
11 KiB


This specification describes how to implement the LCD. LCD supports modular APIs. Currently, only ICS0 (TendermintAPI), ICS1 (Key API) and ICS20 (Token API) are supported. Later, if necessary, more APIs can be included.

Build and Verify Proof of ABCI States

As we all know, storage of cosmos-sdk based application contains multi-substores. Each substore is implemented by a IAVL store. These substores are organized by simple Merkle tree. To build the tree, we need to extract name, height and store root hash from these substores to build a set of simple Merkle leaf nodes, then calculate hash from leaf nodes to root. The root hash of the simple Merkle tree is the AppHash which will be included in block header.

Simple Merkle Tree

As we have discussed in LCD trust-propagation, the AppHash can be verified by checking voting power against a trusted validator set. Here we just need to build proof from ABCI state to AppHash. The proof contains two parts:

  • IAVL proof
  • Substore to AppHash proof

IAVL Proof

The proof has two types: existance proof and absence proof. If the query key exists in the IAVL store, then it returns key-value and its existance proof. On the other hand, if the key doesn't exist, then it only returns absence proof which can demostrate the key definitely doesn't exist.

IAVL Existance Proof

type CommitID struct {
    Version int64
    Hash    []byte

type storeCore struct {
    CommitID CommitID

type MultiStoreCommitID struct {
    Name string
    Core storeCore

type proofInnerNode struct {
    Height  int8
    Size    int64
    Version int64
    Left    []byte
    Right   []byte

type KeyExistsProof struct {
    MultiStoreCommitInfo []MultiStoreCommitID //All substore commitIDs
    StoreName string //Current substore name
    Height  int64 //The commit height of current substore
    RootHash cmn.HexBytes //The root hash of this IAVL tree
    Version  int64 //The version of the key-value in this IAVL tree
    InnerNodes []proofInnerNode //The path from to root node to key-value leaf node

The data structure of exist proof is shown as above. The process to build and verify existance proof is shown as follows:

Exist Proof

Steps to build proof:

  • Access the IAVL tree from the root node.
  • Record the visited nodes in InnerNodes,
  • Once the target leaf node is found, assign leaf node version to proof version
  • Assign the current IAVL tree height to proof height
  • Assign the current IAVL tree rootHash to proof rootHash
  • Assign the current substore name to proof StoreName
  • Read multistore commitInfo from db by height and assign it to proof StoreCommitInfo

Steps to verify proof:

  • Build leaf node with key, value and proof version.
  • Calculate leaf node hash
  • Assign the hash to the first innerNode's rightHash, then calculate first innerNode hash
  • Propagate the hash calculation process. If prior innerNode is the left child of next innerNode, then assign the prior innerNode hash to the left hash of next innerNode. Otherwise, assign the prior innerNode hash to the right hash of next innerNode.
  • The hash of last innerNode should be equal to the rootHash of this proof. Otherwise, the proof is invalid.

IAVL Absence Proof

As we all know, all IAVL leaf nodes are sorted by the key of each leaf nodes. So we can calculate the postition of the target key in the whole key set of this IAVL tree. As shown below, we can find out the left key and the right key. If we can demonstrate that both left key and right key definitely exist, and they are adjacent nodes. Thus the target key definitely doesn't exist.

Absence Proof1

If the target key is larger than the right most leaf node or less than the left most key, then the target key definitely doesn't exist.

Absence Proof2Absence Proof3

type proofLeafNode struct {
    KeyBytes   cmn.HexBytes
    ValueBytes cmn.HexBytes
    Version    int64

type pathWithNode struct {
    InnerNodes []proofInnerNode
    Node proofLeafNode

type KeyAbsentProof struct {
    MultiStoreCommitInfo []MultiStoreCommitID
    StoreName string
    Height  int64
    RootHash cmn.HexBytes
    Left  *pathWithNode // Proof the left key exist
    Right *pathWithNode  //Proof the right key exist

The above is the data structure of absence proof. Steps to build proof:

  • Access the IAVL tree from the root node.
  • Get the deserved index(Marked as INDEX) of the key in whole key set.
  • If the returned index equals to 0, the right index should be 0 and left node doesn't exist
  • If the returned index equals to the size of the whole key set, the left node index should be INDEX-1 and the right node doesn't exist.
  • Otherwise, the right node index should be INDEX and the left node index should be INDEX-1
  • Assign the current IAVL tree height to proof height
  • Assign the current IAVL tree rootHash to proof rootHash
  • Assign the current substore name to proof StoreName
  • Read multistore commitInfo from db by height and assign it to proof StoreCommitInfo

Steps to verify proof:

  • If only right node exist, verify its exist proof and verify if it is the left most node
  • If only left node exist, verify its exist proof and verify if it is the right most node.
  • If both right node and left node exist, verify if they are adjacent.

