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# Basecoin Basics
Here we explain how to get started with a simple Basecoin blockchain,
how to send transactions between accounts using the `basecoin` tool,
and what is happening under the hood.
## Install
Installing Basecoin is simple:
go get -u
If you have trouble, see the [installation guide](
## Initialize Basecoin
To initialize a new Basecoin blockchain, run:
basecoin init
This will create the necessary files for a Basecoin blockchain with one
validator and one account in `~/.basecoin`. For more options on setup, see the
[guide to using the Basecoin tool](/docs/guide/
For this example, we will change the genesis account to a new account named
`cool`. First create a new account:
basecli keys new cool
While we're at it let's setup a second account which we will use later in the tutorial
basecli keys new friend
Next we need to copy in the public address from our new key into the genesis block:
basecli keys get cool -o=json
vi ~/.basecoin/genesis.json
-> cut/paste your pubkey from the results above
or alternatively, without manual copy pasting:
GENKEY=`basecli keys get cool -o json | jq`
GENJSON=`cat ~/.basecoin/genesis.json`
echo $GENJSON | jq '.app_options.accounts[0]'$GENKEY > ~/.basecoin/genesis.json
Hurray! you are very rich and cool on this blockchain now.
## Start
Now we can start Basecoin:
basecoin start
You should see blocks start streaming in!
## Initialize Light-Client
Now that Basecoin is running we can initialize the light-client utility named
`basecli`. Basecli is used for sending transactions and querying the state.
Leave Basecoin running and open a new terminal window. Here run:
basecli init --chain-id=test_chain_id --node=tcp://localhost:46657
## Send transactions
Now we are ready to send some transactions. First Let's check the balance of
the two accounts we setup earlier these two accounts:
ME=`basecli keys get cool -o=json | jq .address | tr -d '"'`
YOU=`basecli keys get friend -o=json | jq .address | tr -d '"'`
basecli query account $ME
basecli query account $YOU
The first account is flush with cash, while the second account doesn't exist.
Let's send funds from the first account to the second:
basecli tx send --name=cool --amount=1000mycoin --to=0x$YOU --sequence=1
By default, the CLI looks for a `key.json` to sign the transaction with.
To specify a different key, we can use the `--from` flag.
Now if we check the second account, it should have `1000` 'mycoin' coins!
basecli query account $YOU
We can send some of these coins back like so:
basecli tx send --name=friend --amount=500mycoin --to=0x$ME --sequence=1
Note how we use the `--name` flag to select a different account to send from.
If we try to send too much, we'll get an error:
basecli tx send --name=friend --amount=500000mycoin --to=0x$ME --sequence=1
See `basecli tx send --help` for additional details.
For a better understanding of the options, it helps to understand the
underlying data structures.
## Accounts
The Basecoin state consists entirely of a set of accounts. Each account
contains a public key, a balance in many different coin denominations, and a
strictly increasing sequence number for replay protection. This type of
account was directly inspired by accounts in Ethereum, and is unlike Bitcoin's
use of Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs). Note Basecoin is a multi-asset
cryptocurrency, so each account can have many different kinds of tokens.
type Account struct {
PubKey crypto.PubKey `json:"pub_key"` // May be nil, if not known.
Sequence int `json:"sequence"`
Balance Coins `json:"coins"`
type Coins []Coin
type Coin struct {
Denom string `json:"denom"`
Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
Accounts are serialized and stored in a Merkle tree under the key
`base/a/<address>`, where `<address>` is the address of the account.
Typically, the address of the account is the 20-byte `RIPEMD160` hash of the
public key, but other formats are acceptable as well, as defined in the
[Tendermint crypto library]( The
Merkle tree used in Basecoin is a balanced, binary search tree, which we call
an [IAVL tree](
## Transactions
Basecoin defines a simple transaction type, the `SendTx`, which allows tokens
to be sent to other accounts. The `SendTx` takes a list of inputs and a list
of outputs, and transfers all the tokens listed in the inputs from their
corresponding accounts to the accounts listed in the output. The `SendTx` is
structured as follows:
type SendTx struct {
Gas int64 `json:"gas"`
Fee Coin `json:"fee"`
Inputs []TxInput `json:"inputs"`
Outputs []TxOutput `json:"outputs"`
type TxInput struct {
Address []byte `json:"address"` // Hash of the PubKey
Coins Coins `json:"coins"` //
Sequence int `json:"sequence"` // Must be 1 greater than the last committed TxInput
Signature crypto.Signature `json:"signature"` // Depends on the PubKey type and the whole Tx
PubKey crypto.PubKey `json:"pub_key"` // Is present iff Sequence == 0
type TxOutput struct {
Address []byte `json:"address"` // Hash of the PubKey
Coins Coins `json:"coins"` //
Note the `SendTx` includes a field for `Gas` and `Fee`. The `Gas` limits the
total amount of computation that can be done by the transaction, while the
`Fee` refers to the total amount paid in fees. This is slightly different from
Ethereum's concept of `Gas` and `GasPrice`, where `Fee = Gas x GasPrice`. In
Basecoin, the `Gas` and `Fee` are independent, and the `GasPrice` is implicit.
In Basecoin, the `Fee` is meant to be used by the validators to inform the
ordering of transactions, like in Bitcoin. And the `Gas` is meant to be used
by the application plugin to control its execution. There is currently no
means to pass `Fee` information to the Tendermint validators, but it will come
Note also that the `PubKey` only needs to be sent for `Sequence == 0`. After
that, it is stored under the account in the Merkle tree and subsequent
transactions can exclude it, using only the `Address` to refer to the sender.
Ethereum does not require public keys to be sent in transactions as it uses a
different elliptic curve scheme which enables the public key to be derived from
the signature itself.
Finally, note that the use of multiple inputs and multiple outputs allows us to
send many different types of tokens between many different accounts at once in
an atomic transaction. Thus, the `SendTx` can serve as a basic unit of
decentralized exchange. When using multiple inputs and outputs, you must make
sure that the sum of coins of the inputs equals the sum of coins of the outputs
(no creating money), and that all accounts that provide inputs have signed the
## Conclusion
In this guide, we introduced the `basecoin` tool, demonstrated how to use it to
send tokens between accounts, and discussed the underlying data types for
accounts and transactions, specifically the `Account` and the `SendTx`. In the
[next guide](, we introduce the Basecoin plugin system,
which uses a new transaction type, the `AppTx`, to extend the functionality of
the Basecoin system with arbitrary logic.