
1168 lines
29 KiB

import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:YWallet/src/version.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter_foreground_task/flutter_foreground_task.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences_android/shared_preferences_android.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences_ios/shared_preferences_ios.dart';
import 'package:warp_api/data_fb_generated.dart';
import 'coin/coins.dart';
import 'package:warp_api/warp_api.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
import 'package:flex_color_scheme/flex_color_scheme.dart';
import 'package:sensors_plus/sensors_plus.dart';
import 'coin/coin.dart';
import 'generated/l10n.dart';
import 'main.dart';
part 'store.g.dart';
enum ViewStyle { Auto, Table, List }
class ServerSelection {
static String lwdChoiceKey = 'lwd_choice';
static String lwdCustomKey = 'lwd_custom';
final int coin;
String selected;
String custom;
ServerSelection(this.coin, this.selected, this.custom);
factory ServerSelection.load(int coin) {
var selected = WarpApi.getProperty(coin, lwdChoiceKey);
final custom = WarpApi.getProperty(coin, lwdCustomKey);
if (selected.isEmpty) selected = 'auto';
return ServerSelection(coin, selected, custom);
void save() {
WarpApi.setProperty(coin, lwdChoiceKey, selected);
WarpApi.setProperty(coin, lwdCustomKey, custom);
final url = _resolve();
WarpApi.updateLWD(coin, url);
String _resolve() {
final c = coins.firstWhere((c) => c.coin == coin);
switch (selected) {
case 'auto':
var servers = => c.url).toList();
try {
return WarpApi.getBestServer(servers);
} catch (e) {
return c.lwd.first.url;
case 'custom':
return custom;
return c.lwd.firstWhere((s) => == selected).url;
String get current {
return WarpApi.getLWD(coin);
class CoinData = _CoinData with _$CoinData;
abstract class _CoinData with Store {
final int coin;
int syncedHeight = 0;
final CoinBase def;
bool contactsSaved = true;
_CoinData(this.coin, this.def);
class Settings = _Settings with _$Settings;
abstract class _Settings with Store {
bool simpleMode = true;
List<CoinData> coins = [CoinData(0, zcash), CoinData(1, ycash)];
String version = "1.0.0";
int anchorOffset = 10;
bool getTx = true;
int rowsPerPage = 10;
String theme = "";
String themeBrightness = "";
ThemeData themeData = ThemeData.light();
bool showConfirmations = false;
String currency = "USD";
List<String> currencies = ["USD"];
String chartRange = '1Y';
double autoShieldThreshold = 0.0;
bool useUA = false;
int autoHide = 1;
bool includeReplyTo = false;
ViewStyle messageView = ViewStyle.Auto;
ViewStyle noteView = ViewStyle.Auto;
ViewStyle txView = ViewStyle.Auto;
bool protectSend = false;
bool protectOpen = false;
bool qrOffline = true;
int primaryColorValue = 0;
int primaryVariantColorValue = 0;
int secondaryColorValue = 0;
int secondaryVariantColorValue = 0;
String? memoSignature;
bool flat = false;
bool antispam = false;
bool useMillis = true;
bool useGPU = false;
bool instantSync = false;
String tempDir = "";
int uaType = 7;
String backupEncKey = "";
int developerMode = 10;
int minPrivacyLevel = 0;
bool sound = true;
String dbPasswd = "";
Future<bool> restore() async {
if (Platform.isIOS) SharedPreferencesIOS.registerWith();
if (Platform.isAndroid) SharedPreferencesAndroid.registerWith();
tempDir = await getTempPath();
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
version = prefs.getString('version') ?? "1.0.0";
simpleMode = prefs.getBool('simple_mode') ?? true;
anchorOffset = prefs.getInt('anchor_offset') ?? 3;
getTx = prefs.getBool('get_txinfo') ?? true;
rowsPerPage = prefs.getInt('rows_per_age') ?? 10;
theme = prefs.getString('theme') ?? "gold";
themeBrightness = prefs.getString('theme_brightness') ?? "dark";
showConfirmations = prefs.getBool('show_confirmations') ?? false;
