149 lines
6.2 KiB
149 lines
6.2 KiB
"version": "版本",
"about": "關於",
"ok": "OK",
"account": "帳戶",
"notes": "紙幣",
"history": "過去記錄",
"budget": "預算",
"tradingPl": "交易",
"contacts": "通訊錄",
"accounts": "帳戶",
"backup": "備份",
"rescan": "重新掃描",
"coldStorage": "冷藏庫",
"multipay": "廣泛支付",
"broadcast": "廣播",
"settings": "設定",
"synching": "同步",
"tapQrCodeForShieldedAddress": "屏蔽地址請點擊二維碼",
"tapQrCodeForTransparentAddress": "公開地址請點擊二維碼",
"addressCopiedToClipboard": "複製地址到剪貼簿",
"shieldTransparentBalance": "屏蔽你的公開結餘",
"doYouWantToTransferYourEntireTransparentBalanceTo": "你需要將你的公開結餘轉往屏蔽地址?",
"shieldingInProgress": "屏蔽進行中",
"txId": "TX ID:",
"pleaseAuthenticateToShowAccountSeed": "如要顯示帳戶種子,請驗證",
"noAuthenticationMethod": "不用驗證",
"rescanWalletFromTheFirstBlock": "由第一組開始重新掃描銀包",
"cancel": "取消",
"rescanRequested": "已經收到重新掃描要求",
"doYouWantToDeleteTheSecretKeyAndConvert": "你確定銷毀這秘密鎖匙?這指令執行後,該鎖匙會被永久刪除,不能復原。",
"delete": "刪除",
"confs": "確認",
"height": "高度",
"datetime": "日期/時間",
"amount": "數量",
"selectNotesToExcludeFromPayments": "選取不需要的貨幣",
"txid": "交易編號",
"largestSpendingsByAddress": "最大支出(用地址搜尋)",
"tapChartToToggleBetweenAddressAndAmount": "點擊表列以切換地址及總數",
"accountBalanceHistory": "帳戶結餘記錄",
"noSpendingInTheLast30Days": "過去三十天內沒有任何開支",
"largestSpendingLastMonth": "上月最高開支",
"balance": "粵語",
"pnl": "獲利與虧損",
"real": "真實",
"mm": "按市值計",
"total": "總數",
"price": "價格",
"qty": "數量",
"table": "表列",
"pl": "獲利/虧損",
"realized": "已獲利",
"toMakeAContactSendThemAMemoWithContact": "發送備忘到 Contact:",
"newSnapAddress": "立即地址",
"shieldTranspBalance": "屏蔽公開餘額",
"send": "發送",
"noAccount": "沒有帳戶",
"seed": "種子",
"confirmDeleteAccount": "你確定要將這帳戶刪除?這指令執行後,帳戶會被永久刪除,不能復原。",
"changeAccountName": "更改帳戶名稱",
"backupDataRequiredForRestore": "將資料備份 - 要求重置",
"secretKey": "秘密鎖匙",
"viewingKey": "查看鎖匙",
"tapAnIconToShowTheQrCode": "請點擊並顯示二維碼",
"multiPay": "廣泛支付",
"pleaseConfirm": "請確認",
"sendingATotalOfAmountCointickerToCountRecipients": "發送數目{amount} {ticker} 至 {count} 收款人",
"preparingTransaction": "準備交易⋯",
"sendCointickerTo": "發送 {ticker} 至...",
"addressIsEmpty": "沒有地址",
"invalidAddress": "地址不正確",
"amountMustBeANumber": "請輸入數字(數量)",
"amountMustBePositive": "數量必須為正數",
"accountName": "帳戶名稱",
"accountNameIsRequired": "請輸入帳戶名稱",
"enterSeed": "輸入種子,秘密鎖匙或查看鎖匙\n留空預備新帳戶",
"scanStartingMomentarily": "掃描即將開始",
"key": "鎖匙",
"sendCointicker": "發送 {ticker}",
"max": "最大值",
"advancedOptions": "進階選項",
"memo": "備忘",
"roundToMillis": "約數至千分之一",
"useSettingscurrency": "使用 {currency}",
"includeFeeInAmount": "將費用加到總數",
"maxAmountPerNote": "最大數量(每一紙幣)",
"spendable": "可使用的",
"notEnoughBalance": "帳戶結餘不足",
"approve": "同意",
"sendingAzecCointickerToAddress": "傳送 {aZEC} {ticker} 至 {address}",
"unsignedTransactionFile": "未簽署交易文件",
"amountInSettingscurrency": "於 {currency}的數量",
"custom": "自訂",
"server": "伺服器",
"blue": "藍色",
"pink": "粉紅色",
"coffee": "咖啡色",
"light": "淺色",
"dark": "深色",
"currency": "貨幣",
"numberOfConfirmationsNeededBeforeSpending": "支付前需要確認之次數",
"retrieveTransactionDetails": "修復交易資料",
"theme": "佈置主題",
"transactionDetails": "交易資料",
"timestamp": "時間蓋章",
"address": "地址",
"openInExplorer": "用瀏覽器開啟",
"na": "不適用",
"add": "增加",
"tradingChartRange": "交易範圍",
"useUa": "Use UA",
"createANewAccount": "Create a new account and it will show up here",
"duplicateAccount": "Duplicate Account",
"thisAccountAlreadyExists": "This account already exists.",
"selectAccount": "Select Account",
"nameIsEmpty": "Name is empty",
"deleteContact": "Delete contact",
"areYouSureYouWantToDeleteThisContact": "Are you sure you want to delete this contact?",
"saveToBlockchain": "Save to Blockchain",
"areYouSureYouWantToSaveYourContactsIt": "Are you sure you want to save your contacts? It will cost 0.01 mZEC",
"backupWarning": "No one can recover your secret keys. If you don't have a backup, you WILL LOSE YOUR MONEY if your phone breaks down. You can reach this page by the app menu then Backup",
"contactName": "Contact Name",
"date": "Date",
"autoHideBalance": "Auto Hide Balance",
"tiltYourDeviceUpToRevealYourBalance": "Tilt your device up to reveal your balance",
"noContacts": "No Contacts",
"createANewContactAndItWillShowUpHere": "Create a new contact and it will show up here",
"addContact": "Add Contact",
"accountHasSomeBalanceAreYouSureYouWantTo": "Account has some BALANCE. Are you sure you want to delete it?",
"deleteAccount": "Delete Account",
"gold": "Gold",
"purple": "Purple",
"noRecipient": "No Recipient",
"addARecipientAndItWillShowHere": "Add a recipient and it will show here",
"receivePayment": "Receive a payment",
"amountTooHigh": "Amount too high",
"protectSend": "Protect Send",
"protectSendSettingChanged": "Protect Send setting changed",
"pleaseAuthenticateToSend": "Please authenticate to Send",
"unshielded": "Unshielded",
"unshieldedBalance": "Unshielded Balance",
"totalBalance": "Total Balance",
"underConfirmed": "Under Confirmed",
"excludedNotes": "Excluded Notes",
"spendableBalance": "Spendable Balance",
"rescanNeeded": "Rescan Needed"