
670 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import React from "react";
import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { CacheEntry, FetchStatus } from "providers/cache";
import {
} from "providers/accounts";
import { StakeAccountSection } from "components/account/StakeAccountSection";
import { TokenAccountSection } from "components/account/TokenAccountSection";
import { ErrorCard } from "components/common/ErrorCard";
import { LoadingCard } from "components/common/LoadingCard";
import { useCluster, ClusterStatus } from "providers/cluster";
import { NavLink, Redirect, useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
import { clusterPath } from "utils/url";
import { UnknownAccountCard } from "components/account/UnknownAccountCard";
import { OwnedTokensCard } from "components/account/OwnedTokensCard";
import { TokenHistoryCard } from "components/account/TokenHistoryCard";
import { TokenLargestAccountsCard } from "components/account/TokenLargestAccountsCard";
import { VoteAccountSection } from "components/account/VoteAccountSection";
import { NonceAccountSection } from "components/account/NonceAccountSection";
import { VotesCard } from "components/account/VotesCard";
import { SysvarAccountSection } from "components/account/SysvarAccountSection";
import { SlotHashesCard } from "components/account/SlotHashesCard";
import { StakeHistoryCard } from "components/account/StakeHistoryCard";
import { BlockhashesCard } from "components/account/BlockhashesCard";
import { ConfigAccountSection } from "components/account/ConfigAccountSection";
import { useFlaggedAccounts } from "providers/accounts/flagged-accounts";
import { UpgradeableLoaderAccountSection } from "components/account/UpgradeableLoaderAccountSection";
import { useTokenRegistry } from "providers/mints/token-registry";
import { Identicon } from "components/common/Identicon";
import { TransactionHistoryCard } from "components/account/history/TransactionHistoryCard";
import { TokenTransfersCard } from "components/account/history/TokenTransfersCard";
import { TokenInstructionsCard } from "components/account/history/TokenInstructionsCard";
import { RewardsCard } from "components/account/RewardsCard";
import { MetaplexMetadataCard } from "components/account/MetaplexMetadataCard";
import { MetaplexNFTAttributesCard } from "components/account/MetaplexNFTAttributesCard";
Adding NFT support to the Explorer (#20009) * Adding NFT support to the explorer / copying over required Metaplex logic * Fixing a whitespace issue causing validation to fail * Removed MetadataProvider and instead metadata is being stamped on TokenProgramData * Fixing EOF new line sanity check issue * Added styling improvements to the Creator dropdown and NFT asset * Forgot to run Prettier * Creator address links were only redirecting to Mainnet. This redirects to the appropriate cluster * Removed dependencies not required for Explorer based use. Fixed package-lock.json because of a legacy npm version * Removed react-content-loader and popperjs * Removed MeshArt. Nobody likes VR anyways * Capped HTML animation asset width to 150px * Added an Editon check to properly identify NFTs * Refactoring away for un-necessary helpers * Dropped antd and added an image loading placeholder * Added a HTML animation flickering fix * Removed arweave check for valid uri properties * Resolving some nit comments and cleaning up * Adding Tooltips to better explain the content in the NFT Header * Started consuming MasterEdition data which is being used to display Seller Fee and Max Supply information in the Token Account Section * Fixing a bug where Edition NFTs weren't properly supported * Added better Edition support and labeling when there isn't Master Edition information added to metaplex metadata * Fixed Max Supply issue where 0 should be displayed as 1 * Updated tooltips to be shorter and more user friendly * Separting NFTHeader from AccountDetailsPage, adding a new TokenSection for NFTs and adding some cleanup
2021-10-05 11:30:05 -07:00
import { NFTHeader } from "components/account/MetaplexNFTHeader";
import { DomainsCard } from "components/account/DomainsCard";
import isMetaplexNFT from "providers/accounts/utils/isMetaplexNFT";
import { SecurityCard } from "components/account/SecurityCard";
import { AnchorAccountCard } from "components/account/AnchorAccountCard";
import { AnchorProgramCard } from "components/account/AnchorProgramCard";
import { useAnchorProgram } from "providers/anchor";
import { isAddressLookupTableAccount } from "components/account/address-lookup-table/types";
import { AddressLookupTableAccountSection } from "components/account/address-lookup-table/AddressLookupTableAccountSection";
import { LookupTableEntriesCard } from "components/account/address-lookup-table/LookupTableEntriesCard";
const TABS_LOOKUP: { [id: string]: Tab[] } = {
"spl-token:mint": [
slug: "transfers",
title: "Transfers",
path: "/transfers",
slug: "instructions",
title: "Instructions",
path: "/instructions",
slug: "largest",
title: "Distribution",
path: "/largest",
"spl-token:mint:metaplexNFT": [
slug: "metadata",
title: "Metadata",
path: "/metadata",
slug: "attributes",
title: "Attributes",
path: "/attributes",
stake: [
slug: "rewards",
title: "Rewards",
path: "/rewards",
vote: [
slug: "vote-history",
title: "Vote History",
path: "/vote-history",
slug: "rewards",
title: "Rewards",
path: "/rewards",
"sysvar:recentBlockhashes": [
slug: "blockhashes",
title: "Blockhashes",
path: "/blockhashes",
"sysvar:slotHashes": [
slug: "slot-hashes",
title: "Slot Hashes",
