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#TREZOR OS Bootloader

All multibyte integer values are little endian!

##Firmware File Format

TREZOR OS firmware file consists of 3 parts:

  1. vendor header
  2. firmware header
  3. firmware code

###Vendor Header

offset length name description
0x0000 4 magic firmware magic TRZV
0x0004 4 hlen length of the vendor header
0x0008 4 expiry valid until timestamp
0x000C 1 vsig_m number of signatures needed to run the firmware from this vendor
0x000D 1 vsig_n number of pubkeys vendor wants to use for signing
0x000E 1 vstr_len vendor string length
0x000F ? vstr vendor string
? ? vimg vendor image (in TOIf format)
? 32 vpub1 vendor pubkey 1
... ... ... ...
? 32 vpubn vendor pubkey n
? 64 slsig1 SatoshiLabs signature 1
? 64 slsig2 SatoshiLabs signature 2
? 64 slsig3 SatoshiLabs signature 3

###Firmware Header

offset length name description
0x0000 4 magic firmware magic TRZF
0x0004 4 hlen length of the firmware header
0x0008 4 expiry valid until timestamp
0x000C 4 codelen length of the firmware code
0x0010 1 vmajor version (major)
0x0011 1 vminor version (minor)
0x0012 1 vpatch version (patch)
0x0013 1 vbuild version (build)
0x0014 1 vidx1 vendor signature index 1
0x0015 32 vsig1 vendor signature 1
0x0047 1 vidx2 vendor signature index 2
0x0048 32 vsig2 vendor signature 2
... ... ... ...
? 1 vidxn vendor signature index n
? 32 vsign vendor signature n