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The original files are for a "plastic base" rather than a proper case, but recently Todd Decker shared his design for a real case, check it out at [printables.com](https://www.printables.com/model/379508-eprom-emulator-case). He also shared his design via his [GitHub](https://github.com/ptdecker/openscad/tree/master/ROM%20Emulator) page.
Calling it a "case" is a bit of overstatement, it's simply a plastic "base plate" that you can install your emulator into. Adding some rubber feet to it (I use 3M sticky ones) will keep both your emulator and your table "protected". I printed mine with PLA.
There is a Probe_label file in Brother ptouch format and png format, so you print it and attach to the DIP 28 emulator probe.