path: "/slot-hashes",
"sysvar:stakeHistory": [
slug: "stake-history",
title: "Stake History",
path: "/stake-history",
"bpf-upgradeable-loader": [
slug: "security",
title: "Security",
path: "/security",
"address-lookup-table": [
slug: "entries",
title: "Table Entries",
path: "/entries",
type Props = { address: string; tab?: string };
export function AccountDetailsPage({ address, tab }: Props) {
const fetchAccount = useFetchAccountInfo();
const { status } = useCluster();
const info = useAccountInfo(address);
let pubkey: PublicKey | undefined;
try {
pubkey = new PublicKey(address);
} catch (err) {}
// Fetch account on load
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!info && status === ClusterStatus.Connected && pubkey) {
}, [address, status]); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
return (
<div className="container mt-n3">
<div className="header">
<div className="header-body">
<AccountHeader address={address} info={info} />
{!pubkey ? (
<ErrorCard text={`Address "${address}" is not valid`} />
) : (
<DetailsSections pubkey={pubkey} tab={tab} info={info} />
export function AccountHeader({
}: {
address: string;
info?: CacheEntry<Account>;
}) {
const { tokenRegistry } = useTokenRegistry();
const tokenDetails = tokenRegistry.get(address);
const mintInfo = useMintAccountInfo(address);
const account = info?.data;
const data = account?.details?.data;
const isToken = data?.program === "spl-token" && data?.parsed.type === "mint";
Adding NFT support to the Explorer (#20009) * Adding NFT support to the explorer / copying over required Metaplex logic * Fixing a whitespace issue causing validation to fail * Removed MetadataProvider and instead metadata is being stamped on TokenProgramData * Fixing EOF new line sanity check issue * Added styling improvements to the Creator dropdown and NFT asset * Forgot to run Prettier * Creator address links were only redirecting to Mainnet. This redirects to the appropriate cluster * Removed dependencies not required for Explorer based use. Fixed package-lock.json because of a legacy npm version * Removed react-content-loader and popperjs * Removed MeshArt. Nobody likes VR anyways * Capped HTML animation asset width to 150px * Added an Editon check to properly identify NFTs * Refactoring away for un-necessary helpers * Dropped antd and added an image loading placeholder * Added a HTML animation flickering fix * Removed arweave check for valid uri properties * Resolving some nit comments and cleaning up * Adding Tooltips to better explain the content in the NFT Header * Started consuming MasterEdition data which is being used to display Seller Fee and Max Supply information in the Token Account Section * Fixing a bug where Edition NFTs weren't properly supported * Added better Edition support and labeling when there isn't Master Edition information added to metaplex metadata * Fixed Max Supply issue where 0 should be displayed as 1 * Updated tooltips to be shorter and more user friendly * Separting NFTHeader from AccountDetailsPage, adding a new TokenSection for NFTs and adding some cleanup
2021-10-05 11:30:05 -07:00
if (isMetaplexNFT(data, mintInfo)) {
return (
nftData={(data as TokenProgramData).nftData!}
Adding NFT support to the Explorer (#20009) * Adding NFT support to the explorer / copying over required Metaplex logic * Fixing a whitespace issue causing validation to fail * Removed MetadataProvider and instead metadata is being stamped on TokenProgramData * Fixing EOF new line sanity check issue * Added styling improvements to the Creator dropdown and NFT asset * Forgot to run Prettier * Creator address links were only redirecting to Mainnet. This redirects to the appropriate cluster * Removed dependencies not required for Explorer based use. Fixed package-lock.json because of a legacy npm version * Removed react-content-loader and popperjs * Removed MeshArt. Nobody likes VR anyways * Capped HTML animation asset width to 150px * Added an Editon check to properly identify NFTs * Refactoring away for un-necessary helpers * Dropped antd and added an image loading placeholder * Added a HTML animation flickering fix * Removed arweave check for valid uri properties * Resolving some nit comments and cleaning up * Adding Tooltips to better explain the content in the NFT Header * Started consuming MasterEdition data which is being used to display Seller Fee and Max Supply information in the Token Account Section * Fixing a bug where Edition NFTs weren't properly supported * Added better Edition support and labeling when there isn't Master Edition information added to metaplex metadata * Fixed Max Supply issue where 0 should be displayed as 1 * Updated tooltips to be shorter and more user friendly * Separting NFTHeader from AccountDetailsPage, adding a new TokenSection for NFTs and adding some cleanup
2021-10-05 11:30:05 -07:00
if (isToken) {
let token;
let unverified = false;
// Fall back to legacy token list when there is stub metadata (blank uri), updatable by default by the mint authority
if (!data?.nftData? && tokenDetails) {
token = tokenDetails;
} else if (data?.nftData) {
token = {
logoURI: data?.nftData?.json?.image,
name: data?.nftData?.json?.name ?? data?,
unverified = true;
} else if (tokenDetails) {
token = tokenDetails;
return (
<div className="row align-items-end">
{unverified && (
<div className="alert alert-warning alert-scam" role="alert">
Warning! Token names and logos are not unique. This token may have
spoofed its name and logo to look like another token. Verify the
token's mint address to ensure it is correct.
<div className="col-auto">
<div className="avatar avatar-lg header-avatar-top">
{token?.logoURI ? (
alt="token logo"
className="avatar-img rounded-circle border border-4 border-body"
) : (
className="avatar-img rounded-circle border border-body identicon-wrapper"
style={{ width: IDENTICON_WIDTH }}
<div className="col mb-3 ms-n3 ms-md-n2">
<h6 className="header-pretitle">Token</h6>
<h2 className="header-title">{token?.name || "Unknown Token"}</h2>
return (
<h6 className="header-pretitle">Details</h6>
<h2 className="header-title">Account</h2>
function DetailsSections({
}: {
pubkey: PublicKey;
tab?: string;
info?: CacheEntry<Account>;
}) {
const fetchAccount = useFetchAccountInfo();
const address = pubkey.toBase58();
const location = useLocation();
const { flaggedAccounts } = useFlaggedAccounts();
if (!info || info.status === FetchStatus.Fetching) {
return <LoadingCard />;
} else if (
info.status === FetchStatus.FetchFailed || === undefined
) {
return <ErrorCard retry={() => fetchAccount(pubkey)} text="Fetch Failed" />;
const account =;
const tabComponents = getTabs(pubkey, account).concat(
getAnchorTabs(pubkey, account)
let moreTab: MoreTabs = "history";
if (
tab &&
tabComponents.filter((tabComponent) => === tab)
.length === 0
) {
return <Redirect to={{ ...location, pathname: `/address/${address}` }} />;
} else if (tab) {
moreTab = tab as MoreTabs;
return (
{flaggedAccounts.has(address) && (
<div className="alert alert-danger alert-scam" role="alert">
Warning! This account has been flagged by the community as a scam
account. Please be cautious sending SOL to this account.
<InfoSection account={account} />
tabs={{ component }) => component)}
function InfoSection({ account }: { account: Account }) {
const details = account?.details;
const data = details?.data;
if (data && data.program === "bpf-upgradeable-loader") {
return (
} else if (data && data.program === "stake") {
return (
} else if (data && data.program === "spl-token") {
return <TokenAccountSection account={account} tokenAccount={data.parsed} />;
} else if (data && data.program === "nonce") {
return <NonceAccountSection account={account} nonceAccount={data.parsed} />;
} else if (data && data.program === "vote") {
return <VoteAccountSection account={account} voteAccount={data.parsed} />;
} else if (data && data.program === "sysvar") {
return (
<SysvarAccountSection account={account} sysvarAccount={data.parsed} />
} else if (data && data.program === "config") {
return (
<ConfigAccountSection account={account} configAccount={data.parsed} />
} else if (
details?.rawData &&
isAddressLookupTableAccount(details.owner, details.rawData)
) {
return (
} else {
return <UnknownAccountCard account={account} />;
type Tab = {
slug: MoreTabs;
title: string;
path: string;
type TabComponent = {
tab: Tab;
component: JSX.Element | null;
export type MoreTabs =
| "history"
| "tokens"
| "largest"
| "vote-history"
| "slot-hashes"
| "stake-history"
| "blockhashes"
| "transfers"
| "instructions"
| "rewards"
| "metadata"
| "attributes"
| "domains"
| "security"
| "anchor-program"
| "anchor-account"
| "entries";
function MoreSection({
}: {
account: Account;
tab: MoreTabs;
tabs: (JSX.Element | null)[];
}) {
const pubkey = account.pubkey;
const details = account?.details;
const data = details?.data;
return (
<div className="container">
<div className="header">
<div className="header-body pt-0">
<ul className="nav nav-tabs nav-overflow header-tabs">{tabs}</ul>
{tab === "tokens" && (
<OwnedTokensCard pubkey={pubkey} />
<TokenHistoryCard pubkey={pubkey} />
{tab === "history" && <TransactionHistoryCard pubkey={pubkey} />}
