
257 lines
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use crate::grpc_subscription::map_block_update;
use futures::StreamExt;
use geyser_grpc_connector::grpc_subscription_autoreconnect::{
2024-01-08 05:14:59 -08:00
create_geyser_reconnecting_stream, GeyserFilter, GrpcSourceConfig,
use geyser_grpc_connector::grpcmultiplex_fastestwins::{
create_multiplexed_stream, FromYellowstoneExtractor,
use log::{debug, info, trace, warn};
use solana_lite_rpc_core::structures::produced_block::ProducedBlock;
use solana_lite_rpc_core::structures::slot_notification::SlotNotification;
use solana_lite_rpc_core::AnyhowJoinHandle;
use solana_sdk::clock::Slot;
use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::sync::broadcast::Receiver;
use yellowstone_grpc_proto::geyser::subscribe_update::UpdateOneof;
use yellowstone_grpc_proto::geyser::{
SubscribeRequest, SubscribeRequestFilterSlots, SubscribeUpdate,
struct BlockExtractor(CommitmentConfig);
impl FromYellowstoneExtractor for BlockExtractor {
type Target = ProducedBlock;
fn map_yellowstone_update(&self, update: SubscribeUpdate) -> Option<(Slot, Self::Target)> {
match update.update_oneof {
Some(UpdateOneof::Block(update_block_message)) => {
let block = map_block_update(update_block_message, self.0);
Some((block.slot, block))
_ => None,
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struct BlockMetaHashExtractor(CommitmentConfig);
2024-01-08 05:14:59 -08:00
impl FromYellowstoneExtractor for BlockMetaHashExtractor {
type Target = String;
fn map_yellowstone_update(&self, update: SubscribeUpdate) -> Option<(u64, String)> {
match update.update_oneof {
Some(UpdateOneof::BlockMeta(block_meta)) => {
Some((block_meta.slot, block_meta.blockhash))
_ => None,
2024-01-08 05:14:59 -08:00
/// connect to multiple grpc sources to consume confirmed blocks and block status update
pub fn create_grpc_multiplex_blocks_subscription(
grpc_sources: Vec<GrpcSourceConfig>,
) -> (Receiver<ProducedBlock>, AnyhowJoinHandle) {
info!("Setup grpc multiplexed blocks connection...");
if grpc_sources.is_empty() {
info!("- no grpc connection configured");
for grpc_source in &grpc_sources {
info!("- connection to {}", grpc_source);
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// return value is the broadcast receiver
let (producedblock_sender, blocks_output_stream) =
let jh_block_emitter_task = {
tokio::task::spawn(async move {
loop {
let confirmed_blocks_stream = {
let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::confirmed();
2024-01-12 05:40:48 -08:00
let mut streams = Vec::new();
for grpc_source in &grpc_sources {
let stream = create_geyser_reconnecting_stream(
2024-01-12 05:40:48 -08:00
create_multiplexed_stream(streams, BlockExtractor(commitment_config))
2024-01-12 05:40:48 -08:00
let finalized_blockmeta_stream = {
let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::finalized();
2024-01-12 05:40:48 -08:00
let mut streams = Vec::new();
for grpc_source in &grpc_sources {
let stream = create_geyser_reconnecting_stream(
create_multiplexed_stream(streams, BlockMetaHashExtractor(commitment_config))
// by blockhash
let mut recent_confirmed_blocks = HashMap::<String, ProducedBlock>::new();
let mut confirmed_blocks_stream = std::pin::pin!(confirmed_blocks_stream);
let mut finalized_blockmeta_stream = std::pin::pin!(finalized_blockmeta_stream);
let mut cleanup_tick = tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(5));
let mut last_finalized_slot: Slot = 0;
let mut cleanup_without_recv_blocks: u8 = 0;
let mut cleanup_without_recv_blocks_meta: u8 = 0;
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const MAX_ALLOWED_CLEANUP_WITHOUT_RECV: u8 = 12; // 12*5 = 60s without recving data
loop {
tokio::select! {
confirmed_block = => {
cleanup_without_recv_blocks = 0;
let confirmed_block = confirmed_block.expect("confirmed block from stream");
trace!("got confirmed block {} with blockhash {}",
confirmed_block.slot, confirmed_block.blockhash.clone());
