
7.3 KiB

Implementation (1/2)



Procedures define the rule according to which votes are run. There can only be one active procedure at any given time. If governance wants to change a procedure, either to modify a value or add/remove a parameter, a new procedure has to be created and the previous one rendered inactive.

type VoteType byte

const (
    VoteTypeYes         = 0x1
    VoteTypeNo          = 0x2
    VoteTypeNoWithVeto  = 0x3
    VoteTypeAbstain     = 0x4

type ProposalType  byte

const (
    ProposalTypePlainText = 0x1
    ProposalTypeSoftwareUpgrade = 0x2


type Procedure struct {
  VotingPeriod      int64               //  Length of the voting period. Initial value: 2 weeks
  MinDeposit        int64               //  Minimum deposit for a proposal to enter voting period. 
  VoteTypes         []VoteType          //  Vote types available to voters. 
  ProposalTypes     []ProposalType      //  Proposal types available to submitters. 
  Threshold         rational.Rational   //  Minimum propotion of Yes votes for proposal to pass. Initial value: 0.5
  Veto              rational.Rational   //  Minimum value of Veto votes to Total votes ratio for proposal to be vetoed. Initial value: 1/3
  MaxDepositPeriod  int64               //  Maximum period for Atom holders to deposit on a proposal. Initial value: 2 months
  GovernancePenalty int64               //  Penalty if validator does not vote
  IsActive          bool                //  If true, procedure is active. Only one procedure can have isActive true.

The current active procedure is stored in a global params KVStore.


  type Deposit struct {
    Amount      sdk.Coins       //  Amount of coins deposited by depositer
    Depositer   crypto.address  //  Address of depositer


  type Votes struct {
    Yes          int64
    No           int64
    NoWithVeto   int64
    Abstain      int64


Proposals are an item to be voted on.

type Proposal struct {
  Title                 string              //  Title of the proposal
  Description           string              //  Description of the proposal
  Type                  ProposalType        //  Type of proposal. Initial set {PlainTextProposal, SoftwareUpgradeProposal}
  TotalDeposit          sdk.Coins           //  Current deposit on this proposal. Initial value is set at InitialDeposit
  Deposits              []Deposit           //  List of deposits on the proposal
  SubmitBlock           int64               //  Height of the block where TxGovSubmitProposal was included
  Submitter             crypto.Address      //  Address of the submitter
  VotingStartBlock      int64               //  Height of the block where MinDeposit was reached. -1 if MinDeposit is not reached
  InitTotalVotingPower  int64               //  Total voting power when proposal enters voting period (default 0)
  InitProcedure         Procedure           //  Active Procedure when proposal enters voting period

  Votes                 Votes               //  Total votes for each option

We also introduce a type ValidatorGovInfo

type ValidatorGovInfo struct {
  InitVotingPower     int64   //  Voting power of validator when proposal enters voting period
  Minus               int64   //  Minus of validator, used to compute validator's voting power


Stores are KVStores in the multistore. The key to find the store is the first parameter in the list

  • Proposals: int64 => Proposal maps proposalID to the Proposal proposalID
  • Options: <proposalID | voterAddress | validatorAddress> => VoteType: maps to the vote of the voterAddress for proposalID re its delegation to validatorAddress. Returns 0x0 If voterAddress has not voted under this validator.
  • ValidatorGovInfos: <proposalID | validatorAddress> => ValidatorGovInfo: maps to the gov info for the validatorAddress and proposalID. Returns nil if proposal has not entered voting period or if address was not the address of a validator when proposal entered voting period.

For pseudocode purposes, here are the two function we will use to read or write in stores:

  • load(StoreKey, Key): Retrieve item stored at key Key in store found at key StoreKey in the multistore
  • store(StoreKey, Key, value): Write value Value at key Key in store found at key StoreKey in the multistore

Proposal Processing Queue


  • ProposalProcessingQueue: A queue queue[proposalID] containing all the ProposalIDs of proposals that reached MinDeposit. Each round, the oldest element of ProposalProcessingQueue is checked during BeginBlock to see if CurrentBlock == VotingStartBlock + InitProcedure.VotingPeriod. If it is, then the application checks if validators in InitVotingPowerList have voted and, if not, applies GovernancePenalty. If the proposal is accepted, deposits are refunded. After that proposal is ejected from ProposalProcessingQueue and the next element of the queue is evaluated. Note that if a proposal is accepted under the special condition, its ProposalID must be ejected from ProposalProcessingQueue.

And the pseudocode for the ProposalProcessingQueue:

  in BeginBlock do 
    checkProposal()  // First call of the recursive function 
  // Recursive function. First call in BeginBlock
  func checkProposal()  
    proposalID = ProposalProcessingQueue.Peek()
    if (proposalID == nil)

    proposal = load(Proposals, proposalID) 

    if (proposal.Votes.YesVotes/proposal.InitTotalVotingPower > 2/3)

      // proposal accepted early by super-majority
      // no punishments; refund deposits


      var newDeposits []Deposits

      // XXX: why do we need to reset deposits? cant we just clear it ?
      for each (amount, depositer) in proposal.Deposits
        newDeposits.append[{0, depositer}]
        depositer.AtomBalance += amount

      proposal.Deposits = newDeposits
      store(Proposals, proposalID, proposal)


    else if (CurrentBlock == proposal.VotingStartBlock + proposal.Procedure.VotingPeriod)

      activeProcedure = load(params, 'ActiveProcedure')

      for each validator in CurrentBondedValidators
        validatorGovInfo = load(ValidatorGovInfos, <proposalID | validator.Address>)
        if (validatorGovInfo.InitVotingPower != nil)
          // validator was bonded when vote started

          validatorOption = load(Options, <proposalID | validator.Address>)
          if (validatorOption == nil)
            // validator did not vote
            slash validator by activeProcedure.GovernancePenalty

      totalNonAbstain = proposal.Votes.YesVotes + proposal.Votes.NoVotes + proposal.Votes.NoWithVetoVotes
      if( proposal.Votes.YesVotes/totalNonAbstain > 0.5 AND proposal.Votes.NoWithVetoVotes/totalNonAbstain  < 1/3)

        //  proposal was accepted at the end of the voting period
        //  refund deposits (non-voters already punished)

        var newDeposits []Deposits

        for each (amount, depositer) in proposal.Deposits
          newDeposits.append[{0, depositer}]
          depositer.AtomBalance += amount

        proposal.Deposits = newDeposits
        store(Proposals, proposalID, proposal)
