1056 lines
34 KiB
1056 lines
34 KiB
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:ffi' show NativePort;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:another_flushbar/flushbar_helper.dart';
import 'package:app_links/app_links.dart';
import 'package:camera/camera.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:csv/csv.dart';
import 'package:currency_text_input_formatter/currency_text_input_formatter.dart';
import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
import 'package:file_picker/file_picker.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_mobx/flutter_mobx.dart';
import 'package:flutter_ringtone_player/flutter_ringtone_player.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:local_auth/local_auth.dart';
import 'package:key_guardmanager/key_guardmanager.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:qr_flutter/qr_flutter.dart';
import 'package:share_plus/share_plus.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import 'package:url_protocol/url_protocol.dart';
import 'package:warp_api/warp_api.dart';
import 'package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart';
import 'package:quick_actions/quick_actions.dart';
import 'package:awesome_notifications/awesome_notifications.dart';
import 'package:window_manager/window_manager.dart';
import 'accounts.dart';
import 'animated_qr.dart';
import 'coin/coin.dart';
import 'coin/coins.dart';
import 'devmode.dart';
import 'generated/l10n.dart';
import 'account_manager.dart';
import 'backup.dart';
import 'home.dart';
import 'keytool.dart';
import 'message.dart';
import 'multisend.dart';
// import 'multisign.dart';
import 'payment_uri.dart';
import 'pools.dart';
import 'qrscanner.dart';
import 'rescan.dart';
import 'reset.dart';
import 'scantaddr.dart';
import 'settings.dart';
import 'restore.dart';
import 'send.dart';
import 'store.dart';
import 'theme_editor.dart';
import 'transaction.dart';
import 'sync_chart.dart';
import 'txplan.dart';
import 'welcome.dart';
const ZECUNIT = 100000000.0;
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
var ZECUNIT_DECIMAL = Decimal.parse('100000000');
const mZECUNIT = 100000;
const DEFAULT_FEE = 1000;
const MAXMONEY = 21000000;
const DOC_URL = "https://hhanh00.github.io/zwallet/";
const APP_NAME = "YWallet";
const BACKUP_NAME = "$APP_NAME.age";
const EXPLORER_KEY = "block_explorer";
const RECOVERY_FILE = "recover.bin";
const kExperimental = true;
// var accountManager = AccountManager();
var priceStore = PriceStore();
var syncStatus = SyncStatus();
var settings = Settings();
var multipayData = MultiPayStore();
var eta = ETAStore();
var contacts = ContactStore();
var syncStats = SyncStatsStore();
var active = ActiveAccount();
final messageKey = GlobalKey<MessageTableState>();
StreamSubscription? subUniLinks;
void handleUri(BuildContext context, Uri uri) {
final scheme = uri.scheme;
final coinDef = settings.coins.firstWhere((c) => c.def.currency == scheme);
final coin = coinDef.coin;
final id = WarpApi.getActiveAccountId(coin);
active.setActiveAccount(coin, id);
.pushNamed('/send', arguments: SendPageArgs(uri: uri.toString()));
Future<void> registerURLHandler(BuildContext context) async {
if (Platform.isLinux) return;
final _appLinks = AppLinks();
final uri = await _appLinks.getInitialAppLink();
if (uri != null) {
handleUri(context, uri);
subUniLinks = _appLinks.uriLinkStream.listen((uri) {
handleUri(context, uri);
void handleQuickAction(BuildContext context, String type) {
final t = type.split(".");
final coin = int.parse(t[0]);
final shortcut = t[1];
final id = WarpApi.getActiveAccountId(coin);
active.setActiveAccount(coin, id);
switch (shortcut) {
case 'receive':
case 'send':
class LoadProgress extends StatefulWidget {
LoadProgress({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
LoadProgressState createState() => LoadProgressState();
class LoadProgressState extends State<LoadProgress> {
Timer? _reset;
var _value = 0.0;
String _message = "";
var _disposed = false;
void initState() {
_reset = Timer(Duration(minutes: 3), () {
if (!_disposed) resetApp();
void dispose() {
_disposed = true;
void cancelResetTimer() {
_reset = null;
_disposed = true;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final theme = Theme.of(context);
final textTheme = theme.textTheme;
return Scaffold(
body: Container(
alignment: Alignment.center,
child: SizedBox(
height: 240,
width: 200,
child: Column(children: [
Image.asset('assets/icon.png', height: 64),
Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(16)),
Text(S.of(context).loading, style: textTheme.headlineMedium),
Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(16)),
LinearProgressIndicator(value: _value),
Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(8)),
Text(_message, style: textTheme.labelMedium),
void setValue(double v, String message) {
setState(() {
_value = v;
_message = message;
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey = new GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
class OnWindow extends WindowListener {
void onWindowResized() async {
final s = await windowManager.getSize();
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
prefs.setDouble('width', s.width);
prefs.setDouble('height', s.height);
void onWindowClose() async {
void main() async {
if (!isMobile()) {
await windowManager.ensureInitialized();
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final width = prefs.getDouble('width');
final height = prefs.getDouble('height');
final size = width != null && height != null ? Size(width, height) : null;
WindowOptions windowOptions = WindowOptions(
center: true,
size: size,
backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
skipTaskbar: false,
Platform.isMacOS ? TitleBarStyle.hidden : TitleBarStyle.normal,
windowManager.waitUntilReadyToShow(windowOptions, () async {
await windowManager.show();
await windowManager.focus();
channelKey: APP_NAME,
channelName: APP_NAME,
channelDescription: 'Notification channel for $APP_NAME',
defaultColor: Color(0xFFB3F0FF),
ledColor: Colors.white,
debug: true);
final home = ZWalletApp();
future: settings.restore(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
return snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting
? MaterialApp(home: Container())
: Observer(builder: (context) {
final theme = settings.themeData.copyWith(
useMaterial3: true,
dataTableTheme: DataTableThemeData(
headingRowColor: MaterialStateColor.resolveWith(
(_) => settings.themeData.highlightColor)));
return MaterialApp(
title: APP_NAME,
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
theme: theme,
home: home,
scaffoldMessengerKey: rootScaffoldMessengerKey,
navigatorKey: navigatorKey,
localizationsDelegates: [
supportedLocales: S.delegate.supportedLocales,
onGenerateRoute: (RouteSettings routeSettings) {
var routes = <String, WidgetBuilder>{
'/welcome': (context) => WelcomePage(),
'/account': (context) => HomePage(),
'/add_account': (context) => AddAccountPage(),
'/add_first_account': (context) =>
AddAccountPage(firstAccount: true),
'/send': (context) =>
SendPage(routeSettings.arguments as SendPageArgs?),
'/receive': (context) => PaymentURIPage(),
'/accounts': (context) => AccountManagerPage(),
'/settings': (context) => SettingsPage(),
'/tx': (context) =>
TransactionPage(routeSettings.arguments as int),
'/message': (context) =>
MessagePage(routeSettings.arguments as int),
'/backup': (context) {
final accountId = routeSettings.arguments as AccountId?;
final accountId2 = accountId ?? active.toId();
return BackupPage(accountId2.coin, accountId2.id);
'/pools': (context) => PoolsPage(),
'/multipay': (context) => MultiPayPage(),
'/edit_theme': (context) => ThemeEditorPage(
onSaved: settings.updateCustomThemeColors),
'/reset': (context) => ResetPage(),
'/fullBackup': (context) => FullBackupPage(),
'/fullRestore': (context) => FullRestorePage(),
'/scantaddr': (context) =>
ScanTAddrPage(routeSettings.arguments as int),
'/qroffline': (context) =>
QrOffline(routeSettings.arguments as String),
'/showRawTx': (context) =>
ShowRawTx(routeSettings.arguments as String),
'/keytool': (context) => KeyToolPage(),
'/dev': (context) => DevPage(),
'/txplan': (context) => TxPlanPage.fromPlan(
routeSettings.arguments as String, false),
'/sign': (context) => TxPlanPage.fromPlan(
routeSettings.arguments as String, true),
'/syncstats': (context) => SyncChartPage(),
'/scanner': (context) {
final args =
routeSettings.arguments as Map<String, dynamic>;
return QRScanner(args['onScan'],
completed: args['completed'], multi: args['multi']);
return MaterialPageRoute(
builder: routes[routeSettings.name]!);
class ZWalletApp extends StatefulWidget {
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => ZWalletAppState();
class ZWalletAppState extends State<ZWalletApp> {
bool initialized = false;
final progressKey = GlobalKey<LoadProgressState>();
void initState() {
