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The pool is a space for all dynamic global state of the Cosmos Hub. It tracks information about the total amounts of Atoms in all states, moving Atom inflation information, etc.

  • Pool: 0x01 -> amino(pool)
type Pool struct {
    LooseTokens         sdk.Int   // tokens not associated with any bonded validator
    BondedTokens        sdk.Int   // reserve of bonded tokens


Params is global data structure that stores system parameters and defines overall functioning of the staking module.

  • Params: 0x00 -> amino(params)
type Params struct {
    MaxValidators uint16 // maximum number of validators
    BondDenom     string // bondable coin denomination


Validators are identified according to the OperatorAddr, an SDK validator address for the operator of the validator.

Validators also have a ConsPubKey, the public key of the validator used in Tendermint consensus. The validator can be retrieved from it's ConsPubKey once it can be converted into the corresponding ConsAddr. Validators are indexed in the store using the following maps:

  • Validators: 0x02 | OperatorAddr -> amino(validator)
  • ValidatorsByConsAddr: 0x03 | ConsAddr -> OperatorAddr
  • ValidatorsByPower: 0x05 | power | blockHeight | blockTx -> OperatorAddr

Validators is the primary index - it ensures that each operator can have only one associated validator, where the public key of that validator can change in the future. Delegators can refer to the immutable operator of the validator, without concern for the changing public key.

ValidatorsByPubKey is a secondary index that enables lookups for slashing. When Tendermint reports evidence, it provides the validator address, so this map is needed to find the operator.

ValidatorsByPower is a secondary index that provides a sorted list of potential validators to quickly determine the current active set. For instance, the first 100 validators in this list can be returned with every EndBlock.

The Validator holds the current state and some historical actions of the validator.

type Validator struct {
    ConsPubKey      crypto.PubKey  // Tendermint consensus pubkey of validator
    Jailed          bool           // has the validator been jailed?

    Status          sdk.BondStatus // validator status (bonded/unbonding/unbonded)
    Tokens          sdk.Int        // delegated tokens (incl. self-delegation)
    DelegatorShares sdk.Dec        // total shares issued to a validator's delegators

    Description        Description  // description terms for the validator

    // Needed for ordering vals in the by-power key
    BondHeight         int64        // earliest height as a bonded validator
    BondIntraTxCounter int16        // block-local tx index of validator change

    CommissionInfo     CommissionInfo // info about the validator's commission

type CommissionInfo struct {
    Rate        sdk.Dec  // the commission rate of fees charged to any delegators
    Max         sdk.Dec  // maximum commission rate which this validator can ever charge
    ChangeRate  sdk.Dec  // maximum daily increase of the validator commission
    ChangeToday sdk.Dec  // commission rate change today, reset each day (UTC time)
    LastChange  int64    // unix timestamp of last commission change

type Description struct {
    Moniker  string // name
    Identity string // optional identity signature (ex. UPort or Keybase)
    Website  string // optional website link
    Details  string // optional details


Delegations are identified by combining DelegatorAddr (the address of the delegator) with the ValidatorAddr Delegators are indexed in the store as follows:

  • Delegation: 0x0A | DelegatorAddr | ValidatorAddr -> amino(delegation)

Atom holders may delegate coins to validators; under this circumstance their funds are held in a Delegation data structure. It is owned by one delegator, and is associated with the shares for one validator. The sender of the transaction is the owner of the bond.

type Delegation struct {
    DelegatorAddr sdk.AccAddress 
    ValidatorAddr sdk.ValAddress 
    Shares        sdk.Dec        // delegation shares received


Shares in a Delegation can be unbonded, but they must for some time exist as an UnbondingDelegation, where shares can be reduced if Byzantine behavior is detected.

UnbondingDelegation are indexed in the store as:

  • UnbondingDelegationByDelegator: 0x0B | DelegatorAddr | ValidatorAddr -> amino(unbondingDelegation)
  • UnbondingDelegationByValOwner: 0x0C | ValidatorAddr | DelegatorAddr | ValidatorAddr -> nil

The first map here is used in queries, to lookup all unbonding delegations for a given delegator, while the second map is used in slashing, to lookup all unbonding delegations associated with a given validator that need to be slashed.

A UnbondingDelegation object is created every time an unbonding is initiated. The unbond must be completed with a second transaction provided by the delegation owner after the unbonding period has passed.

type UnbondingDelegation struct {
    DelegatorAddr sdk.AccAddress             // delegator
    ValidatorAddr sdk.ValAddress             // validator unbonding from operator addr
    Entries       []UnbondingDelegationEntry // unbonding delegation entries

type UnbondingDelegationEntry struct {
    CreationHeight int64     // height which the unbonding took place
    CompletionTime time.Time // unix time for unbonding completion
    InitialBalance sdk.Coin  // atoms initially scheduled to receive at completion
    Balance        sdk.Coin  // atoms to receive at completion


Shares in a Delegation can be rebonded to a different validator, but they must for some time exist as a Redelegation, where shares can be reduced if Byzantine behavior is detected. This is tracked as moving a delegation from a ValidatorSrcAddr to a ValidatorDstAddr.

Redelegation are indexed in the store as:

  • Redelegations: 0x0D | DelegatorAddr | ValidatorSrcAddr | ValidatorDstAddr -> amino(redelegation)
  • RedelegationsBySrc: 0x0E | ValidatorSrcAddr | ValidatorDstAddr | DelegatorAddr -> nil
  • RedelegationsByDst: 0x0F | ValidatorDstAddr | ValidatorSrcAddr | DelegatorAddr -> nil

The first map here is used for queries, to lookup all redelegations for a given delegator. The second map is used for slashing based on the ValidatorSrcAddr, while the third map is for slashing based on the ToValOwnerAddr.

A redelegation object is created every time a redelegation occurs. The redelegation must be completed with a second transaction provided by the delegation owner after the unbonding period has passed. The destination delegation of a redelegation may not itself undergo a new redelegation until the original redelegation has been completed.

type Redelegation struct {
    DelegatorAddr    sdk.AccAddress      // delegator
    ValidatorSrcAddr sdk.ValAddress      // validator redelegation source operator addr
    ValidatorDstAddr sdk.ValAddress      // validator redelegation destination operator addr
    Entries          []RedelegationEntry // redelegation entries

type RedelegationEntry struct {
    CreationHeight int64     // height which the redelegation took place
    CompletionTime time.Time // unix time for redelegation completion
    InitialBalance sdk.Coin  // initial balance when redelegation started
    Balance        sdk.Coin  // current balance (current value held in destination validator)
    SharesSrc      sdk.Dec   // amount of source-validator shares removed by redelegation
    SharesDst      sdk.Dec   // amount of destination-validator shares created by redelegation