currency = prefs.getString('currency') ?? "USD";
chartRange = prefs.getString('chart_range') ?? "1Y";
autoShieldThreshold = prefs.getDouble('autoshield_threshold') ?? 0.0;
useUA = prefs.getBool('use_ua') ?? false;
final autoHideOld = prefs.getBool('auto_hide') ?? true;
autoHide = prefs.getInt('auto_hide2') ?? (autoHideOld ? 1 : 0);
protectSend = prefs.getBool('protect_send') ?? false;
protectOpen = prefs.getBool('protect_open') ?? false;
includeReplyTo = prefs.getBool('include_reply_to') ?? false;
messageView = ViewStyle.values[(prefs.getInt('message_view') ?? 0)];
noteView = ViewStyle.values[(prefs.getInt('note_view') ?? 0)];
txView = ViewStyle.values[(prefs.getInt('tx_view') ?? 0)];
qrOffline = prefs.getBool('qr_offline') ?? true;
sound = prefs.getBool('sound') ?? true;
primaryColorValue = prefs.getInt('primary') ??;
primaryVariantColorValue =
prefs.getInt('primary.variant') ?? Colors.blueAccent.value;
secondaryColorValue = prefs.getInt('secondary') ??;
secondaryVariantColorValue =
prefs.getInt('secondary.variant') ?? Colors.greenAccent.value;
memoSignature = prefs.getString('memo_signature');
antispam = prefs.getBool('antispam') ?? true;
useMillis = prefs.getBool('use_millis') ?? true;
useGPU = prefs.getBool('gpu') ?? false;
backupEncKey = prefs.getString('backup_key') ?? "";
final _developerMode = prefs.getBool('developer_mode') ?? false;
developerMode = _developerMode ? 0 : 10;
uaType = prefs.getInt('ua_type') ?? 7;
minPrivacyLevel = prefs.getInt('min_privacy') ?? 0;
for (var c in coins) {
final ticker = c.def.ticker;
c.contactsSaved = prefs.getBool("$ticker.contacts_saved") ?? true;
prefs.setString('version', packageVersion);
Future.microtask(_loadCurrencies); // lazily
if (isMobile()) accelerometerEvents.listen(_handleAccel);
return true;
void _handleAccel(event) {
final n = sqrt(event.x * event.x + event.y * event.y + event.z * event.z);
final inclination = acos(event.z / n) / pi * 180 * event.y.sign;
final _flat = inclination < 20
? true
: inclination > 40
? false
: null;
if (_flat != null && flat != _flat) flat = _flat;
Future<void> setVersion(String v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
prefs.setString('version', v);
version = v;
Future<void> setMode(bool simple) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
prefs.setBool('simple_mode', simple);
simpleMode = simple;
void updateLWD() async {
for (var c in coins) {
final server = ServerSelection.load(c.coin);
final url = server.current;
if (url.isNotEmpty) WarpApi.updateLWD(c.coin, url);
Future<void> setAnchorOffset(int offset) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
anchorOffset = offset;
prefs.setInt('anchor_offset', offset);
Future<void> setAntiSpam(bool v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
antispam = v;
prefs.setBool('antispam', v);
Future<void> setSound(bool v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
sound = v;
prefs.setBool('sound', v);
Future<void> setUseMillis(bool v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
useMillis = v;
prefs.setBool('use_millis', v);
Future<void> setUseGPU(bool v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
useGPU = v;
prefs.setBool('gpu', v);
Future<void> setTheme(String thm) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
theme = thm;
prefs.setString('theme', thm);
Future<void> setThemeBrightness(String brightness) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
themeBrightness = brightness;
prefs.setString('theme_brightness', brightness);
void _updateThemeData() {
if (theme == 'custom') {
final colors = FlexSchemeColor(
primary: Color(primaryColorValue),
primaryVariant: Color(primaryVariantColorValue),
secondary: Color(secondaryColorValue),
secondaryVariant: Color(secondaryVariantColorValue));
final scheme = FlexSchemeData(
name: 'custom',
