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Signing Info

Every block includes a set of precommits by the validators for the previous block, known as the LastCommit. A LastCommit is valid so long as it contains precommits from +2/3 of voting power.

Proposers are incentivized to include precommits from all validators in the LastCommit by receiving additional fees proportional to the difference between the voting power included in the LastCommit and +2/3 (see TODO).

Validators are penalized for failing to be included in the LastCommit for some number of blocks by being automatically unbonded.

Information about validator activity is tracked in a ValidatorSigningInfo. It is indexed in the store as follows:

  • SigningInfo: 0x01 | ValTendermintAddr -> amino(valSigningInfo)
  • SigningBitArray: 0x02 | ValTendermintAddr | LittleEndianUint64(signArrayIndex) -> VarInt(didSign)

The first map allows us to easily lookup the recent signing info for a validator, according to the Tendermint validator address. The second map acts as a bit-array of size SIGNED_BLOCKS_WINDOW that tells us if the validator signed for a given index in the bit-array.

The index in the bit-array is given as little endian uint64.

The result is a varint that takes on 0 or 1, where 0 indicates the validator did not sign the corresponding block, and 1 indicates they did.

Note that the SigningBitArray is not explicitly initialized up-front. Keys are added as we progress through the first SIGNED_BLOCKS_WINDOW blocks for a newly bonded validator.

The information stored for tracking validator liveness is as follows:

type ValidatorSigningInfo struct {
    StartHeight           int64     // Height at which the validator became able to sign blocks
    IndexOffset           int64     // Offset into the signed block bit array
    JailedUntil           int64     // Block height until which the validator is jailed,
                                    // or sentinel value of 0 for not jailed
    SignedBlocksCounter   int64     // Running counter of signed blocks


  • StartHeight is set to the height that the candidate became an active validator (with non-zero voting power).
  • IndexOffset is incremented each time the candidate was a bonded validator in a block (and may have signed a precommit or not).
  • JailedUntil is set whenever the candidate is revoked due to downtime
  • SignedBlocksCounter is a counter kept to avoid unnecessary array reads. SignedBlocksBitArray.Sum() == SignedBlocksCounter always.

Slashing Period

A slashing period is a start and end time associated with a particular validator, within which only the "worst infraction counts": the total amount of slashing for infractions committed within the period (and discovered whenever) is capped at the penalty for the worst offense.

This period starts when a validator is first bonded and ends when a validator is slashed & jailed for double-signing (but does not end if they are slashed & jailed for just missing blocks). When the validator voluntarily unjails themselves (and possibly changes signing keys), they reset the period.

Slashing periods are indexed in the store as follows:

  • SlashingPeriod: 0x03 | ValTendermintAddr -> amino(slashingPeriod)

This allows us to look up slashing period by validator address, the only lookup necessary.

type SlashingPeriod struct {
    ValidatorAddr         sdk.ValAddress      // Tendermint address of the validator
    StartHeight           int64               // Block height at which slashing period begin
    EndHeight             int64               // Block height at which slashing period ended
    SlashedSoFar          sdk.Rat             // Fraction slashed so far, cumulative