
1.1 KiB


Other modules may register operations to execute when a certain event has occurred within staking. These events can be registered to execute either right Before or After the staking event (as per the hook name). The following hooks can registered with staking:

  • AfterValidatorCreated(Context, ValAddress)
    • called when a validator is created
  • BeforeValidatorModified(Context, ValAddress)
    • called when a validator's state is changed
  • AfterValidatorRemoved(Context, ConsAddress, ValAddress)
    • called when a validator is deleted
  • AfterValidatorBonded(Context, ConsAddress, ValAddress)
    • called when a validator is bonded
  • AfterValidatorBeginUnbonding(Context, ConsAddress, ValAddress)
    • called when a validator begins unbonding
  • BeforeDelegationCreated(Context, AccAddress, ValAddress)
    • called when a delegation is created
  • BeforeDelegationSharesModified(Context, AccAddress, ValAddress)
    • called when a delegation's shares are modified
  • BeforeDelegationRemoved(Context, AccAddress, ValAddress)
    • called when a delegation is removed