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2021-08-11 03:46:19 -07:00
# How to Build
2021-08-26 03:09:53 -07:00
The easiest way to build the release APKs is to use Docker.
2021-08-11 03:46:19 -07:00
Even if you prefer to setup your own dev environment, the `Dockerfile` is a good place to start.
2021-08-26 03:09:53 -07:00
I'll assume that you have cloned the repository in a directory called `$ZWALLET` (ex: `/home/user/zwallet`)
2021-08-11 03:46:19 -07:00
2021-08-26 03:09:53 -07:00
## Setup
2021-08-11 03:46:19 -07:00
Before you start the build, you need a signing key for the app.
Detailed instructions are here:
2021-08-26 03:09:53 -07:00
In short, create a keystore `zwallet.jks`
2021-08-11 03:46:19 -07:00
2021-08-26 03:09:53 -07:00
keytool -genkey -v -keystore $ZWALLET/docker/zwallet.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias zwallet
2021-08-11 03:46:19 -07:00
2021-08-26 03:09:53 -07:00
Note: `keytool` comes from the JRE/JDK or Android Studio. If you use JRE/JDK, be advised that Java 11 is *not*
compatible and will create an unusable keystore.
2021-08-11 03:46:19 -07:00
2021-08-26 03:09:53 -07:00
The tool will ask for a password. Reuse the same password if asked for a second password.
Put the password in a text file. I'll refer to this file as `/home/user/jkspwd`.
## Docker Builder
The Builder Image is a docker image that has all the tools needed: Android SDK, NDK, Flutter, Rust, etc.
You can build your own builder image or use the one that I have put in Docker Hub.
Skip the next section if you want to use my builder image.
Otherwise, from `$ZWALLET` run
2021-08-11 03:46:19 -07:00
2021-08-26 03:09:53 -07:00
`docker build -t zwallet_builder -f docker/Dockerfile-builder .`
After a while, you will have the `zwallet_builder` image.
Next edit the file `docker/Dockerfile` and change the line `FROM hhanh00/zwallet_builder AS builder`
to `FROM zwallet_builder AS builder`.
2021-08-11 03:46:19 -07:00
## Build
2021-08-26 03:09:53 -07:00
2021-08-11 03:46:19 -07:00
2021-08-26 03:09:53 -07:00
`DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t zwallet -f docker/Dockerfile --secret id=pwd,src=/home/user/jkspwd .`
2021-08-11 03:46:19 -07:00
2021-08-26 03:09:53 -07:00
After 30mn to 1h, you will have the `zwallet` image.
2021-08-11 03:46:19 -07:00
## Get the APK
2021-08-26 03:09:53 -07:00
The APKs are in the Docker image. You need to copy it out. Unfortunately, there
is no way to directly copy files from images therefore you need to create a container.
2021-08-11 03:46:19 -07:00
docker run --name zwallet zwallet
2021-08-26 03:09:53 -07:00
docker cp zwallet:/root .
2021-08-11 03:46:19 -07:00
2021-08-26 03:09:53 -07:00
This will create a `root` directory will all the various apks (arm32, arm64, i32, x64)
## Notes
- On Windows, clone the repo with Unix line endings: `git clone ... --config core.autocrlf=input`
- The builder image is a ~3GB download and 7GB uncompressed.
2021-10-29 21:14:48 -07:00
## iOS
- pod install
- change bundle identifier / set signing profile
- Increase min OS version to 12.1
- Runner/General/Deployment Info
- Runner/Flutter/
- Pods
2021-11-13 23:04:44 -08:00
### Run in Simulator
- Change architecture to ARCHS_STANDARD (Runner & Pods)
- Add arm64 to Excluded Architecture / Any IOS Simulator SDK
- Build warp with x86_64-apple-ios target
- debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false in MaterialApp()
2022-03-09 05:19:42 -08:00
## Desktop builds
Desktop builds must be made on their native platform, i.e. MacOX
needs a Mac, etc.
First checkout how to use flutter desktop as there are requirements
for each platform.
The repository does not include the project generated files.
Run `flutter create --platform=windows,linux,macos .` to generate them.
2022-06-09 06:02:05 -07:00
First compile the rust code. In `native/zcash-sync`, edit `Cargo.toml`
to change the library crate type to `cdylib`. Then `cargo build --release --features=dart_ffi`.
2022-03-09 05:19:42 -08:00
This should produce a dynamic library under `target/release` in the project root
Depending on the platform, the output library has a different name and
a different way to include in the build.
Build the flutter project: `flutter build windows` (macos or linux).
The result is in `build/windows/runner/Release`.
2022-03-19 05:46:11 -07:00
### Linux (Flatpak)
- Use docker `Dockerfile-builder-linux` to create the builder image if you haven't done so,
- Build `zwallet.tgz` and ``
- Copy them into `misc`
- Build the flatpak package
rm -rf ~/repo
docker rm zwallet_linux
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile-builder-linux -t zwallet_builder_linux .
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile-linux -t zwallet_linux .
docker run --name zwallet_linux zwallet_linux
cd misc
docker cp zwallet_linux:/root .
2022-03-24 18:37:24 -07:00
flatpak-builder --user --install --force-clean build-dir me.hanh.zwallet.Ywallet.yml
2022-03-19 05:46:11 -07:00
flatpak build-export ~/repo build-dir
flatpak build-bundle ~/repo ywallet.flatpak me.hanh.zwallet.Ywallet
rm -rf ~/repo
docker rm zwallet_linux
2022-03-09 05:19:42 -08:00
### Installation on Ubuntu
- Install NVidia drivers *515*
- Then,
apt get update
add-apt-repository ppa:flatpak/stable (if needed)
apt install flatpak
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
flatpak install ywallet.flatpak
- Check that the version number has 'CUDA' (in the about page)
2022-03-09 05:19:42 -08:00
### Windows
Copy `warp_api_ffi.dll` into the Release directory and also add:
- `sqlite3.dll`
- `msvcp140.dll`
- `vcruntime140.dll`
- `vcruntime140_1.dll`
Then zip.
2022-06-09 06:25:21 -07:00
For a MSIX,
flutter pub run msix:create
2022-03-09 05:19:42 -08:00
### MacOS
2022-06-09 06:37:14 -07:00
- On M1 macs, run rustup default stable-x86_64-apple-darwin for x64 and stable-aarch64-apple-darwin for M1
2022-05-23 02:27:35 -07:00
- MacOS is the trickiest one. Open the xcode workspace.
- Add in Signing & Capabilities: Network server & Client and R/W file access
2022-03-09 05:19:42 -08:00
to user selected files
2022-05-23 02:27:35 -07:00
- Update the appicons
- Go to the Runner project, Build Phases / Bundle Framework
- Add `target/release/libwarp_api_ffi.dylib`
Then exit xcode and run `flutter build macos`.
2022-03-09 05:19:42 -08:00
2022-05-23 02:27:35 -07:00
If you want to create a DMG, use the npm package appdmg
2022-07-11 08:48:20 -07:00
## One script dev installation on a fresh distribution of ArchLinux
Build an APK for Android
- Clone the source code from github
- Clone the submodules
- Install all the dev tools (rust, android sdk, ndk & flutter)
- Configure and build
$ git clone
$ cd zwallet
$ git submodule update --init
$ ./
Your `apk` is `build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk`