317 lines
12 KiB
317 lines
12 KiB
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart';
import 'accounts.dart';
import 'store.dart';
import 'package:warp_api/warp_api.dart';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'main.dart';
final DateFormat noteDateFormat = DateFormat("yy-MM-dd HH:mm");
final DateFormat txDateFormat = DateFormat("MM-dd HH:mm");
final DateFormat msgDateFormat = DateFormat("MM-dd HH:mm");
final DateFormat msgDateFormatFull = DateFormat("yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
class DbReader {
int coin;
int id;
Database db;
DbReader(int coin, int id): this.init(coin, id, settings.coins[coin].def.db);
DbReader.init(this.coin, this.id, this.db);
Future<void> updateBalances(int confirmHeight, Balances balances) async {
final balance = Sqflite.firstIntValue(await db.rawQuery(
"SELECT SUM(value) AS value FROM received_notes WHERE account = ?1 AND (spent IS NULL OR spent = 0)",
[id])) ?? 0;
final shieldedBalance = Sqflite.firstIntValue(await db.rawQuery(
"SELECT SUM(value) AS value FROM received_notes WHERE account = ?1 AND spent IS NULL",
[id])) ?? 0;
final unconfirmedSpentBalance = Sqflite.firstIntValue(await db.rawQuery(
"SELECT SUM(value) AS value FROM received_notes WHERE account = ?1 AND spent = 0",
[id])) ?? 0;
final underConfirmedBalance = Sqflite.firstIntValue(await db.rawQuery(
"SELECT SUM(value) AS value FROM received_notes WHERE account = ?1 AND spent IS NULL AND height > ?2",
[id, confirmHeight])) ?? 0;
final excludedBalance = Sqflite.firstIntValue(await db.rawQuery(
"SELECT SUM(value) FROM received_notes WHERE account = ?1 AND spent IS NULL "
"AND height <= ?2 AND excluded",
[id, confirmHeight])) ?? 0;
balances.update(balance, shieldedBalance, unconfirmedSpentBalance, underConfirmedBalance, excludedBalance);
Future<int> getSaplingBalance() async {
return Sqflite.firstIntValue(await db.rawQuery("SELECT SUM(value) FROM received_notes WHERE account = ?1 AND spent IS NULL AND orchard = 0",
[id])) ?? 0;
Future<int> getOrchardBalance() async {
return Sqflite.firstIntValue(await db.rawQuery("SELECT SUM(value) FROM received_notes WHERE account = ?1 AND spent IS NULL AND orchard = 1",
[id])) ?? 0;
Future<List<Note>> getNotes() async {
final List<Map> res = await db.rawQuery(
"SELECT n.id_note, n.height, n.value, t.timestamp, n.orchard, n.excluded, n.spent FROM received_notes n, transactions t "
"WHERE n.account = ?1 AND (n.spent IS NULL OR n.spent = 0) "
"AND n.tx = t.id_tx ORDER BY n.height DESC",
final notes = res.map((row) {
final id = row['id_note'];
final height = row['height'];
final timestamp = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(row['timestamp'] * 1000);
final orchard = row['orchard'] != 0;
final excluded = (row['excluded'] ?? 0) != 0;
final spent = row['spent'] == 0;
return Note(
id, height, timestamp, row['value'] / ZECUNIT, orchard, excluded, spent);
print("NOTES ${notes.length}");
return notes;
Future<List<Tx>> getTxs() async {
final List<Map> res2 = await db.rawQuery(
"SELECT id_tx, txid, height, timestamp, t.address, c.name AS cname, a.name AS aname, value, memo FROM transactions t "
"LEFT JOIN contacts c ON t.address = c.address "
"LEFT JOIN accounts a ON a.address = t.address "
"WHERE account = ?1 ORDER BY height DESC",
final txs = res2.map((row) {
Uint8List txid = row['txid'];
final fullTxId = hex.encode(txid.reversed.toList());
final shortTxid = fullTxId.substring(0, 8);
final timestamp = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(row['timestamp'] * 1000);
final String? contactName = row['cname'];
final String? accountName = row['aname'];
final name = contactName ?? accountName;
return Tx(
row['value'] / ZECUNIT,
row['address'] ?? "",
row['memo'] ?? "");
print("TXS ${txs.length}");
return txs;
Future<List<PnL>> getPNL(int accountId) async {
final range = _getChartRange();
final List<Map> res1 = await db.rawQuery(
"SELECT timestamp, value FROM transactions WHERE timestamp >= ?2 AND account = ?1",
[accountId, range.start ~/ 1000]);
final List<Trade> trades = [];
for (var row in res1) {
final dt = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(row['timestamp'] * 1000);
final qty = row['value'] / ZECUNIT;
trades.add(Trade(dt, qty));
final portfolioTimeSeries = sampleDaily<Trade, Trade, double>(
(t) => t.dt.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ DAY_MS,
(t) => t,
(acc, t) => acc + t.qty,
final List<Map> res2 = await db.rawQuery(
"SELECT timestamp, price FROM historical_prices WHERE timestamp >= ?2 AND currency = ?1",
[settings.currency, range.start ~/ 1000]);
final List<Quote> quotes = [];
for (var row in res2) {
final dt = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(row['timestamp'] * 1000);
final price = row['price'];
quotes.add(Quote(dt, price));
var prevBalance = 0.0;
var cash = 0.0;
var realized = 0.0;
final List<PnL> pnls = [];
final len = min(quotes.length, portfolioTimeSeries.length);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
final dt = quotes[i].dt;
final price = quotes[i].price;
final balance = portfolioTimeSeries[i].value;
final qty = balance - prevBalance;
final closeQty = qty * balance < 0
? min(qty.abs(), prevBalance.abs()) * qty.sign
: 0.0;
final openQty = qty - closeQty;