description: 'Custom Theme',
light: colors,
dark: colors);
switch (themeBrightness) {
case 'light':
themeData = FlexColorScheme.light(colors: scheme.light).toTheme;
case 'dark':
themeData = FlexColorScheme.dark(colors: scheme.dark).toTheme;
} else {
FlexScheme scheme;
switch (theme) {
case 'gold':
scheme =;
case 'blue':
scheme = FlexScheme.bahamaBlue;
case 'pink':
scheme =;
case 'purple':
scheme = FlexScheme.deepPurple;
scheme =;
switch (themeBrightness) {
case 'light':
themeData = FlexColorScheme.light(scheme: scheme).toTheme;
case 'dark':
themeData = FlexColorScheme.dark(scheme: scheme).toTheme;
Future<void> updateCustomThemeColors(Color primary, Color primaryVariant,
Color secondary, Color secondaryVariant) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
primaryColorValue = primary.value;
primaryVariantColorValue = primaryVariant.value;
secondaryColorValue = secondary.value;
secondaryVariantColorValue = secondaryVariant.value;
prefs.setInt('primary', primaryColorValue);
prefs.setInt('primary.variant', primaryVariantColorValue);
prefs.setInt('secondary', secondaryColorValue);
prefs.setInt('secondary.variant', secondaryVariantColorValue);
Future<void> setChartRange(String v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
chartRange = v;
prefs.setString('chart_range', chartRange);
Future<void> updateGetTx(bool v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
getTx = v;
prefs.setBool('get_txinfo', v);
Future<void> setRowsPerPage(int v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
rowsPerPage = v;
prefs.setInt('rows_per_age', v);
Future<void> toggleShowConfirmations() async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
showConfirmations = !showConfirmations;
prefs.setBool('show_confirmations', showConfirmations);
Future<void> setCurrency(String newCurrency) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
currency = newCurrency;
prefs.setString('currency', currency);
await priceStore.fetchCoinPrice(active.coin);
Future<void> _loadCurrencies() async {
try {
final base = "";
final uri = Uri.https(base, '/api/v3/simple/supported_vs_currencies');
final rep = await http.get(uri);
if (rep.statusCode == 200) {
final _currencies = convert.jsonDecode(rep.body) as List<dynamic>;
final c = => (v as String).toUpperCase()).toList();
currencies = c;
} catch (_) {}
Future<void> setAutoShieldThreshold(double v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
autoShieldThreshold = v;
prefs.setDouble('autoshield_threshold', autoShieldThreshold);
Future<void> setUseUA(bool v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
useUA = v;
prefs.setBool('use_ua', useUA);
Future<void> setAutoHide(int v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
autoHide = v;
prefs.setInt('auto_hide2', autoHide);
Future<void> setProtectSend(bool v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
protectSend = v;
prefs.setBool('protect_send', protectSend);
Future<void> setProtectOpen(bool v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
protectOpen = v;
prefs.setBool('protect_open', protectOpen);
Future<void> setIncludeReplyTo(bool v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
includeReplyTo = v;
prefs.setBool('include_reply_to', includeReplyTo);
Future<void> setMessageView(ViewStyle v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
messageView = v;
prefs.setInt('message_view', v.index);
Future<void> setNoteView(ViewStyle v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
noteView = v;
prefs.setInt('note_view', v.index);
Future<void> setTxView(ViewStyle v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
txView = v;
prefs.setInt('tx_view', v.index);
Future<void> setQrOffline(bool v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
prefs.setBool('qr_offline', v);
qrOffline = v;
