
312 lines
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# Transaction Overview
In this section we describe the processing of the transactions and the
corresponding updates to the state. Transactions:
* TxCreateValidator
* TxEditValidator
* TxDelegation
* TxStartUnbonding
* TxRedelegate
Other important state changes:
* Update Validators
Other notes:
* `tx` denotes a reference to the transaction being processed
* `sender` denotes the address of the sender of the transaction
* `getXxx`, `setXxx`, and `removeXxx` functions are used to retrieve and
modify objects from the store
* `sdk.Dec` refers to a decimal type specified by the SDK.
## TxCreateValidator
* triggers: `distribution.CreateValidatorDistribution`
A validator is created using the `TxCreateValidator` transaction.
type TxCreateValidator struct {
Description Description
Commission Commission
DelegatorAddr sdk.AccAddress
ValidatorAddr sdk.ValAddress
PubKey crypto.PubKey
Delegation sdk.Coin
createValidator(tx TxCreateValidator):
ok := validatorExists(tx.ValidatorAddr)
if ok return err // only one validator per address
ok := validatorByPubKeyExists(tx.PubKey)
if ok return err // only one validator per public key
err := validateDenom(tx.Delegation.Denom)
if err != nil return err // denomination must be valid
validator := NewValidator(tx.ValidatorAddr, tx.PubKey, tx.Description)
err := setInitialCommission(validator, tx.Commission, blockTime)
if err != nil return err // must be able to set initial commission correctly
// set the validator and public key
// delegate coins from tx.DelegatorAddr to the validator
err := delegate(tx.DelegatorAddr, tx.Delegation, validator)
if err != nil return err // must be able to set delegation correctly
tags := createTags(tx)
return tags
## TxEditValidator
If either the `Description`, `Commission`, or the `ValidatorAddr` need to be
updated, the `TxEditCandidacy` transaction should be sent from the operator
type TxEditCandidacy struct {
Description Description
ValidatorAddr sdk.ValAddress
CommissionRate sdk.Dec
editCandidacy(tx TxEditCandidacy):
validator, ok := getValidator(tx.ValidatorAddr)
if !ok return err // validator must exist
// Attempt to update the validator's description. The description provided
// must be valid.
description, err := updateDescription(validator, tx.Description)
if err != nil return err
// a validator is not required to update it's commission rate
if tx.CommissionRate != nil {
// Attempt to update a validator's commission rate. The rate provided
// must be valid. It's rate can only be updated once a day.
err := updateValidatorCommission(validator, tx.CommissionRate)
if err != nil return err
// set the validator and public key
tags := createTags(tx)
return tags
### TxDelegate
- triggers: `distribution.CreateOrModDelegationDistribution`
Within this transaction the delegator provides coins, and in return receives
some amount of their validator's delegator-shares that are assigned to
type TxDelegate struct {
DelegatorAddr sdk.Address
ValidatorAddr sdk.Address
Amount sdk.Coin
delegate(tx TxDelegate):
pool = getPool()
if validator.Status == Jailed return
delegation = getDelegatorBond(DelegatorAddr, ValidatorAddr)
if delegation == nil then delegation = NewDelegation(DelegatorAddr, ValidatorAddr)
validator, pool, issuedDelegatorShares = validator.addTokensFromDel(tx.Amount, pool)
delegation.Shares += issuedDelegatorShares
### TxStartUnbonding
Delegator unbonding is defined with the following transaction:
type TxStartUnbonding struct {
DelegatorAddr sdk.Address
ValidatorAddr sdk.Address
Shares string
startUnbonding(tx TxStartUnbonding):
delegation, found = getDelegatorBond(store, sender, tx.PubKey)
if !found == nil return
if bond.Shares < tx.Shares
return ErrNotEnoughBondShares
validator, found = GetValidator(tx.ValidatorAddr)
if !found {
return err
bond.Shares -= tx.Shares
revokeCandidacy = false
if bond.Shares.IsZero() {
if bond.DelegatorAddr == validator.Operator && validator.Jailed == false
revokeCandidacy = true
removeDelegation( bond)
bond.Height = currentBlockHeight
pool = GetPool()
validator, pool, returnAmount = validator.removeDelShares(pool, tx.Shares)
setPool( pool)
unbondingDelegation = NewUnbondingDelegation(sender, returnAmount, currentHeight/Time, startSlashRatio)
if revokeCandidacy
validator.Jailed = true
validator = updateValidator(validator)
if validator.Status == Unbonded && validator.DelegatorShares == 0 {
### TxRedelegation
The redelegation command allows delegators to instantly switch validators. Once
the unbonding period has passed, the redelegation is automatically completed in the EndBlocker.
type TxRedelegate struct {
DelegatorAddr Address
ValidatorFrom Validator
ValidatorTo Validator
Shares sdk.Dec
CompletedTime int64
redelegate(tx TxRedelegate):
pool = getPool()
delegation = getDelegatorBond(tx.DelegatorAddr, tx.ValidatorFrom.Operator)
if delegation == nil
if delegation.Shares < tx.Shares
delegation.shares -= Tx.Shares
validator, pool, createdCoins = validator.RemoveShares(pool, tx.Shares)
redelegation = newRedelegation(tx.DelegatorAddr, tx.validatorFrom,
tx.validatorTo, tx.Shares, createdCoins, tx.CompletedTime)
### Update Validators
Within many transactions the validator set must be updated based on changes in
power to a single validator. This process also updates the Tendermint-Updates
store for use in end-block when validators are either added or kicked from the
updateBondedValidators(newValidator Validator) (updatedVal Validator)
kickCliffValidator = false
oldCliffValidatorAddr = getCliffValidator(ctx)
// add the actual validator power sorted store
maxValidators = GetParams(ctx).MaxValidators
iterator = ReverseSubspaceIterator(ValidatorsByPowerKey) // largest to smallest
bondedValidatorsCount = 0
var validator Validator
for {
if !iterator.Valid() || bondedValidatorsCount > int(maxValidators-1) {
if bondedValidatorsCount == int(maxValidators) { // is cliff validator
setCliffValidator(ctx, validator, GetPool(ctx))
// either retrieve the original validator from the store,
// or under the situation that this is the "new validator" just
// use the validator provided because it has not yet been updated
// in the main validator store
operatorAddr = iterator.Value()
if bytes.Equal(operatorAddr, newValidator.Operator) {
validator = newValidator
validator = getValidator(operatorAddr)
// if not previously a validator (and unjailed),
// kick the cliff validator / bond this new validator
if validator.Status() != Bonded && !validator.Jailed {
kickCliffValidator = true
validator = bondValidator(ctx, store, validator)
if bytes.Equal(operatorAddr, newValidator.Operator) {
updatedVal = validator
// perform the actual kicks
if oldCliffValidatorAddr != nil && kickCliffValidator {
validator = getValidator(store, oldCliffValidatorAddr)
unbondValidator(ctx, store, validator)
// perform all the store operations for when a validator status becomes unbonded
unbondValidator(ctx Context, store KVStore, validator Validator)
pool = GetPool(ctx)
// set the status
validator, pool = validator.UpdateStatus(pool, Unbonded)
setPool(ctx, pool)
// save the now unbonded validator record
// add to accumulated changes for tendermint
// also remove from the bonded validators index
// perform all the store operations for when a validator status becomes bonded
bondValidator(ctx Context, store KVStore, validator Validator) Validator
pool = GetPool(ctx)
// set the status
validator, pool = validator.UpdateStatus(pool, Bonded)
setPool(ctx, pool)
// save the now bonded validator record to the three referenced stores
// add to accumulated changes for tendermint
return validator