final avgPrice = prevBalance != 0 ? cash / prevBalance : 0.0;
cash += openQty * price + closeQty * avgPrice;
realized += closeQty * (avgPrice - price);
final unrealized = price * balance - cash;
final pnl = PnL(dt, price, balance, realized, unrealized);
prevBalance = balance;
return pnls;
Future<List<Spending>> getSpending(int accountId) async {
final range = _getChartRange();
final List<Map> res = await db.rawQuery(
"SELECT SUM(value) as v, t.address, c.name FROM transactions t LEFT JOIN contacts c ON t.address = c.address "
"WHERE account = ?1 AND timestamp >= ?2 AND value < 0 GROUP BY t.address ORDER BY v ASC LIMIT 5",
[accountId, range.start ~/ 1000]);
final spendings = res.map((row) {
final address = row['address'] ?? "";
final value = -row['v'] / ZECUNIT;
final contact = row['name'];
return Spending(address, value, contact);
return spendings;
Future<List<TimeSeriesPoint<double>>> getAccountBalanceTimeSeries(int accountId, int balance) async {
final range = _getChartRange();
final List<Map> res = await db.rawQuery(
"SELECT timestamp, value FROM transactions WHERE account = ?1 AND timestamp >= ?2 ORDER BY timestamp DESC",
[accountId, range.start ~/ 1000]);
List<AccountBalance> _accountBalances = [];
var b = balance;
_accountBalances.add(AccountBalance(DateTime.now(), b / ZECUNIT));
for (var row in res) {
final timestamp =
DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(row['timestamp'] * 1000);
final value = row['value'] as int;
final ab = AccountBalance(timestamp, b / ZECUNIT);
b -= value;
DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(range.start), b / ZECUNIT));
_accountBalances = _accountBalances.reversed.toList();
final accountBalances = sampleDaily<AccountBalance, double, double>(
(AccountBalance ab) => ab.time.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ DAY_MS,
(AccountBalance ab) => ab.balance,
(acc, v) => v,
return accountBalances;
Future<List<ZMessage>> getMessages() async {
final List<Map> res = await db.rawQuery(
"SELECT m.id, m.id_tx, m.timestamp, m.sender, m.recipient, m.incoming, c.name as scontact, a.name as saccount, c2.name as rcontact, a2.name as raccount, "
"subject, body, height, read FROM messages m "
"LEFT JOIN contacts c ON m.sender = c.address "
"LEFT JOIN accounts a ON m.sender = a.address "
"LEFT JOIN contacts c2 ON m.recipient = c2.address "
"LEFT JOIN accounts a2 ON m.recipient = a2.address "
"WHERE account = ?1 ORDER BY timestamp DESC",
List<ZMessage> messages = [];
for (var row in res) {
final id = row['id'];
final txId = row['id_tx'] ?? 0;
final timestamp = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(row['timestamp'] * 1000);
final height = row['height'];
final sender = row['sender'];
final from = row['scontact'] ?? row['saccount'] ?? sender;
final recipient = row['recipient'];
final to = row['rcontact'] ?? row['raccount'] ?? recipient;
final subject = row['subject'];
final body = row['body'];
final read = row['read'] == 1;
final incoming = row['incoming'] == 1;
messages.add(ZMessage(id, txId, incoming, from, to, subject, body, timestamp, height, read));
return messages;
Future<int?> getPrevMessage(String subject, int height, int account) async {
final id = await Sqflite.firstIntValue(await db.rawQuery(
"SELECT MAX(id) FROM messages WHERE subject = ?1 AND height < ?2 and account = ?3",
[subject, height, account]));
return id;
Future<int?> getNextMessage(String subject, int height, int account) async {
final id = await Sqflite.firstIntValue(await db.rawQuery(
"SELECT MIN(id) FROM messages WHERE subject = ?1 AND height > ?2 and account = ?3",
[subject, height, account]));
return id;
Future<List<TAccount>> getTAccounts() async {
final List<Map> res = await db.rawQuery(
"SELECT aindex, address, value FROM taddr_scan", []);
List<TAccount> accounts = [];
for (var row in res) {
final aindex = row['aindex'];
final address = row['address'];
final balance = row['value'];
final account = TAccount(aindex, address, balance);
db.execute("DELETE FROM taddr_scan");
return accounts;
TimeRange _getChartRange() {
final now = DateTime.now().toUtc();
final today = DateTime.utc(now.year, now.month, now.day);
final start = today.add(Duration(days: -_chartRangeDays()));
final cutoff = start.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
return TimeRange(cutoff, today.millisecondsSinceEpoch);
int _chartRangeDays() {
switch (settings.chartRange) {
case '1M':
return 30;
case '3M':
return 90;
case '6M':
return 180;
return 365;
class ZMessage {
final int id;
final int txId;
final bool incoming;
final String? sender;
final String recipient;
final String subject;
final String body;
final DateTime timestamp;
final int height;
final bool read;
ZMessage(this.id, this.txId, this.incoming, this.sender, this.recipient, this.subject, this.body, this.timestamp, this.height, this.read);
ZMessage withRead(bool v) {
return ZMessage(id, txId, incoming, sender, recipient, subject, body, timestamp, height, v);
String fromto() => incoming ? "\u{21e6} ${sender != null ? centerTrim(sender!) : ''}" : "\u{21e8} ${centerTrim(recipient)}";
class TAccount {
final int aindex;
final String address;
final int balance;
TAccount(this.aindex, this.address, this.balance);
} |