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home Home Moor is an easy to use, reactive persistence library for Flutter apps. 0


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Moor is an easy to use, reactive persistence library for Flutter apps. Define your database tables in pure Dart and enjoy a fluent query API, auto-updating streams and more! {: .fs-6 .fw-300 }

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[Get started now]({{ site.common_links.getting_started | absolute_url }}){: .btn .btn-green .fs-5 .mb-4 .mb-md-0 .mr-2 } View on GitHub{: .btn .btn-outline .fs-5 .mb-4 .mb-md-0 .mr-2 }


Moor contains a whole set of features that makes working with persistence much easier and safer.

Declarative tables

With moor, you can declare your tables in pure dart without having to miss out on advanced sqlite features. Moor will take care of writing the CREATE TABLE statements when the database is created.

Fluent queries

Thanks to the power of Dart build system, moor will let you write typesafe queries:

Future<User> userById(int id) {
    return (select(users)..where((user) => user.id.equals(id))).getSingle();
    // runs SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?, automatically binds the parameter
    // and parses the result row.

No more hard to debug typos in sql, no more annoying to write mapping code - moor takes care of all the boring parts.

Prefer SQL? Moor got you covered

Moor contains a powerful sql parser and analyzer, allowing it to create typesafe APIs for all your sql queries:

  tables: [Categories],
  queries: {
    'categoryById': 'SELECT * FROM categories WHERE id = :id'
class MyDatabase extends _$MyDatabase {
// the _$MyDatabase class will have the categoryById(int id) and watchCategoryById(int id)
// methods that execute the sql and parse its result into a generated class.

All queries are validated and analyzed during build-time, so that moor can provide hints about potential errors quickly and generate efficient mapping code once.

Auto-updating streams

For all your queries, moor can generate a Stream that will automatically emit new results whenever the underlying data changes. This is first-class feature that perfectly integrates with custom queries, daos and all the other features. Having an auto-updating single source of truth makes managing perstistent state much easier!

And much moor...

Moor also supports transactions, DAOs, powerful helpers for migrations, batched inserts and many more features that makes writing persistence code much easier.

Getting started

{% include content/getting_started.md %}

You can ignore the schemaVersion at the moment, the important part is that you can now run your queries with fluent Dart code

[Writing queries]({{"queries" | absolute_url }})