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Tutorial 2: Account Constraints and Access Control

Building on the previous two, this tutorial covers how to speciy constraints and access control on accounts. The full example can be found here.

Because Solana programs are stateless, a transaction must specify accounts to be executed. And because an untrusted client specifies those accounts, a program must responsibily validate all input to the program to ensure it is what it claims to be--in addition to any instruction specific access control the program needs to do. This is particularly burdensome when there are lots of dependencies between accounts, leading to repetitive boilerplate code for account validation along with the ability to easily shoot oneself in the foot by forgetting to validate any particular account.

For example, one could imagine easily writing a faulty token program that forgets to check if the signer of a transaction claiming to be the owner of a token account actually matches the owner on the account. So one must write an if statement to check for all such conditions. Instead, one can use the Anchor DSL to do these checks by specifying constraints when deriving Accounts.

Clone the Repo

To get started, clone the repo.

git clone

And change directories to the example.

cd anchor/examples/tutorial/basic-2

Defining a Program

For now see the source.