if (isMobile()) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) async {
final isAllowed = await AwesomeNotifications().isNotificationAllowed();
if (!isAllowed) {
permissions: [
// Only after at least the action method is set, the notification events are delivered
Future<bool> _init() async {
try {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final recover = prefs.getBool('recover') ?? false;
final exportDb = prefs.getBool('export_db') ?? false;
prefs.setBool('recover', false);
if (!initialized || recover || exportDb) {
initialized = true;
final dbPath = await getDbPath();
for (var coin in coins) {
if (exportDb) {
for (var coin in coins) await coin.export(context, dbPath);
prefs.setBool('export_db', false);
if (recover) {
for (var coin in coins) {
await coin.importFromTemp();
_setProgress(0, 'Mempool');
print("db path $dbPath");
final c = coins.first;
do {
if (isMobile()) break; // db encryption is only for desktop
if (!File(c.dbFullPath).existsSync()) break; // fresh install
if (WarpApi.decryptDb(c.dbFullPath, '')) break; // not encrypted
final reset = await getDbPasswd(context, c.dbFullPath);
if (reset) {
// user didn't input the passwd and wants to reset
await clearApp(context);
} else
} while (true);
for (var c in coins) {
_setProgress(0.2 * (c.coin + 1), 'Initializing ${c.ticker}');
await compute(_initWallet, {'coin': c, 'passwd': settings.dbPasswd});
final server = ServerSelection.load(c.coin);
if (WarpApi.getProperty(c.coin, EXPLORER_KEY).isEmpty)
WarpApi.setProperty(c.coin, EXPLORER_KEY, c.blockExplorers[0]);
_setProgress(0.7, 'Restoring Active Account');
if (recover) {
final aid = getAvailableId(coins[0].coin);
if (aid != null) active.setActiveAccount(aid.coin, aid.id);
} else
await active.restore();
_setProgress(0.8, 'Register URL Protocol Handlers');
await registerURLHandler(this.context);
if (Platform.isWindows) {
for (var c in coins) {
registerProtocolHandler(c.currency, arguments: ['%s']);
if (isMobile()) {
_setProgress(0.9, 'Setting Dashboard Shortcuts');
final quickActions = QuickActions();
quickActions.initialize((type) {
handleQuickAction(this.context, type);
Future.microtask(() {
final s = S.of(this.context);
List<ShortcutItem> shortcuts = [];
for (var c in settings.coins) {
final coin = c.coin;
final ticker = c.def.ticker;
type: '$coin.receive',
localizedTitle: s.receive(ticker),
icon: 'receive'));
type: '$coin.send',
localizedTitle: s.sendCointicker(ticker),
icon: 'send'));
await active.restore();
_setProgress(1.0, 'Ready');
if (settings.protectOpen) {
while (!await authenticate(this.context, 'Protect Launch')) {}
return true;
} catch (e) {
print("Init error: $e");
return false;
static void _initWallet(Map<String, dynamic> args) {
CoinBase c = args['coin'];
String passwd = args['passwd'];
WarpApi.setDbPasswd(c.coin, passwd);
WarpApi.migrateWallet(c.coin, c.dbFullPath);
WarpApi.initWallet(c.coin, c.dbFullPath);
try {
} catch (e) {} // do not fail on network exception
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder(
future: _init(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (!snapshot.hasData) return LoadProgress(key: progressKey);
return HomePage();
void _setProgress(double v, String message) {
progressKey.currentState?.setValue(v, message);
final GlobalKey<ScaffoldMessengerState> rootScaffoldMessengerKey =
List<ElevatedButton> confirmButtons(
BuildContext context, VoidCallback? onPressed,
{String? okLabel, Icon? okIcon, cancelValue}) {
final s = S.of(context);
final navigator = Navigator.of(context);
return <ElevatedButton>[
icon: Icon(Icons.cancel),
label: Text(s.cancel),
onPressed: () {
cancelValue != null ? navigator.pop(cancelValue) : navigator.pop();
icon: okIcon ?? Icon(Icons.done),
label: Text(okLabel ?? s.ok),
onPressed: onPressed,
List<TimeSeriesPoint<V>> sampleDaily<T, Y, V>(
List<T> timeseries,
int start,
int end,
int Function(T) getDay,
Y Function(T) getY,
V Function(V, Y) accFn,
V initial) {
assert(start % DAY_MS == 0);
final s = start ~/ DAY_MS;
final e = end ~/ DAY_MS;
var acc = initial;
var j = 0;
while (j < timeseries.length && getDay(timeseries[j]) < s) {
acc = accFn(acc, getY(timeseries[j]));
j += 1;
List<TimeSeriesPoint<V>> ts = [];
for (var i = s; i <= e; i++) {
while (j < timeseries.length && getDay(timeseries[j]) == i) {
acc = accFn(acc, getY(timeseries[j]));
j += 1;
ts.add(TimeSeriesPoint(i, acc));
return ts;
void showQR(BuildContext context, String text, String title) {
final s = S.of(context);
context: context,
