user has a custom datadir and doesn't have a zcash.conf in that folder,
// we need to use the default zcash.conf
let useDefaultZcashConf = false;
if (optionsFromZcashConf.datadir) {
const hasDatadirConf = fs.existsSync(path.join(optionsFromZcashConf.datadir, 'zcash.conf'));
if (hasDatadirConf) {
optionsFromZcashConf = await parseZcashConf(
path.join(String(optionsFromZcashConf.datadir), 'zcash.conf'),
} else {
useDefaultZcashConf = true;
if (optionsFromZcashConf.rpcuser) store.set('rpcuser', optionsFromZcashConf.rpcuser);
if (optionsFromZcashConf.rpcpassword) store.set('rpcpassword', optionsFromZcashConf.rpcpassword);
if (isRunning) {
log('Already is running!');
store.set(EMBEDDED_DAEMON, false);
// We need grab the rpcuser and rpcpassword from either process args or zcash.conf
// Command line args override zcash.conf
const [{ cmd }] = await findProcess('name', ZCASHD_PROCESS_NAME);
const { user, password, isTestnet: isTestnetFromCmd } = parseCmdArgs(cmd);
isTestnetFromCmd || optionsFromZcashConf.testnet === '1' ? TESTNET : MAINNET,
if (user) store.set('rpcuser', user);
if (password) store.set('rpcpassword', password);
return resolve();
store.set(EMBEDDED_DAEMON, true);
if (!isRelaunch) {
store.set(ZCASH_NETWORK, optionsFromZcashConf.testnet === '1' ? TESTNET : MAINNET);
if (!optionsFromZcashConf.rpcuser) store.set('rpcuser', uuid());
if (!optionsFromZcashConf.rpcpassword) store.set('rpcpassword', uuid());
const rpcCredentials = {
username: store.get('rpcuser'),
password: store.get('rpcpassword'),
if (isDev) log('Rpc Credentials', rpcCredentials);
const childProcess = cp.spawn(
optionsFromZcashConf: generateArgsFromConf(optionsFromZcashConf),
stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'],
childProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
if (!mainWindow.isDestroyed()) mainWindow.webContents.send('zcashd-log', data.toString());
if (!resolved) {
resolved = true;
childProcess.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
reject(new Error(data.toString()));
childProcess.on('error', reject);
if (os.platform() === 'win32') {
resolved = true;
// eslint-disable-next-line
export default runDaemon;