
284 lines
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### Transaction Overview
Available Transactions:
* TxDeclareCandidacy
* TxEditCandidacy
* TxDelegate
* TxUnbond
* TxRedelegate
* TxProveLive
## Transaction processing
In this section we describe the processing of the transactions and the
corresponding updates to the global state. In the following text we will use
`gs` to refer to the `GlobalState` data structure, `unbondDelegationQueue` is a
reference to the queue of unbond delegations, `reDelegationQueue` is the
reference for the queue of redelegations. We use `tx` to denote a
reference to a transaction that is being processed, and `sender` to denote the
address of the sender of the transaction. We use function
`loadCandidate(store, PubKey)` to obtain a Candidate structure from the store,
and `saveCandidate(store, candidate)` to save it. Similarly, we use
`loadDelegatorBond(store, sender, PubKey)` to load a delegator bond with the
key (sender and PubKey) from the store, and
`saveDelegatorBond(store, sender, bond)` to save it.
`removeDelegatorBond(store, sender, bond)` is used to remove the bond from the
### TxDeclareCandidacy
A validator candidacy is declared using the `TxDeclareCandidacy` transaction.
type TxDeclareCandidacy struct {
ConsensusPubKey crypto.PubKey
Amount coin.Coin
GovernancePubKey crypto.PubKey
Commission rational.Rat
CommissionMax int64
CommissionMaxChange int64
Description Description
declareCandidacy(tx TxDeclareCandidacy):
candidate = loadCandidate(store, tx.PubKey)
if candidate != nil return // candidate with that public key already exists
candidate = NewCandidate(tx.PubKey)
candidate.Status = Unbonded
candidate.Owner = sender
init candidate VotingPower, GlobalStakeShares, IssuedDelegatorShares, RedelegatingShares and Adjustment to rational.Zero
init commision related fields based on the values from tx
candidate.ProposerRewardPool = Coin(0)
candidate.Description = tx.Description
saveCandidate(store, candidate)
txDelegate = TxDelegate(tx.PubKey, tx.Amount)
return delegateWithCandidate(txDelegate, candidate)
// see delegateWithCandidate function in [TxDelegate](TxDelegate)
### TxEditCandidacy
If either the `Description` (excluding `DateBonded` which is constant),
`Commission`, or the `GovernancePubKey` need to be updated, the
`TxEditCandidacy` transaction should be sent from the owner account:
type TxEditCandidacy struct {
GovernancePubKey crypto.PubKey
Commission int64
Description Description
editCandidacy(tx TxEditCandidacy):
candidate = loadCandidate(store, tx.PubKey)
if candidate == nil or candidate.Status == Revoked return
if tx.GovernancePubKey != nil candidate.GovernancePubKey = tx.GovernancePubKey
if tx.Commission >= 0 candidate.Commission = tx.Commission
if tx.Description != nil candidate.Description = tx.Description
saveCandidate(store, candidate)
### TxDelegate
Delegator bonds are created using the `TxDelegate` transaction. Within this
transaction the delegator provides an amount of coins, and in return receives
some amount of candidate's delegator shares that are assigned to
type TxDelegate struct {
PubKey crypto.PubKey
Amount coin.Coin
delegate(tx TxDelegate):
candidate = loadCandidate(store, tx.PubKey)
if candidate == nil return
return delegateWithCandidate(tx, candidate)
delegateWithCandidate(tx TxDelegate, candidate Candidate):
if candidate.Status == Revoked return
if candidate.Status == Bonded
poolAccount = params.HoldBonded
poolAccount = params.HoldUnbonded
err = transfer(sender, poolAccount, tx.Amount)
if err != nil return
bond = loadDelegatorBond(store, sender, tx.PubKey)
if bond == nil then bond = DelegatorBond(tx.PubKey, rational.Zero, Coin(0), Coin(0))
issuedDelegatorShares = addTokens(tx.Amount, candidate)
bond.Shares += issuedDelegatorShares
saveCandidate(store, candidate)
saveDelegatorBond(store, sender, bond)
saveGlobalState(store, gs)
addTokens(amount coin.Coin, candidate Candidate):
if candidate.Status == Bonded
gs.BondedPool += amount
issuedShares = amount / exchangeRate(gs.BondedShares, gs.BondedPool)
