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Software (Python script) to control the EPROM emulator

  • Firmware 2.0rc2 (EPROM_EMU_NG_FW_2.0rc2.ino - Arduino sketch in Firmware folder)
  • Software 2.0rc3 (EPROM_NG_v2.0rc3.py - Python script)

If you want to try new features (increased speed of transfer, support for EEPROM) use the following:

  • Firmware 2.0rc8 (EPROM_EMU_NG_FW_2.0rc8.ino - Arduino sketch in Firmware folder)
  • Software 2.0rc8 (EPROM_EMU_NG_2.0rc8.py - Python script)

Python script to control the EPROM EMULATOR NG.

The emulator will show up as a serial port on your computer, depending on your the OS type and version you may need to install drivers, follow this instructions:


Requires python 3.8, and the following libraries:

  • pySerial (pip install pyserial)
  • pySimpleGui (pip install pysimplegui) 4.30.0 or above

parameters like type of memory, hex file etc should be provided via command line.

For GUI mode, just run the script without parameters and GUI will show up (of course only works in GUI environments :))

Example of parameters and output:

#python.exe EPROM_NG_v1.5h.py -mem 27256 -spi y -auto n 27256.HEX com4
Running EPROM EMU NG python script version 1.5h

 Using serial port COM4, emulating: 27512 EPROM

-- attempting to get sync --

-> HW: 1.4 @ 115200, FW: 1.6, SPI: 0, Auto: 0, Last EPROM: 6, mygeekyhobby.com 2020 :)

-- prcessing file --
-> Emulator Running.