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Cosmos Hub (Gaia) LCD API

This document describes the API that is exposed by the specific LCD implementation of the Cosmos Hub (Gaia). Those APIs are exposed by a REST server and can easily be accessed over HTTP/WS(websocket) connections.

The complete API is comprised of the sub-APIs of different modules. The modules in the Cosmos Hub (Gaia) API are:

  • ICS0 (TendermintAPI)
  • ICS1 (KeyAPI)
  • ICS20 (TokenAPI)
  • ICS21 (StakingAPI) - not yet implemented
  • ICS22 (GovernanceAPI) - not yet implemented

Error messages my change and should be only used for display purposes. Error messages should not be used for determining the error type.

ICS0 - TendermintAPI - not yet implemented

Exposes the same functionality as the Tendermint RPC from a full node. It aims to have a very similar API.

/broadcast_tx_sync - POST

url: /broadcast_tx_sync

Functionality: Submit a signed transaction synchronously. This returns a response from CheckTx.


Parameter Type Default Required Description
transaction string null true signed tx bytes

Returns on success:

    "rest api":"2.0",

Returns on failure:

    "rest api":"2.0",
    "error":"Could not submit the transaction synchronously.",

/broadcast_tx_async - POST

url: /broadcast_tx_async

Functionality: Submit a signed transaction asynchronously. This does not return a response from CheckTx.


Parameter Type Default Required Description
transaction string null true signed tx bytes

Returns on success:

    "rest api":"2.0",
    "result": {

Returns on failure:

    "rest api":"2.0",
    "error":"Could not submit the transaction asynchronously.",

/broadcast_tx_commit - POST

url: /broadcast_tx_commit

Functionality: Submit a signed transaction and waits for it to be committed in a block.


Parameter Type Default Required Description
transaction string null true signed tx bytes

Returns on success:

    "rest api":"2.0",

Returns on failure:

    "rest api":"2.0",
    "error":"Could not commit the transaction.",


This API exposes all functionality needed for key creation, signing and management.

/keys - GET

url: /keys

Functionality: Gets a list of all the keys.

Returns on success:

    "rest api":"2.0",

Returns on failure:

    "rest api":"2.0",
    "error":"Could not retrieve the keys.",

/keys/recover - POST

url: /keys/recover

Functionality: Recover your key from seed and persist it encrypted with the password.


Parameter Type Default Required Description
name string null true name of key
password string null true password of key
seed string null true seed of key

Returns on success:

    "rest api":"2.0",

Returns on failure:

    "rest api":"2.0",
    "error":"Could not recover the key.",

/keys/create - POST

url: /keys/create

Functionality: Create a new key.


Parameter Type Default Required Description
name string null true name of key
password string null true password of key

Returns on success:

    "rest api":"2.0",
        "seed":"crime carpet recycle erase simple prepare moral dentist fee cause pitch trigger when velvet animal abandon"

Returns on failure:

    "rest api":"2.0",
    "error":"Could not create new key.",

/keys/{name} - GET

url: /keys/{name}

Functionality: Get the information for the specified key.

Returns on success:

    "rest api":"2.0",

Returns on failure:

    "rest api":"2.0",
    "error":"Could not find information on the specified key.",

/keys/{name} - PUT

url: /keys/{name}

Functionality: Change the encryption password for the specified key.


Parameter Type Default Required Description
old_password string null true old password
new_password string null true new password

Returns on success:

    "rest api":"2.0",

Returns on failure:

    "rest api":"2.0",
    "error":"Could not update the specified key.",

/keys/{name} - DELETE

url: /keys/{name}

Functionality: Delete the specified key.


Parameter Type Default Required Description
password string null true password of key

Returns on success:

    "rest api":"2.0",

Returns on failure:

    "rest api":"2.0",
    "error":"Could not delete the specified key.",

ICS20 - TokenAPI

The TokenAPI exposes all functionality needed to query account balances and send transactions.

/bank/balance/{account} - GET

url: /bank/balance/{account}

Functionality: Query the specified account.

Returns on success:

    "rest api":"2.0",
    "result": {

Returns on error:

    "rest api":"2.0",
    "error":"Could not find any balance for the specified account.",

/bank/create_transfer - POST

url: /bank/create_transfer

Functionality: Create a transfer in the bank module.


Parameter Type Default Required Description
sender string null true Address of sender
receiver string null true address of receiver
chain_id string null true chain id
amount int null true amount of the token
denomonation string null true denomonation of the token

Returns on success:

    "rest api":"2.0",
     "transaction":"TODO:<JSON sign bytes for the transaction>"

Returns on failure:

    "rest api":"2.0",
    "error":"Could not create the transaction.",