--- layout: post title: "Test Transaction Awards" excerpt: "The Zcash Foundation is pleased to announce the three recipients of the Test Transaction Awards" categories: blog tags: [] image: feature: date: 2017-05-12 modified: author: amiller --- Announcing the Zcash Foundation Test Transaction Awards === The Zcash Foundation is pleased to announce the three recipients of the "Test Transaction Awards" (also known as the "Zcash Community Pioneer Awards"). Each Test Transaction Award is worth 33 ZEC. These awards are intended to recognize individuals who have already contributed their volunteer effort to bolster the Zcash community, through maintenance, development, and organization. The recipients are: - [MineZcash.](https://zcashcommunity.com/) MineZcash has built and maintained most of the Zcash community’s communication infrastructure, especially the https://chat.zcashcommunity.com/ rocket chat. This has been running since [November 2016](https://minezcash.com/growing-zcash-community/) and currently supports a total of over 1300 users. [[tx1]](https://explorer.zcha.in/transactions/37d6dfc8564ab8e8d8ce778ae582e990128a5061968e380cf82f1e21011a0832) [[tx2]](https://explorer.zcha.in/transactions/dd2789fddd61f30b7ef290bc5d5427d692204dc507739b13bfea2c6ba09e947f) - [Lustro.](https://explorer.zcha.in/about) Lustro operates https://zcha.in/ This is the first block explorer for the zcash blockchain, and also provides statistics and network information such as the number of nodes on the network. [[tx1]](https://explorer.zcha.in/transactions/c77bfcd13612a0d66b4ffaefdef63c252d7a683ace03cafebba02e0747e936a0) [[tx2]](https://explorer.zcha.in/transactions/9d7dc8664552b2bd0585c1157d0a396d8f11655bcf19b73c35fec24e1aa38fe5) - [Radix42.](https://twitter.com/radix42) Radix42 has contributed a variety of Zcash related tools, and in particular maintains the [Zcash4win](https://zcash4win.com/) and [Zcash4Mac](https://zcash4mac.com/) ports of the Zcash reference client. [[tx1]](https://explorer.zcha.in/transactions/aed962d71979194de2d1f769b1e7fc37a972454099123eeca141347155fcb2c1) [[tx2]](https://explorer.zcha.in/transactions/9127af5b9d8553ca531d79cbd5b0748829944c99a6602eac3356650e478a83d4) These are called "Test Transaction" awards because they're a one-time event. These are significant because they're the first instance of the Founder’s Reward being pumped back into the community via the Foundation! In the future, the Foundation will organize its spending through more organized and inclusive processes. I'm personally excited in particular about the Foundation Grant program, which has a discussion and a pending ticket. https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/ZcashFoundation/issues/2 We note that there are many other contributors to the Zcash community who are deserving of recognition and support as well, so these is by no means all-encompassing. If you're interested in participating in the Zcash Foundation and helping determine its future, the best places to join the discussion are the [foundation forum](https://forum.z.cash/c/foundation), [#the-zcash-foundation channel](https://chat.zcashcommunity.com/channel/the-zcash-foundation) on the rocket chat, or our [github.](https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/ZcashFoundation) Congratulations again to MineZcash, Lustro, and Radix42! [[Portuguese Translation]](https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/ZcashFoundation/issues/30)