Future<void> setMemoSignature(String v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
memoSignature = v;
prefs.setString('memo_signature', v);
Future<void> setUAType(int v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
uaType = v;
prefs.setInt('ua_type', v);
Future<void> setBackupEncKey(String v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
backupEncKey = v;
prefs.setString('backup_key', v);
Future<void> tapDeveloperMode(BuildContext context) async {
developerMode -= 1;
if (developerMode > 5) return;
if (developerMode > 0) {
showSnackBar("You are $developerMode steps away from being a developer",
autoClose: true, quick: true);
} else if (developerMode == 0) {
final authenticated = await authenticate(context, 'Developer Mode');
if (authenticated) {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
prefs.setBool('developer_mode', true);
showSnackBar("You are now a developer");
developerMode += 1;
Future<void> resetDevMode() async {
developerMode = 10;
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
prefs.setBool('developer_mode', false);
Future<void> setMinPrivacy(int v) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
minPrivacyLevel = v;
prefs.setInt('min_privacy', v);
bool get isDeveloper => developerMode == 0;
Future<double?> getFxRate(String coin, String fiat) async {
final base = "";
final uri = Uri.https(
base, '/api/v3/simple/price', {'ids': coin, 'vs_currencies': fiat});
try {
final rep = await http.get(uri);
if (rep.statusCode == 200) {
final json = convert.jsonDecode(rep.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final p = json[coin][fiat.toLowerCase()];
return (p is double) ? p : (p as int).toDouble();
} catch (_) {}
return null;
class PriceStore = _PriceStore with _$PriceStore;
abstract class _PriceStore with Store {
double coinPrice = 0.0;
int? lastChartUpdateTime;
Future<void> fetchCoinPrice(int coin) async {
final c = settings.coins[coin].def;
coinPrice = await getFxRate(c.currency, settings.currency) ?? 0.0;
Future<void> updateChart({bool? force}) async {
final f = force ?? false;
try {
final _lastChartUpdateTime = lastChartUpdateTime;
final now = ~/ 1000;
if (f ||
_lastChartUpdateTime == null ||
now > _lastChartUpdateTime + 5 * 60) {
await WarpApi.syncHistoricalPrices(settings.currency);
lastChartUpdateTime = now;
} on String catch (msg) {
class SyncStatus = _SyncStatus with _$SyncStatus;
abstract class _SyncStatus with Store {
int? startSyncedHeight;
bool isRescan = false;
int? syncedHeight;
int latestHeight = 0;
DateTime? timestamp;
bool accountRestored = false;
bool syncing = false;
bool paused = false;
int downloadedSize = 0;
int trialDecryptionCount = 0;
int? pendingRescanHeight;
bool isSynced() {
final sh = syncedHeight;
return sh != null && sh >= latestHeight;
int get confirmHeight {
final ch = latestHeight - settings.anchorOffset;
return max(ch, 0);
int? get progress {
final _startHeight = startSyncedHeight;
final _syncedHeight = syncedHeight;
if (_startHeight != null && _syncedHeight != null) {
final total = latestHeight - _startHeight;
final percent =
total > 0 ? 100 * (_syncedHeight - _startHeight) ~/ total : 0;
return percent;
return null;
setSyncHeight(int? height, DateTime? _timestamp) {
if (height == null || syncedHeight != height) syncedHeight = height;
timestamp = _timestamp;
void reset() {
isRescan = false;
syncedHeight = null;
syncing = false;
paused = false;
void markAsSynced(int coin) {
BlockInfo? getDbSyncedHeight() {
final h = WarpApi.getDbHeight(active.coin);
if (h == null) return null;
final timestamp = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(h.timestamp * 1000);
final blockInfo = BlockInfo(h.height, timestamp);
return blockInfo;
Future<bool> update() async {
final server = WarpApi.getLWD(active.coin);
if (server.isEmpty) {
final server = ServerSelection.load(active.coin);
