Uploaded 10_14_2019

This commit is contained in:
MicroCoreLabs 2019-10-14 09:17:48 -07:00
parent 89433f83f6
commit e56189c12b
2 changed files with 262 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,113 @@
# Microcode for the MCL51
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2019 by Ted Fried info@MicroCoreLabs.com
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
# that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
# This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# [15:8]=Internal Flags and system signals [7:0]=Actual PSW register from the BIU
# ** Flags must be written to the PSW through the BIU - User could access PSW by address at any time
# assign eu_flags_r[15] = eu_add_carry
# assign eu_flags_r[14] = eu_add_aux_carry
# assign eu_flags_r[13] = eu_add_carry16
# assign eu_flags_r[12] =
# assign eu_flags_r[11] =
# assign eu_flags_r[10] = eu_add_overflow
# assign eu_flags_r[9] =
# assign eu_flags_r[8] = BIU_INTERRUPT
# assign eu_flags_r[7] = BIU_SFR_PSW[7] // C
# assign eu_flags_r[6] = BIU_SFR_PSW[6] // AC
# assign eu_flags_r[5] = BIU_SFR_PSW[5] // F0
# assign eu_flags_r[4] = BIU_SFR_PSW[4] // RS1
# assign eu_flags_r[3] = BIU_SFR_PSW[3] // RS0
# assign eu_flags_r[2] = BIU_SFR_PSW[2] // Overflow
# assign eu_flags_r[1] = BIU_INTR // Interrupt from the BIU
# assign eu_flags_r[0] = BIU_SFR_PSW[0] // Parity
# BIU Strobes
# -------------
# // Signals from the EU to request BIU processing
# // Only asserted for one clock cycle and cause BIU to take immediate action.
# //
# eu_biu_address_code = eu_biu_strobe[6:4];
# 0=Program code space
# 1=Direct Data space
# 2=Indirect Data space
# 3=SFR or Bit address?
# eu_biu_strobe = eu_biu_strobe[2:0];
# 0=idle
# 1=write BIU_DATAOUT to address in r3
# 2=read address in r3 into BIU_RETURN_DATA
# 3=Global Interrupt Disable
# 4=Global Interrupt Enable
# EU Registers
# --------------
# Destination Operand0 Operand1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 0 r0 0 r0 0 r0
# 1 r1 1 r1 1 r1
# 2 r2 2 r2 2 r2
# 3 r3 3 r3 3 r3
# 4 BIU_Dataout 4 00,BIU_Return_Data 4 00,SP
# 5 Dummy 5 {eu_flags_r} 5
# 6 BIU_Strobe 6 00,ACC 6 DPTR
# 7 IP 7 IP 7 Opcode Immediate[15:0]
# 8+ 16'h0000
# hightea247
# boat98247
# feb 1 1971
# EU Opcodes
# -----------
# 0x1 - JUMP
# ----------------
# Bits[31:28] : 0x1
# Bits[27:24] : CALL 1=Push next IP address to call stack
# Bits[22:20] : Jump Source:
# 0x0=Immediate[12:0]
# 0x1={4'h0 & code_byte} -- For initial Jump
# 0x2={immediate[xx:0] & code_byte[3:0]} -- Addressing modes
# 0x3=Return to CALL stored IP address -- CALL Return
# 0x4={ 7'h00 , BIU_RETURN_DATA[2:0] } -- Bit Mask decoding table
# Bits[19:16] : Jump Condition:
# 0x0=Unconditional
# 0x1=Last_ALU_Result!=0
# 0x2=Last_ALU_Result==0
# Bits[12:0] : Immediate[12:0]
# 0x2 - ADD
# 0x3 - XOR
# 0x4 - OR
# 0x5 - AND
# 0x6 - Byte swap eu_operand0
# 0x7 - Shift Right based on type: { immediate[0] , eu_operand0[7:0] }
# Immedaite = 0 = Eight bit - shift in op0[0],
# 1 = Eight bit - shift in PSW_carry
# 2 = Sixteen bit - shift in eu_add_carry16
# Reset the CPU
p 00 00000 00001 0001

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@ -1,4 +1,155 @@
# Microcode for the MCL86
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2019 by Ted Fried info@MicroCoreLabs.com