{tab === "transfers" && <TokenTransfersCard pubkey={pubkey} />}
{tab === "instructions" && <TokenInstructionsCard pubkey={pubkey} />}
{tab === "largest" && <TokenLargestAccountsCard pubkey={pubkey} />}
{tab === "rewards" && <RewardsCard pubkey={pubkey} />}
{tab === "vote-history" && data?.program === "vote" && (
<VotesCard voteAccount={data.parsed} />
{tab === "slot-hashes" &&
data?.program === "sysvar" &&
data.parsed.type === "slotHashes" && (
<SlotHashesCard sysvarAccount={data.parsed} />
{tab === "stake-history" &&
data?.program === "sysvar" &&
data.parsed.type === "stakeHistory" && (
<StakeHistoryCard sysvarAccount={data.parsed} />
{tab === "blockhashes" &&
data?.program === "sysvar" &&
data.parsed.type === "recentBlockhashes" && (
<BlockhashesCard blockhashes={} />
{tab === "metadata" && (
nftData={(account.details?.data as TokenProgramData).nftData!}
{tab === "attributes" && (
nftData={(account.details?.data as TokenProgramData).nftData!}
{tab === "domains" && <DomainsCard pubkey={pubkey} />}
{tab === "security" && data?.program === "bpf-upgradeable-loader" && (
<SecurityCard data={data} />
{tab === "anchor-program" && (
fallback={<LoadingCard message="Loading anchor program IDL" />}
<AnchorProgramCard programId={pubkey} />
{tab === "anchor-account" && (
<LoadingCard message="Decoding account data using anchor interface" />
<AnchorAccountCard account={account} />
{tab === "entries" &&
details?.rawData &&
isAddressLookupTableAccount(details.owner, details.rawData) && (
<LookupTableEntriesCard lookupTableAccountData={details?.rawData} />
function getTabs(pubkey: PublicKey, account: Account): TabComponent[] {
const address = pubkey.toBase58();
const data = account.details?.data;
const tabs: Tab[] = [
slug: "history",
title: "History",
path: "",
let programTypeKey = "";
if (data && "parsed" in data && "type" in data.parsed) {
programTypeKey = `${data.program}:${data.parsed.type}`;
if (data && data.program in TABS_LOOKUP) {
if (data && programTypeKey in TABS_LOOKUP) {
// Add the key for address lookup tables
if (
account.details?.rawData &&
isAddressLookupTableAccount(account.details.owner, account.details.rawData)
) {
// Add the key for Metaplex NFTs
if (
data &&
programTypeKey === "spl-token:mint" &&
(data as TokenProgramData).nftData
) {
if (
!data ||
TOKEN_TABS_HIDDEN.includes(data.program) ||
) {
slug: "tokens",
title: "Tokens",
path: "/tokens",
slug: "domains",
title: "Domains",
path: "/domains",
return => {
return {
component: (
<li key={tab.slug} className="nav-item">
function getAnchorTabs(pubkey: PublicKey, account: Account) {
const tabComponents = [];
const anchorProgramTab: Tab = {
slug: "anchor-program",
title: "Anchor Program IDL",
path: "/anchor-program",
tab: anchorProgramTab,
component: (
<React.Suspense key={anchorProgramTab.slug} fallback={<></>}>
const accountDataTab: Tab = {
slug: "anchor-account",
title: "Anchor Data",
path: "/anchor-account",
tab: accountDataTab,
component: (
<React.Suspense key={accountDataTab.slug} fallback={<></>}>
return tabComponents;
function AnchorProgramLink({
}: {
tab: Tab;
address: string;
pubkey: PublicKey;
}) {
const { url } = useCluster();
const anchorProgram = useAnchorProgram(pubkey.toString() ?? "", url);
if (!anchorProgram) {
return null;
return (
<li key={tab.slug} className="nav-item">
function AccountDataLink({
}: {
address: string;
tab: Tab;
programId: PublicKey | undefined;
}) {
const { url } = useCluster();
const accountAnchorProgram = useAnchorProgram(
programId?.toString() ?? "",
if (!accountAnchorProgram) {
return null;
return (
<li key={tab.slug} className="nav-item">