final url = server.current;
if (url.isNotEmpty) WarpApi.updateLWD(active.coin, url);
try {
latestHeight = await WarpApi.getLatestHeight();
} on String {}
final _syncedInfo = getDbSyncedHeight();
// if syncedHeight = 0, we just started sync therefore don't set it back to null
if (syncedHeight != 0 && _syncedInfo != null)
setSyncHeight(_syncedInfo.height, _syncedInfo.timestamp);
return latestHeight > 0 && syncedHeight == latestHeight;
Future<void> sync(bool _isRescan) async {
if (paused) return;
if (syncing) return;
await syncStatus.update();
if (syncedHeight == null) return;
try {
syncing = true;
startSyncedHeight = syncedHeight!;
isRescan = _isRescan;
final currentSyncedHeight = syncedHeight;
if (!isSynced()) {
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
await FlutterForegroundTask.startService(
notificationTitle: S.current.synchronizationInProgress,
notificationText: '',
final params = SyncParams(
settings.antispam ? 50 : 1000000,
final res = await compute(WarpApi.warpSync, params);
if (res == 0) {
if (currentSyncedHeight != syncedHeight) {
} else if (res == 1) {
await reorg();
} on String catch (e) {
showSnackBar(e, error: true);
paused = true;
} finally {
syncing = false;
if (Platform.isAndroid) await FlutterForegroundTask.stopService();
Future<void> reorg() async {
final _syncedHeight = getDbSyncedHeight();
if (_syncedHeight != null) {
final offset = max(settings.anchorOffset, 1);
final rewindHeight = max(_syncedHeight.height - offset, 0);
final height = WarpApi.rewindTo(rewindHeight);
await syncStatus.update();
Future<void> rescan(int height) async {
if (syncing) {
pendingRescanHeight = height;
syncedHeight = height;
timestamp = null;
await sync(true);
final rh = pendingRescanHeight;
if (rh != null) {
pendingRescanHeight = null;
await rescan(rh);
void setAccountRestored(bool v) {
accountRestored = v;
void setSyncedToLatestHeight() {
setSyncHeight(latestHeight, null);
void setPause(bool v) {
paused = v;
void setProgress(Progress progress) {
trialDecryptionCount = progress.trialDecryptions;
syncedHeight = progress.height;
downloadedSize = progress.downloaded;
class MultiPayStore = _MultiPayStore with _$MultiPayStore;
abstract class _MultiPayStore with Store {
ObservableList<Recipient> recipients = ObservableList.of([]);
void addRecipient(Recipient recipient) {
void removeRecipient(int index) {
void clear() {
class ETAStore = _ETAStore with _$ETAStore;
abstract class _ETAStore with Store {
ETACheckpoint? prev;
ETACheckpoint? current;
void reset() {
prev = null;
current = null;
void checkpoint(int height, DateTime timestamp) {
prev = current;
current = ETACheckpoint(height, timestamp);
String get eta {
final defaultMsg = "Calculating ETA";
final p = prev;
final c = current;
if (p == null || c == null) return defaultMsg;
if (c.timestamp.millisecondsSinceEpoch ==
p.timestamp.millisecondsSinceEpoch) return defaultMsg;
final speed = (c.height - p.height) /
(c.timestamp.millisecondsSinceEpoch -
if (speed == 0) return defaultMsg;
final eta = (syncStatus.latestHeight - c.height) / speed;
if (eta <= 0) return defaultMsg;
final duration =
Duration(milliseconds: eta.floor()).toString().split('.')[0];
return "ETA: $duration";
class ContactStore = _ContactStore with _$ContactStore;
abstract class _ContactStore with Store {
ObservableList<ContactT> contacts = ObservableList<ContactT>.of([]);
void fetchContacts() {
void add(ContactT c) {
WarpApi.storeContact(,!, c.address!, true);
markContactsSaved(active.coin, false);
void remove(ContactT c) {
contacts.removeWhere((contact) => ==;
WarpApi.storeContact(,!, "", true);
markContactsSaved(active.coin, false);
markContactsSaved(int coin, bool v) {
settings.coins[coin].contactsSaved = v;
Future.microtask(() async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final c = settings.coins[coin].def;
