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Quick Start

The quick start provides a whirlwind tour through creating, deploying, and testing a project using Anchor, targeted at developers who are familiar with blockchain development. For an in depth guide of Anchor from the ground up, see the subequent tutorials.

Initialize a project

Anchor follows the principle of "Convention is better than configuration". To initialize your project workspace, run

anchor init my-project && cd my-project

Your repo will be laid out with the following structure

  • Anchor.toml: Anchor configuration file.
  • programs/: Directory for Solana program crates.
  • app/: Directory for your application frontend.
  • tests/: Directory for TypeScript integration tests.


To build your program targeting Solana's BPF runtime and emit an IDL that can be consumed by clients, run

anchor build


It's recommended to test your program using integration tests in a language other than Rust to make sure that bugs related to syntax misunderstandings are coverable with tests and not just replicated in tests.

anchor test

You just built a program, deployed it to a local network, and ran integration tests in one command. It's that easy. ;)


To deploy all programs in your workspace, run

anchor deploy