Substores to AppHash Proof

After verify the IAVL proof, then we can start to verify substore proof against AppHash. Firstly, iterate MultiStoreCommitInfo and find the substore commitID by proof StoreName. Verify if yhe Hash in commitID equals to proof RootHash. If not, the proof is invalid. Then sort the substore commitInfo array by the hash of substore name. Finally, build the simple Merkle tree with all substore commitInfo array and verify if the Merkle root hash equal to appHash.

substore proof

func SimpleHashFromTwoHashes(left []byte, right []byte) []byte {
    var hasher = ripemd160.New()

    err := encodeByteSlice(hasher, left)
    if err != nil {

    err = encodeByteSlice(hasher, right)
    if err != nil {

    return hasher.Sum(nil)

func SimpleHashFromHashes(hashes [][]byte) []byte {
    // Recursive impl.
    switch len(hashes) {
        case 0:
            return nil
        case 1:
            return hashes[0]
            left := SimpleHashFromHashes(hashes[:(len(hashes)+1)/2])
            right := SimpleHashFromHashes(hashes[(len(hashes)+1)/2:])
            return SimpleHashFromTwoHashes(left, right)

Verify block header against validator set

Above sections refer appHash frequently. But where does the trusted appHash come from? Actually, appHash exist in block header, so next we need to verify blocks header at specific height against LCD trusted validator set. The validation flow is shown as follows:

commit verification

When the trusted validator set doesn't match the block header, we need to try to update our validator set to the height of this block. LCD have a rule that each validator set change should not affact more than 1/3 voting power. Compare with the trusted validator set, if the voting power of target validator set changes more than 1/3. We have to verify if there are hidden validator set change before the target validator set. Only when all validator set changes obey this rule, can our validator set update be accomplished.

For instance:

Update validator set to height

  • Update to 10000, tooMuchChangeErr
  • Update to 5050, tooMuchChangeErr
  • Update to 2575, Success
  • Update to 5050, Success
  • Update to 10000,tooMuchChangeErr
  • Update to 7525, Success
  • Update to 10000, Success

Load Balancing

To improve LCD reliability and TPS, we recommend to connect LCD to more than one fullnode. But the complexity will increase a lot. So load balancing module will be imported as the adapter. Please refer to this link for detailed description: load balancer


/keys - GET

Load the key store:

db, err := dbm.NewGoLevelDB(KeyDBName, filepath.Join(rootDir, "keys"))
if err != nil {
    return nil, err

keybase = client.GetKeyBase(db)

Iterate through the key store.

var res []Info
iter := kb.db.Iterator(nil, nil)
defer iter.Close()

for ; iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
    // key := iter.Key()
    info, err := readInfo(iter.Value())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    res = append(res, info)

return res, nil

Encode the addresses and public keys in bech32.

bechAccount, err := sdk.Bech32ifyAcc(sdk.Address(info.PubKey.Address().Bytes()))
if err != nil {
    return KeyOutput{}, err

bechPubKey, err := sdk.Bech32ifyAccPub(info.PubKey)
if err != nil {
    return KeyOutput{}, err

return KeyOutput{
    Name:    info.Name,
    Address: bechAccount,
    PubKey:  bechPubKey,
}, nil

/keys/recover - POST

  1. Load the key store.
  2. Parameter checking. Name, password and seed should not be empty.
  3. Check for keys with the same name.
  4. Build the key from the name, password and seed.
  5. Persist the key to key store.

/keys/create - GET**

  1. Load the key store.
  2. Create a new key in the key store.
  3. Save the key to disk.
  4. Return the seed.

/keys/{name} - GET

  1. Load the key store.
  2. Iterate the whole key store to find the key by name.
  3. Encode address and public key in bech32.

/keys/{name} - PUT

  1. Load the key store.
  2. Iterate the whole key store to find the key by name.
  3. Verify if that the old-password matches the current key password.
  4. Re-persist the key with the new password.

/keys/{name} - DELETE

  1. Load the key store.
  2. Iterate the whole key store to find the key by name.
  3. Verify that the specified password matches the current key password.
  4. Delete the key from the key store.

ICS20 (TokenAPI)


  1. Decode the address from bech32 to hex.
  2. Send a query request to a full node. Ask for proof if required by Gaia Light.
  3. Verify the proof against the root of trust.


  1. Check the parameters.
  2. Build the transaction with the specified parameters.
  3. Serialise the transaction and return the JSON encoded sign bytes.

ICS21 (StakingAPI)












