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Running a Node

TODO: Improve documentation of gaiad


To start a node:

$ gaiad start <flags>

Options for running the gaiad binary are effectively the same as for tendermint. See gaiad --help and the guide to using Tendermint for more details.


Optionally, you can run gaiad with --trace-store to trace all store operations to a specified file.

$ gaiad start <flags> --trace-store=/path/to/trace.out

Key/value pairs will be base64 encoded. Additionally, the block number and any correlated transaction hash will be included as metadata.



You can then query for the various traced operations using a tool like jq.

$ jq -s '.[] | select((.key=="ATW6Bu997eeuUeRBwv1EPGvXRfPR") and .metadata.blockHeight==14)' /path/to/trace.out