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Bitcore v0.8


Bitcoin is a powerful new peer-to-peer platform for the next generation of financial technology. The decentralized nature of the Bitcoin network allows for highly resilient bitcoin infrastructure, and the developer community needs reliable, open-source tools to implement bitcoin apps and services. Bitcore provides a reliable API for javascript apps that need to interface with Bitcoin.

To get started, just npm install bitcore or bower install bitcore.

Documentation Index

Addresses and Key Management

Payment handling

Bitcoin internals




Create a Private Key

var privKey = new bitcore.PrivateKey();

Create an Address

var privKey = new bitcore.PrivateKey();
var address = privKey.toAddress();

Create a Multisig Address

// Build a 2-of-3 address from public keys
var P2SHAddress = new bitcore.Address([publicKey1, publicKey2, publicKey3], 2);

Request a Payment

var paymentInfo = {
  address: '1DNtTk4PUCGAdiNETAzQFWZiy2fCHtGnPx',
  amount: 120000 //satoshis
var uri = new bitcore.URI(paymentInfo).toString();

Create a Transaction

var transaction = new Transaction()
    .from(utxos)          // Feed information about what unspent outputs one can use
    .to(address, amount)  // Add an output with the given amount of satoshis
    .change(address)      // Sets up a change address where the rest of the funds will go
    .sign(privkeySet)     // Signs all the inputs it can

Connect to the Network

var peer = new Peer('');

peer.on('inv', function(message) {
  // new inventory