barrierColor: Colors.black,
builder: (context) {
return AlertDialog(
content: Container(
width: double.maxFinite,
child: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Column(children: [
LayoutBuilder(builder: (context, constraints) {
final size = getScreenSize(context) * 0.5;
return QrImage(
data: text, backgroundColor: Colors.white, size: size);
Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(8)),
Text(title, style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleSmall),
Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(4)),
ButtonBar(children: [
onPressed: () {
Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: text));
icon: Icon(Icons.copy),
label: Text(s.copy)),
onPressed: () => saveQRImage(text, title),
icon: Icon(Icons.save),
label: Text(s.save))
Future<void> saveQRImage(String data, String title) async {
final code =
QrCode.fromData(data: data, errorCorrectLevel: QrErrorCorrectLevel.L);
final painter =
QrPainter.withQr(qr: code, emptyColor: Colors.white, gapless: true);
final recorder = PictureRecorder();
final canvas = Canvas(recorder);
final size = code.moduleCount * 32;
final whitePaint = Paint()
..color = Colors.white
..style = PaintingStyle.fill;
canvas.drawRect(Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, size + 256, size + 256), whitePaint);
canvas.translate(128, 128);
painter.paint(canvas, Size(size.toDouble(), size.toDouble()));
final image = await recorder.endRecording().toImage(size + 256, size + 256);
final ByteData? byteData =
await image.toByteData(format: ImageByteFormat.png);
final Uint8List pngBytes = byteData!.buffer.asUint8List();
await saveFileBinary(pngBytes, 'qr.png', title);
Future<bool> showMessageBox(
BuildContext context, String title, String content, String label) async {
final confirm = await showDialog<bool>(
context: context,
barrierDismissible: false,
builder: (context) => AlertDialog(
title: Text(title),
content: Text(content),
actions: confirmButtons(context, () {
}, okLabel: label, cancelValue: false)),
return confirm ?? false;
double getScreenSize(BuildContext context) {
final size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
return min(size.height, size.width);
Color amountColor(BuildContext context, num a) {
final theme = Theme.of(context);
if (a < 0) return Colors.red;
if (a > 0) return Colors.green;
return theme.textTheme.bodyLarge!.color!;
TextStyle weightFromAmount(TextStyle style, num v) {
final value = v.abs();
final coin = activeCoin();
final style2 = style.copyWith(fontFeatures: [FontFeature.tabularFigures()]);
if (value >= coin.weights[2])
return style2.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w800);
else if (value >= coin.weights[1])
return style2.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w600);
else if (value >= coin.weights[0])
return style2.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w400);
return style2.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w200);
CurrencyTextInputFormatter makeInputFormatter(bool? mZEC) =>
CurrencyTextInputFormatter(symbol: '', decimalDigits: precision(mZEC));
double parseNumber(String? s) {
if (s == null || s.isEmpty) return 0;
return NumberFormat.currency().parse(s).toDouble();
int stringToAmount(String? s) {
final a = parseNumber(s);
return (Decimal.parse(a.toString()) * ZECUNIT_DECIMAL).toBigInt().toInt();
bool checkNumber(String s) {
try {
} on FormatException {
return false;
return true;
const MAX_PRECISION = 8;
int precision(bool? mZEC) => (mZEC == null || mZEC) ? 3 : MAX_PRECISION;
Future<String?> scanCode(BuildContext context) async {
if (!isMobile()) {
final code = await pickDecodeQRImage();
return code;
} else {
final f = Completer();
Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('/scanner', arguments: {
'onScan': (String code) {
'completed': () => f.isCompleted,
'multi': false,
return await f.future;
String centerTrim(String v) =>
v.length >= 16 ? v.substring(0, 8) + "..." + v.substring(v.length - 16) : v;
String trailing(String v, int n) {
final len = min(n, v.length);
return v.substring(v.length - len);
Future<void> showSnackBar(String msg,
{bool autoClose = false, bool quick = false, bool error = false}) async {
final duration = !autoClose
? Duration(minutes: 1)
: quick
? Duration(seconds: 1)
: Duration(seconds: 4);
final bar = error
? FlushbarHelper.createError(message: msg, duration: duration)
: FlushbarHelper.createInformation(message: msg, duration: duration);
