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Generate code for moor 3.0. This most notably includes custom companions and nested result sets. See moor's changelog for all the new features.


  • Support type converters in moor files. You can import the necessary Dart file with a regular import statement and then use MAPPED BY ``MyTypeConverter`` in a column definition.


  • CLI/IDE: Fix path resolution on Windows


  • Support explicit type arguments for queries in moor files. In foo(:bar AS TEXT, :baz AS INT): SELECT :bar, :baz;, the column type can now be inferred. Previously, the query would fail because of an unknown type.
  • Support CREATE TRIGGER and CREATE INDEX statements in moor files
  • Optional new type inference algorithm
  • CLI tool to analyze moor projects


  • Experimental new CLI tool (pub run moor_generator). Not useful at the moment
  • Support inheritance when defining daos (#285)
  • Improve robustness and error messages, many bug fixes


  • Fix a crash when using common table expressions in custom statements
  • Don't use a moor specific caching graph across build steps


  • Accept inheritance in table definitions (e.g. if an abstract class declared as IntColumn get foo => integer()(), tables inheriting from that class will also have a foo column)
  • New use_data_class_name_for_companions option that will make the name of the companion based on the data class name (uses table name by default).
  • New use_column_name_as_json_key_when_defined_in_moor_file option to use the column name instead of the Dart getter name as json key for columns declared in moor files



  • Rewritten generator with looser coupling to the build package
  • Implementation of an SQL IDE as analyzer plugin
  • Support sqlparser 0.3.0 and updated grammar for moor files


  • Drop support for analyzer versions <0.36.4. They weren't supported in version 1.7.0 either, but the pubspec.yaml did not specify this correctly.
  • Support for moor version 1.7.1, which contains a fix for integer columns declared as primary key


  • Support type converters that were introduced in moor 1.7
  • Support parsing and generating code for .moor files (see docs).


  • Generate code to expand array variables

The +1 release has no changes to 1.6.0, there were issues while uploading to pub. +2 fixes delivers on the promise of supporting the analyze 0.37


  • Parse custom queries and write generated mapping code.
  • Refactorings and minor improvements in the generator

For more details on the new features, check out changelog of the moor package.


  • Added the RealColumn, which stores floating point values
  • Better configuration for the serializer with the JsonKey annotation and the ability to use a custom ValueSerializer


  • Moor now supports table joins
    • Added table aliases
  • Default values for columns: Just use the withDefault method when declaring a column
    • added expressions that resolve to the current date or time
  • Fixed a crash that would occur if the first operation was a transaction
  • Better support for custom expressions as part of a regular query
  • Faster hashcode implementation in generated data classes


  • Blob data type
  • Generated classes now use lazy getters instead of recalculating fields on each access
  • Custom Constraints
  • Data classes can be converted from and to json


  • The generated data classes now implement toString()


  • Initial version of the Moor generator