gs.BondedShares += issuedShares
gs.UnbondedPool += amount
issuedShares = amount / exchangeRate(gs.UnbondedShares, gs.UnbondedPool)
gs.UnbondedShares += issuedShares
candidate.GlobalStakeShares += issuedShares
if candidate.IssuedDelegatorShares.IsZero()
exRate = rational.One
exRate = candidate.GlobalStakeShares / candidate.IssuedDelegatorShares
issuedDelegatorShares = issuedShares / exRate
candidate.IssuedDelegatorShares += issuedDelegatorShares
return issuedDelegatorShares
exchangeRate(shares rational.Rat, tokenAmount int64):
if shares.IsZero() then return rational.One
return tokenAmount / shares
### TxUnbond
Delegator unbonding is defined with the following transaction:
type TxUnbond struct {
PubKey crypto.PubKey
Shares rational.Rat
unbond(tx TxUnbond):
bond = loadDelegatorBond(store, sender, tx.PubKey)
if bond == nil return
if bond.Shares < tx.Shares return
bond.Shares -= tx.Shares
candidate = loadCandidate(store, tx.PubKey)
revokeCandidacy = false
if bond.Shares.IsZero()
if sender == candidate.Owner and candidate.Status != Revoked then revokeCandidacy = true then removeDelegatorBond(store, sender, bond)
saveDelegatorBond(store, sender, bond)
if candidate.Status == Bonded
poolAccount = params.HoldBonded
poolAccount = params.HoldUnbonded
returnedCoins = removeShares(candidate, shares)
unbondDelegationElem = QueueElemUnbondDelegation(tx.PubKey, currentHeight(), sender, returnedCoins, startSlashRatio)
transfer(poolAccount, unbondingPoolAddress, returnCoins)
if revokeCandidacy
if candidate.Status == Bonded then bondedToUnbondedPool(candidate)
candidate.Status = Revoked
if candidate.IssuedDelegatorShares.IsZero()
removeCandidate(store, tx.PubKey)
saveCandidate(store, candidate)
saveGlobalState(store, gs)
removeShares(candidate Candidate, shares rational.Rat):
globalPoolSharesToRemove = DelegatorShareExRate(candidate) * shares
if candidate.Status == Bonded
gs.BondedShares -= globalPoolSharesToRemove
removedTokens = exchangeRate(gs.BondedShares, gs.BondedPool) * globalPoolSharesToRemove
gs.BondedPool -= removedTokens
gs.UnbondedShares -= globalPoolSharesToRemove
removedTokens = exchangeRate(gs.UnbondedShares, gs.UnbondedPool) * globalPoolSharesToRemove
gs.UnbondedPool -= removedTokens
candidate.GlobalStakeShares -= removedTokens
candidate.IssuedDelegatorShares -= shares
return returnedCoins
DelegatorShareExRate(candidate Candidate):
if candidate.IssuedDelegatorShares.IsZero() then return rational.One
return candidate.GlobalStakeShares / candidate.IssuedDelegatorShares
bondedToUnbondedPool(candidate Candidate):
removedTokens = exchangeRate(gs.BondedShares, gs.BondedPool) * candidate.GlobalStakeShares
gs.BondedShares -= candidate.GlobalStakeShares
gs.BondedPool -= removedTokens
gs.UnbondedPool += removedTokens
issuedShares = removedTokens / exchangeRate(gs.UnbondedShares, gs.UnbondedPool)
gs.UnbondedShares += issuedShares
candidate.GlobalStakeShares = issuedShares
candidate.Status = Unbonded
return transfer(address of the bonded pool, address of the unbonded pool, removedTokens)
### TxRedelegate
The re-delegation command allows delegators to switch validators while still
receiving equal reward to as if they had never unbonded.
type TxRedelegate struct {
PubKeyFrom crypto.PubKey
PubKeyTo crypto.PubKey
Shares rational.Rat
redelegate(tx TxRedelegate):
bond = loadDelegatorBond(store, sender, tx.PubKey)
if bond == nil then return
if bond.Shares < tx.Shares return
candidate = loadCandidate(store, tx.PubKeyFrom)
if candidate == nil return
candidate.RedelegatingShares += tx.Shares
reDelegationElem = QueueElemReDelegate(tx.PubKeyFrom, currentHeight(), sender, tx.Shares, tx.PubKeyTo)
### TxProveLive
If a validator was automatically unbonded due to liveness issues and wishes to
assert it is still online, it can send `TxProveLive`:
type TxProveLive struct {
PubKey crypto.PubKey
All delegators in the temporary unbonding pool which have not
transacted to move will be bonded back to the now-live validator and begin to
once again collect provisions and rewards.
TODO: pseudo-code