await bar.show(navigatorKey.currentContext!);
void showBalanceNotification(int prevBalances, int curBalances) {
final s = S.current;
if (syncStatus.isRescan) return;
if (Platform.isAndroid && prevBalances != curBalances) {
final amount = (prevBalances - curBalances).abs();
final amountStr = amountToString(amount, MAX_PRECISION);
final ticker = active.coinDef.ticker;
final NotificationContent content;
if (curBalances > prevBalances) {
content = NotificationContent(
id: 1,
channelKey: APP_NAME,
title: s.incomingFunds,
body: s.received(amountStr, ticker),
actionType: ActionType.Default,
} else {
content = NotificationContent(
id: 1,
channelKey: APP_NAME,
title: s.paymentMade,
body: s.spent(amountStr, ticker),
actionType: ActionType.Default,
AwesomeNotifications().createNotification(content: content);
enum DeviceWidth { xs, sm, md, lg, xl }
DeviceWidth getWidth(BuildContext context) {
final width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
if (width < 600) return DeviceWidth.xs;
if (width < 960) return DeviceWidth.sm;
if (width < 1280) return DeviceWidth.md;
if (width < 1920) return DeviceWidth.lg;
return DeviceWidth.xl;
final DateFormat todayDateFormat = DateFormat("HH:mm");
final DateFormat monthDateFormat = DateFormat("MMMd");
final DateFormat longAgoDateFormat = DateFormat("yy-MM-dd");
String humanizeDateTime(DateTime datetime) {
final messageDate = datetime.toLocal();
final now = DateTime.now();
final justNow = now.subtract(Duration(minutes: 1));
final midnight = DateTime(now.year, now.month, now.day);
final year = DateTime(now.year, 1, 1);
String dateString;
if (justNow.isBefore(messageDate))
dateString = S.current.now;
else if (midnight.isBefore(messageDate))
dateString = todayDateFormat.format(messageDate);
else if (year.isBefore(messageDate))
dateString = monthDateFormat.format(messageDate);
dateString = longAgoDateFormat.format(messageDate);
return dateString;
String decimalFormat(double x, int decimalDigits, {String symbol = ''}) =>
NumberFormat.currency(decimalDigits: decimalDigits, symbol: symbol)
String amountToString(int amount, int decimalDigits) =>
decimalFormat(amount / ZECUNIT, decimalDigits);
DecodedPaymentURI decodeAddress(BuildContext context, String? v) {
final s = S.of(context);
try {
if (v == null || v.isEmpty) throw s.addressIsEmpty;
if (WarpApi.validAddress(active.coin, v))
return DecodedPaymentURI(v, 0, "");
// not a valid address, try as a payment URI
final json = WarpApi.parsePaymentURI(v);
final payment = DecodedPaymentURI.fromJson(jsonDecode(json));
return payment;
} on String catch (e) {
throw e;
Future<bool> authenticate(BuildContext context, String reason) async {
if (!isMobile()) return true;
final localAuth = LocalAuthentication();
try {
final bool didAuthenticate;
if (Platform.isAndroid && !await localAuth.canCheckBiometrics) {
didAuthenticate = await KeyGuardmanager.authStatus == "true";
} else {
didAuthenticate = await localAuth.authenticate(
localizedReason: reason, options: AuthenticationOptions());
if (didAuthenticate) {
return true;
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
await showDialog(
context: context,
barrierDismissible: true,
builder: (context) => AlertDialog(
title: Text(S.of(context).noAuthenticationMethod),
content: Text(e.message ?? "")));
return false;
Future<void> shieldTAddr(BuildContext context) async {
try {
final txPlan = WarpApi.shieldTAddr(
active.coin, active.id, active.tbalance, settings.anchorOffset);
Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('/txplan', arguments: txPlan);
} on String catch (msg) {
showSnackBar(msg, error: true);
Future<FilePickerResult?> pickFile() async {
if (isMobile()) {
await FilePicker.platform.clearTemporaryFiles();
final result = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles();
return result;
Future<void> shareCsv(List<List> data, String filename, String title) async {
final csvConverter = ListToCsvConverter();
final csv = csvConverter.convert(data);
await saveFile(csv, filename, title);
Future<void> saveFile(String data, String filename, String title) async {
await saveFileBinary(utf8.encode(data), filename, title);
Future<void> saveFileBinary(
List<int> data, String filename, String title) async {
if (isMobile()) {
final context = navigatorKey.currentContext!;
Size size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
final tempDir = settings.tempDir;
final path = p.join(tempDir, filename);
final xfile = XFile(path);
final file = File(path);