prefs.setBool("${c.ticker}.contacts_saved", v);
class SyncStatsStore = _SyncStatsStore with _$SyncStatsStore;
abstract class _SyncStatsStore with Store {
ObservableList<SyncDatum> syncData = ObservableList<SyncDatum>.of([]);
void reset() {
syncData = ObservableList<SyncDatum>.of([]);
void add(DateTime now, int height) {
syncData.add(SyncDatum(now, height));
class ETACheckpoint {
int height;
DateTime timestamp;
ETACheckpoint(this.height, this.timestamp);
var progressPort = ReceivePort();
var progressStream = progressPort.asBroadcastStream();
var syncPort = ReceivePort();
var syncStream = syncPort.asBroadcastStream();
var unconfirmedBalancePort = ReceivePort();
var unconfirmedBalanceStream = unconfirmedBalancePort.asObservable();
abstract class HasHeight {
int height = 0;
class Note extends HasHeight {
int id;
int height;
DateTime timestamp;
double value;
bool orchard;
bool excluded;
bool spent;
Note(, this.height, this.timestamp, this.value, this.orchard,
this.excluded, this.spent);
Note get invertExcluded =>
Note(id, height, timestamp, value, orchard, !excluded, spent);
class Tx extends HasHeight {
int id;
int height;
DateTime timestamp;
String txid;
String fullTxId;
double value;
String? address;
String? contact;
String? memo;
Tx(, this.height, this.timestamp, this.txid, this.fullTxId, this.value,
this.address,, this.memo);
class AccountBalance {
final DateTime time;
final double balance;
AccountBalance(this.time, this.balance);
enum SortOrder {
SortOrder nextSortOrder(SortOrder order) =>
SortOrder.values[(order.index + 1) % 3];
class PnL {
final DateTime timestamp;
final double price;
final double amount;
final double realized;
final double unrealized;
PnL(this.timestamp, this.price, this.amount, this.realized, this.unrealized);
String toString() {
return "$timestamp $price $amount $realized $unrealized";
class TimeSeriesPoint<V> {
final int day;
final V value;
TimeSeriesPoint(, this.value);
class Trade {
final DateTime dt;
final qty;
Trade(this.dt, this.qty);
class Portfolio {
final DateTime dt;
final qty;
Portfolio(this.dt, this.qty);
class Quote {
final DateTime dt;
final price;
Quote(this.dt, this.price);
class TimeRange {
final int start;
final int end;
TimeRange(this.start, this.end);
class SortConfig {
String field;
SortOrder order;
SortConfig(this.field, this.order);
SortConfig sortOn(String field) {
final order =
field != this.field ? SortOrder.Ascending : nextSortOrder(this.order);
return SortConfig(field, order);
String getIndicator(String field) {
if (this.field != field) return '';
if (order == SortOrder.Ascending) return ' \u2191';
if (order == SortOrder.Descending) return ' \u2193';
return '';
class DecodedPaymentURI {
String address;
int amount;
String memo;
DecodedPaymentURI(this.address, this.amount, this.memo);
factory DecodedPaymentURI.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$DecodedPaymentURIToJson(this);
class SendPageArgs {
final bool isMulti; // use multi ...
final List<Recipient> recipients; // recipients
final ContactT? contact; // send to contact
final String? address; // reply to ...
final String? subject; // message
final String? uri; // send to payment URI
{this.isMulti = false,,
this.recipients = const []});
class ShareInfo {
final int index;
final int threshold;
final int participants;
final String value;
ShareInfo(this.index, this.threshold, this.participants, this.value);
class TxSummary {
final String address;
final int amount;
final String txJson;
TxSummary(this.address, this.amount, this.txJson);
class BlockInfo {
final int height;
final DateTime timestamp;
BlockInfo(this.height, this.timestamp);
class SyncDatum {
final DateTime timestamp; // elapsed time in secs
final int height; // block time stamp
SyncDatum(this.timestamp, this.height);