if let Err(e) = producedblock_sender.send(confirmed_block.clone()) {
warn!("Confirmed block channel has no receivers {e:?}");
recent_confirmed_blocks.insert(confirmed_block.blockhash.clone(), confirmed_block);
meta_finalized = => {
cleanup_without_recv_blocks_meta = 0;
let blockhash = meta_finalized.expect("finalized block meta from stream");
if let Some(cached_confirmed_block) = recent_confirmed_blocks.remove(&blockhash) {
let finalized_block = cached_confirmed_block.to_finalized_block();
last_finalized_slot = finalized_block.slot;
debug!("got finalized blockmeta {} with blockhash {}",
finalized_block.slot, finalized_block.blockhash.clone());
if let Err(e) = producedblock_sender.send(finalized_block) {
warn!("Finalized block channel has no receivers {e:?}");
} else {
debug!("finalized block meta received for blockhash {} which was never seen or already emitted", blockhash);
_ = cleanup_tick.tick() => {
if cleanup_without_recv_blocks_meta > MAX_ALLOWED_CLEANUP_WITHOUT_RECV ||
cleanup_without_recv_blocks > MAX_ALLOWED_CLEANUP_WITHOUT_RECV {
log::error!("block or block meta stream stopped restaring blocks");
cleanup_without_recv_blocks += 1;
cleanup_without_recv_blocks_meta += 1;
let size_before = recent_confirmed_blocks.len();
recent_confirmed_blocks.retain(|_blockhash, block| {
last_finalized_slot == 0 || block.slot > last_finalized_slot - 100
let cnt_cleaned = size_before - recent_confirmed_blocks.len();
if cnt_cleaned > 0 {
debug!("cleaned {} confirmed blocks from cache", cnt_cleaned);
2024-01-08 05:14:59 -08:00
(blocks_output_stream, jh_block_emitter_task)
struct SlotExtractor {}
impl FromYellowstoneExtractor for crate::grpc_multiplex::SlotExtractor {
type Target = SlotNotification;
fn map_yellowstone_update(&self, update: SubscribeUpdate) -> Option<(Slot, Self::Target)> {
match update.update_oneof {
Some(UpdateOneof::Slot(update_slot_message)) => {
let slot = SlotNotification {
estimated_processed_slot: update_slot_message.slot,
processed_slot: update_slot_message.slot,
Some((update_slot_message.slot, slot))
_ => None,
pub fn create_grpc_multiplex_slots_subscription(
grpc_sources: Vec<GrpcSourceConfig>,
) -> (Receiver<SlotNotification>, AnyhowJoinHandle) {
info!("Setup grpc multiplexed slots connection...");
if grpc_sources.is_empty() {
info!("- no grpc connection configured");
for grpc_source in &grpc_sources {
info!("- connection to {}", grpc_source);
let (multiplexed_messages_sender, multiplexed_messages) = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel(1000);
let jh = tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
let multiplex_stream = {
let mut streams = Vec::new();
for grpc_source in &grpc_sources {
let mut slots = HashMap::new();
SubscribeRequestFilterSlots {
filter_by_commitment: Some(true),
2024-01-12 05:40:48 -08:00
let filter = SubscribeRequest {
accounts: Default::default(),
transactions: HashMap::new(),
entry: Default::default(),
blocks: HashMap::new(),
blocks_meta: HashMap::new(),
2024-01-12 05:40:48 -08:00
commitment: Some(
yellowstone_grpc_proto::geyser::CommitmentLevel::Processed as i32,
accounts_data_slice: Default::default(),
ping: None,
2024-01-12 05:40:48 -08:00
let stream = create_geyser_reconnecting_stream(grpc_source.clone(), filter);
2024-01-12 05:40:48 -08:00
create_multiplexed_stream(streams, SlotExtractor {})
let mut multiplex_stream = std::pin::pin!(multiplex_stream);
loop {
tokio::select! {
slot_data = => {
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if let Some(slot_data) = slot_data {
match multiplexed_messages_sender.send(slot_data) {
Ok(receivers) => {
trace!("sent data to {} receivers", receivers);
Err(send_error) => log::error!("Get error while sending on slot channel {}", send_error),
} else {
debug!("Slot stream send None type");
_ = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(30)) => {
log::error!("Slots timedout restarting subscription");
(multiplexed_messages, jh)