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
# that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
# This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# // Consolidated system signals
# assign system_signals[15]
# assign system_signals[14]
# assign system_signals[13] = eu_add_carry8;
# assign system_signals[12] = clock_cycle_counter_zero;
# assign system_signals[11] = eu_add_overflow16;
# assign system_signals[10]
# assign system_signals[9] = eu_add_overflow8;
# assign system_signals[8] = eu_flag_t_asserted;
# assign system_signals[7] = ~pfq_empty;
# assign system_signals[6] = biu_done_caught;
# assign system_signals[5] = test_n_int;
# assign system_signals[4] = eu_add_aux_carry;
# assign system_signals[3] = nmi_caught;
# assign system_signals[2] = eu_parity;
# assign system_signals[1] = int_asserted;
# assign system_signals[0] = eu_add_carry16;
# assign eu_prefix_repnz = eu_flags[15];
# assign eu_prefix_repz = eu_flags[14];
# assign eu_prefix_lock = eu_flags[13];
# assign eu_nmi_debounce = eu_flags[12];
# assign eu_flag_o = eu_flags[11];
# assign eu_flag_d = eu_flags[10];
# assign eu_flag_i = eu_flags[9];
# assign eu_flag_t = eu_flags[8];
# assign eu_flag_s = eu_flags[7];
# assign eu_flag_z = eu_flags[6];
# assign eu_tf_debounce = eu_flags[5];
# assign eu_flag_a = eu_flags[4];
# assign eu_flag_temp = eu_flags[3];
# assign eu_flag_p = eu_flags[2];
# assign eu_flag_temp = eu_flags[1];
# assign eu_flag_c = eu_flags[0];
# BIU Command
# -------------
# // Signals from the EU to request BIU processing
# // eu_biu_strobe[1:0] are available for only one clock cycle and cause BIU to take immediate action.
# // eu_biu_req stays asserted until the BIU is available to service the request.
# //
# = eu_biu_command[15];
# eu_segment_override = eu_biu_command[14];
# eu_biu_strobe[1:0] = eu_biu_command[13:12]; // 01=opcode fetch 10=clock load 11=load biu register(eu_biu_req_code has the register#)
# eu_biu_segment[1:0] = eu_biu_command[11:10];
# eu_biu_req = eu_biu_command[9];
# eu_biu_req_code = eu_biu_command[8:4];
# eu_qs_out[1:0] = eu_biu_command[3:2]; // Updated for every opcode fetch strobe using biu_strobe and Jump request using eu_biu_rq
# eu_segment_override_value[1:0] = eu_biu_command[1:0];
# EU Registers
# --------------
# Destination Operand0 Operand1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 0 AX 0 AX 0 ES
# 1 BX 1 BX 1 SS
# 2 CX 2 CX 2 CS
# 3 DX 3 DX 3 DS
# 4 SP 4 SP 4 { 8'h00 , pfq_top_byte }
# 5 BP 5 BP 5 EA_RM from BIU
# 6 SI 6 SI 6 EA_REG from BIU
# 7 DI 7 DI 7 BIU Return Data
# 8 Flags 8 Flags 8 Prefetch Queue Address (Current IP)
# 9 r0 9 r0 9 r0
# A r1 A r1 A r1
# B r2 B r2 B r2
# C r3 C r3 C r3
# D BIU Command D BIU Command D ALU Last Result
# E Dummy Reg E System Signals E System Signals
# F BIU Dataout F 16'h0000 F Opcode Immediate[15:0]
# EU Opcodes
# -----------
# 0x1 - JUMP
# ----------------
# Bits[31:28] : 0x1
# Bits[27:24] : CALL 1=Store next IP address
# Bits[22:20] : Jump Source:
# 0x0=Immediate[12:0]
# 0x1={immediate[4:0]&pfq_top_byte}
# 0x2={immediate[4:0]&pfq_top_byte[7:6]&pfq_top_byte[2:0]&000}
# 0x3=Return to CALL stored IP address
# 0x4={immediate[8:0], eu_biu_dataout[3:0] , 1'b0 } // For register fetch
# 0x5={immediate[7:0], eu_biu_dataout[3:0] , 2'b00 } // For register writeback
# 0x6={eu_opcode_immediate[12:3], eu_biu_dataout[5:3]} // For opcode group decoding
# Bits[19:16] : Jump Condition:
# 0x0=Unconditional
# 0x1=Last_ALU_Result!=0
# 0x2=Last_ALU_Result==0
# Bits[12:0] : Immediate[12:0]
# 0x2 - ADD
# 0x3 - BYTESWAP op0
# 0x4 - AND
# 0x5 - OR
# 0x6 - XOR
# 0x7 - Shift Right { eu_operand1[0] , eu_operand0[15:1] }
# ---------------
# Bits[31:28] : Type
# Bits[27:24] : Destination
# Bits[23:20] : Operand0
# Bits[19:16] : Operand1
# Bits[12:0] : Immediate[15:0]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# assign jump_adddress_eu = (eu_biu_req_code == h08 ===> IO Byte Read
# (eu_biu_req_code == h0A ===> IO Byte Write
# (eu_biu_req_code == h0C ===> Memory Byte Read
# (eu_biu_req_code == h0E ===> Memory Byte Write
# (eu_biu_req_code == h10 ===> Memory Word Read
# (eu_biu_req_code == h11 ===> Memory Word Read - From Stack Segment
# (eu_biu_req_code == h12 ===> Memory Word Read - From segment 0000 - for interrupt vector fetches
# (eu_biu_req_code == h13 ===> Memory Word Write
# (eu_biu_req_code == h14 ===> Memory Word Write - To Stack Segment
# (eu_biu_req_code == h16 ===> Interrupt ACK Cycle
# (eu_biu_req_code == h18 ===> HALT State
# (eu_biu_req_code == h19 ===> Jump Instruction
# (eu_biu_req_code == h1A ===> IO Word Read
# (eu_biu_req_code == h1C ===> IO Word Write
# RESET State
# Stop CPU
p 00 00000 00010 0001
p 01 00000 00010 0000