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Cross Program Invocations (CPI)

This tutorial covers how to call one program from another, a process known as cross-program-invocation (CPI).

Clone the Repo

To get started, clone the repo.

git clone

Change directories to the example.

cd anchor/examples/tutorial/basic-3

And install any additional JavaScript dependencies:

yarn install

Defining a Puppet Program

We start with the program that will be called by another program, the puppet.

<<< @/../examples/tutorial/basic-3/programs/puppet/src/

If you've followed along the other tutorials, this should be straight forward. We have a program with two instructions, initialize, which does nothing other than the initialization of the account (remember, the program transparently prepends a unique 8 byte discriminator the first time an account is used), and set_data, which takes a previously initialized account, and sets its data field.

Now, suppose we wanted to call set_data from another program.

Defining a Puppet Master Program

We define a new puppet-master crate, which successfully executes the Puppet program's set_data instruction via CPI.

<<< @/../examples/tutorial/basic-3/programs/puppet-master/src/

Things to notice

  • We create a CpiContext object with the target instruction's accounts and program, here SetData and puppet_program.
  • To invoke an instruction on another program, just use the cpi module on the crate, here, puppet::cpi::set_data.
  • Our Accounts struct contains the puppet account we are calling into via CPI. Accounts used for CPI are not specifically denoted as such with the CpiAccount label since v0.15. Accounts used for CPI are not fundamentally different from Program or Signer accounts except for their role and ownership in the specific context in which they are used.

::: tip When using another Anchor program for CPI, make sure to specify the cpi feature in your Cargo.toml. If you look at the Cargo.toml for this example, you'll see puppet = { path = "../puppet", features = ["cpi"] }. :::

Signer Seeds

Often it's useful for a program to sign instructions. For example, if a program controls a token account and wants to send tokens to another account, it must sign. In Solana, this is done by specifying "signer seeds" on CPI. To do this using the example above, simply change CpiContext::new(cpi_accounts, cpi_program) to CpiContext::new_with_signer(cpi_accounts, cpi_program, signer_seeds).

For more background on signing with program derived addresses, see the official Solana documentation.

Return values

Solana currently has no way to return values from CPI, alas. However, you can approximate this by having the callee write return values to an account and the caller read that account to retrieve the return value. In future work, Anchor should do this transparently.


Now that you can have your programs call other programs, you should be able to access all the work being done by other developers in your own applications!

Next Steps

We just covered Cross Program Invocation and showed how anchor can handle talking to multiple different programs in the solana ecosystem. In the next step, we will teach you how to handle errors and in Anchor.