import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'package:warp_api/data_fb_generated.dart' ; import 'package:warp_api/types.dart'; import 'coin/coins.dart'; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; import 'db.dart'; import 'package:warp_api/warp_api.dart'; import 'backup.dart'; import 'coin/coin.dart'; import 'coin/zcash.dart'; import 'main.dart'; import 'store.dart'; part 'accounts.g.dart'; class Account { final int coin; final int id; final String name; final int balance; int tbalance = 0; Account(this.coin,,, this.balance, this.tbalance); String get address { return id != 0 ? WarpApi.getAddress(this.coin,, settings.uaType) : ""; } } final Account emptyAccount = Account(0, 0, "", 0, 0); class AccountList { List list = []; AccountList() { refresh(); } void refresh() { List _list = []; for (var coin in coins) { _list.addAll(WarpApi.getAccountList(coin.coin).map((a) => Account( coin.coin,,!, a.balance, 0) )); } list = _list; } bool get isEmpty { return list.isEmpty; } Future updateTBalance() async { for (var a in list) { final tbalance = await WarpApi.getTBalanceAsync(a.coin,; a.tbalance = tbalance; } } Future delete(int coin, int id) async { WarpApi.deleteAccount(coin, id); await active.checkAndUpdate(); } Future changeAccountName(int coin, int id, String name) async { WarpApi.updateAccountName(coin, id, name); refresh(); } void saveActive(int coin, int id) { settings.coins[coin].active = id; Future.microtask(() async { final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); final def = settings.coins[coin].def; prefs.setInt("${def.ticker}.active", id); }); } Account get(int coin, int id) => list.firstWhere((e) => e.coin == coin && == id, orElse: () => emptyAccount); } class ActiveAccount = _ActiveAccount with _$ActiveAccount; abstract class _ActiveAccount with Store { @observable int dataEpoch = 0; @observable int coin = 0; @observable int id = 0; Account account = emptyAccount; CoinBase coinDef = zcash; bool canPay = false; Balances balances = Balances(); @observable String taddress = ""; int tbalance = 0; PoolBalances poolBalances = PoolBalances(); @observable List notes = []; @observable List txs = []; @observable List spendings = []; @observable List> accountBalances = []; @observable List pnls = []; @observable ObservableList messages = ObservableList(); @observable int unread = 0; @observable String banner = ""; @observable bool showTAddr = false; @observable SortConfig noteSortConfig = SortConfig("", SortOrder.Unsorted); @observable SortConfig txSortConfig = SortConfig("", SortOrder.Unsorted); @observable int pnlSeriesIndex = 0; @observable bool pnlDesc = false; @observable Recipient? draftRecipient = null; AccountId toId() { return AccountId(coin, id); } @action Future restore() async { final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); final coin = prefs.getInt('coin') ?? 0; var id = prefs.getInt('account') ?? 0; await setActiveAccount(coin, id); await checkAndUpdate(); await refreshAccount(); } Future checkAndUpdate() async { final aid = await getAvailableId(active.toId()); if (aid == null) { await setActiveAccount(0, 0); } else if (aid != active.toId()) { await setActiveAccount(aid.coin,; await refreshAccount(); } } Future getAvailableId(AccountId aid) async { final nid = getAvailableIdForCoin(aid.coin,; if ( != 0) return nid; for (var coin_data in settings.coins) { // look for an account in any other coin if (coin_data.coin != coin) { final nid = getAvailableIdForCoin(coin_data.coin,; if ( != 0) return nid; } } // We have no accounts return null; } // check that the account still exists // if not, pick any account // if there are none, return 0 AccountId getAvailableIdForCoin(int coin, int id) { final newId = WarpApi.getAvailableAccountId(coin, id); return AccountId(coin, newId); } @action Future setActiveAccount(int _coin, int _id) async { coin = _coin; id = _id; final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); prefs.setInt('coin', coin); prefs.setInt('account', id); WarpApi.setActiveAccount(coin, id); } @action Future refreshAccount() async { final dbr = DbReader(coin, id); coinDef = settings.coins[coin].def; final accounts = AccountList(); accounts.refresh(); account = accounts.get(coin, id); if (id > 0) { taddress = WarpApi.getTAddr(coin, id); canPay = WarpApi.getSK(coin, id).isNotEmpty; } showTAddr = false; balances.initialized = false; draftRecipient = null; await update(); Future.microtask(priceStore.updateChart); } @action Future refreshTAddr() async { taddress = WarpApi.getTAddr(coin, id); } @action void toggleShowTAddr() { showTAddr = !showTAddr; } @action void updateTBalance() { try { tbalance = WarpApi.getTBalance(); } on String {} } @action void updateBalances() { final dbr = DbReader(coin, id); final initialized = balances.initialized; final prevBalance = balances.balance; final b = WarpApi.getBalance(coin, id, syncStatus.confirmHeight); balances.update(b.balance, b.shielded, b.unconfirmedSpent, b.underConfirmed, b.excluded); if (initialized && prevBalance != balances.balance) { showBalanceNotification(prevBalance, balances.balance); } } @action void clear() { messages.clear(); notes.clear(); txs.clear(); unread = 0; dataEpoch += 1; } @action Future update() async { updateBalances(); updateTBalance(); poolBalances.update(); final dbr = DbReader(coin, id); notes = dbr.getNotes(); txs = dbr.getTxs(); messages = ObservableList.of(await dbr.getMessages()); unread = messages.where((m) => !; dataEpoch += 1; } @action void setDraftRecipient(Recipient? v) { draftRecipient = v; } String newAddress() { return WarpApi.newDiversifiedAddress(settings.uaType); } String getAddress(int uaType) { return WarpApi.getAddress(coin, id, uaType); } @computed List get sortedNotes { final _1 = syncStatus.syncedHeight; var notes2 = [...notes]; switch (noteSortConfig.field) { case "time": return _sort(notes2, (Note note) => note.height, noteSortConfig.order); case "amount": return _sort(notes2, (Note note) => note.value, noteSortConfig.order); } return notes2; } @computed List get sortedTxs { final _1 = syncStatus.syncedHeight; var txs2 = [...txs]; switch (txSortConfig.field) { case "time": return _sort(txs2, (Tx tx) => tx.height, txSortConfig.order); case "amount": return _sort(txs2, (Tx tx) => tx.value, txSortConfig.order); case "txid": return _sort(txs2, (Tx tx) => tx.txid, txSortConfig.order); case "address": return _sort( txs2, (Tx tx) => ?? tx.address, txSortConfig.order); case "memo": return _sort(txs2, (Tx tx) => tx.memo, txSortConfig.order); } return txs2; } @action void sortNotes(String field) { noteSortConfig = noteSortConfig.sortOn(field); } @action void sortTx(String field) { txSortConfig = txSortConfig.sortOn(field); } List _sort( List items, T Function(C) project, SortOrder order) { switch (order) { case SortOrder.Ascending: items.sort((a, b) => project(a).compareTo(project(b))); break; case SortOrder.Descending: items.sort((a, b) => -project(a).compareTo(project(b))); break; case SortOrder.Unsorted: items.sort((a, b) => -a.height.compareTo(b.height)); break; } return items; } @action void setPnlSeriesIndex(int index) { pnlSeriesIndex = index; } @computed List get pnlSorted { if (pnlDesc) { var _pnls = [...pnls.reversed]; return _pnls; } return pnls; } @action void togglePnlDesc() { pnlDesc = !pnlDesc; } @action void excludeNote(Note note) { WarpApi.updateExcluded(coin,, note.excluded); } @action void invertExcludedNotes() { WarpApi.invertExcluded(coin, id); notes = => n.invertExcluded).toList(); } @action void fetchChartData() { final dbr = active.dbReader; pnls = dbr.getPNL(; spendings = dbr.getSpending(; accountBalances = dbr.getAccountBalanceTimeSeries(, active.balances?.balance ?? 0); } @action void markMessageAsRead(int index) { if (!messages[index].read) { WarpApi.markMessageAsRead(messages[index].id, true); messages[index] = messages[index].withRead(true); unread = unread - 1; } } @action void markAllMessagesAsRead() { WarpApi.markAllMessagesAsRead(true); for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { messages[i] = messages[i].withRead(true); } unread = 0; } int prevInThread(int index) { final message = messages[index]; final pn = WarpApi.getPrevNextMessage(coin, id, message.subject, message.height); return pn.prev; } int nextInThread(int index) { final message = messages[index]; final pn = WarpApi.getPrevNextMessage(coin, id, message.subject, message.height); return; } @action void setBanner(String msg) { banner = msg; } String get address { return account.address; } DbReader get dbReader => DbReader(coin, id); } class Balances = _Balances with _$Balances; abstract class _Balances with Store { bool initialized = false; @observable int balance = 0; @observable int shieldedBalance = 0; @observable int unconfirmedSpentBalance = 0; @observable int underConfirmedBalance = 0; @observable int excludedBalance = 0; @action void update(int balance, int shieldedBalance, int unconfirmedSpentBalance, int underConfirmedBalance, int excludedBalance) { this.balance = balance; this.shieldedBalance = shieldedBalance; this.unconfirmedSpentBalance = unconfirmedSpentBalance; this.underConfirmedBalance = underConfirmedBalance; this.excludedBalance = excludedBalance; this.initialized = true; } } class AccountId { final int coin; final int id; AccountId(this.coin,; } class PoolBalances = _PoolBalances with _$PoolBalances; abstract class _PoolBalances with Store { @observable int transparent = 0; @observable int sapling = 0; @observable int orchard = 0; void update() { final b = WarpApi.getBalance(active.coin,, syncStatus.confirmHeight); _update(active.tbalance, b.sapling, b.orchard); } @action _update(int t, int s, int o) { transparent = t; sapling = s; orchard = o; } }