await file.writeAsBytes(data);
await Share.shareXFiles([xfile],
subject: title,
sharePositionOrigin: Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, size.width, size.height / 2));
} else {
final fn = await FilePicker.platform
.saveFile(dialogTitle: title, fileName: filename);
if (fn != null) {
final file = File(fn);
await file.writeAsBytes(data);
Future<void> exportFile(BuildContext context, String path, String title) async {
final confirmed =
await showMessageBox(context, title, "Exporting $path", S.of(context).ok);
if (!confirmed) return;
if (isMobile()) {
final context = navigatorKey.currentContext!;
Size size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
final xfile = XFile(path);
await Share.shareXFiles([xfile],
subject: title,
sharePositionOrigin: Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, size.width, size.height / 2));
} else {
final fn = await FilePicker.platform.saveFile();
if (fn != null) {
final file = File(path);
await file.copy(fn);
Future<File> getRecoveryFile() async {
String fn = p.join(settings.tempDir, RECOVERY_FILE);
final f = File(fn);
return f;
Future<bool> showConfirmDialog(
BuildContext context, String title, String body) async {
final s = S.of(context);
final confirmation = await showDialog<bool>(
context: context,
barrierDismissible: false,
builder: (context) => AlertDialog(
title: Text(title),
content: Text(body),
actions: confirmButtons(context, () {
}, okLabel: s.ok, cancelValue: false)),
) ??
return confirmation;
Future<void> rescan(BuildContext context) async {
final height = await rescanDialog(context);
if (height != null) {
void cancelScan(BuildContext context) {
Future<String> getDataPath() async {
String? home;
if (Platform.isAndroid)
home = (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()).parent.path;
if (Platform.isWindows) home = Platform.environment['LOCALAPPDATA'];
if (Platform.isLinux)
home =
Platform.environment['XDG_DATA_HOME'] ?? Platform.environment['HOME'];
if (Platform.isMacOS) home = (await getApplicationSupportDirectory()).path;
final h = home ?? "";
return h;
Future<String> getTempPath() async {
if (isMobile()) {
final d = await getTemporaryDirectory();
return d.path;
final dataPath = await getDataPath();
final tempPath = p.join(dataPath, "tmp");
Directory(tempPath).createSync(recursive: true);
return tempPath;
Future<String> getDbPath() async {
if (Platform.isIOS) return (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()).path;
final h = await getDataPath();
return "$h/databases";
bool isMobile() => Platform.isAndroid || Platform.isIOS;
class NotificationController {
/// Use this method to detect when a new notification or a schedule is created
static Future<void> onNotificationCreatedMethod(
ReceivedNotification receivedNotification) async {}
/// Use this method to detect every time that a new notification is displayed
static Future<void> onNotificationDisplayedMethod(
ReceivedNotification receivedNotification) async {
/// Use this method to detect if the user dismissed a notification
static Future<void> onDismissActionReceivedMethod(
ReceivedAction receivedAction) async {}
/// Use this method to detect when the user taps on a notification or action button
static Future<void> onActionReceivedMethod(
ReceivedAction receivedAction) async {}
void resetApp() {
Future<bool> getDbPasswd(BuildContext context, String dbPath) async {
final s = S.of(context);
final navigator = navigatorKey.currentState!;
final passwdController = TextEditingController();
final checkPasswd = (String? v) {
final valid = WarpApi.decryptDb(dbPath, passwdController.text);
if (!valid) return s.invalidPassword;
return null;
final formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>();
final reset = await showDialog<bool>(
context: context,
barrierColor: Colors.black,
barrierDismissible: false,
builder: (context) {
return AlertDialog(
content: Container(
width: double.maxFinite,
child: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Form(
key: formKey,
child: Column(children: [
decoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: s.databasePassword),
controller: passwdController,
validator: checkPasswd,
onSaved: (v) {
settings.dbPasswd = v!;
obscureText: true,
actions: <ElevatedButton>[
icon: Icon(Icons.lock_reset),
label: Text(s.reset),
onPressed: () => navigator.pop(true)),
icon: Icon(Icons.done),
label: Text(s.ok),
onPressed: () {
final fs = formKey.currentState!;
if (fs.validate()) {
}) ??
return reset;