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# How to write a Ruby gRPC client for the Lightning Network Daemon
This section enumerates what you need to do to write a client that communicates
with `lnd` in Ruby.
### Introduction
`lnd` uses the `gRPC` protocol for communication with clients like `lncli`.
`gRPC` is based on protocol buffers and as such, you will need to compile
the `lnd` proto file in Ruby before you can use it to communicate with `lnd`.
### Setup
Install gRPC rubygems:
$ gem install grpc
$ gem install grpc-tools
Clone the Google APIs repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis.git
Fetch the `rpc.proto` file (or copy it from your local source directory):
$ curl -o rpc.proto -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/master/lnrpc/rpc.proto
Compile the proto file:
$ grpc_tools_ruby_protoc --proto_path googleapis:. --ruby_out=. --grpc_out=. rpc.proto
Two files will be generated in the current directory:
* `rpc_pb.rb`
* `rpc_services_pb.rb`
### Example - Simple client to display wallet balance
Every time you use the Ruby gRPC you need to require the `rpc_services_pb` file.
We assume that `lnd` runs on the default `localhost:10009`.
We further assume you run `lnd` with `--no-macaroons`.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'grpc'
require 'rpc_services_pb'
certificate = File.read(File.expand_path("~/.lnd/tls.cert"))
credentials = GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials.new(certificate)
stub = Lnrpc::Lightning::Stub.new('', credentials)
response = stub.wallet_balance(Lnrpc::WalletBalanceRequest.new())
puts "Total balance: #{response.total_balance}"
This will show the `total_balance` of the wallet.
#### Example - Streaming client for invoice payment updates
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'grpc'
require 'rpc_services_pb'
certificate = File.read(File.expand_path("~/.lnd/tls.cert"))
credentials = GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials.new(certificate)
stub = Lnrpc::Lightning::Stub.new('', credentials)
stub.subscribe_invoices(Lnrpc::InvoiceSubscription.new) do |invoice|
puts invoice.inspect
Now, create an invoice on your node:
$ lncli addinvoice --value=590
"r_hash": <R_HASH>,
"pay_req": <PAY_REQ>
Next send a payment to it from another node:
$ lncli sendpayment --pay_req=<PAY_REQ>
You should now see the details of the settled invoice appear.