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The x/auth module is responsible for specifying the base transaction and account types for an application, as well as AnteHandler and authentication logic.


  1. Import the module.

    import (
  2. Add AppModuleBasic to your ModuleBasics.

    var (
      ModuleBasics = module.NewBasicManager(
        // ...
  3. Create the module's parameter subspace in your application constructor.

    func NewApp(...) *App {
      // ...
      app.subspaces[auth.ModuleName] = app.ParamsKeeper.Subspace(auth.DefaultParamspace)
  4. Create the keeper.

    func NewApp(...) *App {
       // ...
       app.AccountKeeper = auth.NewAccountKeeper(
        app.cdc, keys[auth.StoreKey], app.subspaces[auth.ModuleName], auth.ProtoBaseAccount,
  5. Add the x/auth module to the app's ModuleManager.

    func NewApp(...) *App {
      // ... = module.NewManager(
        // ...
        // ...
  6. Set the x/auth module genesis order.

    func NewApp(...) *App {
      // ..., auth.ModuleName, ...)
  7. Add the x/auth module to the simulation manager (if you have one set).

    func NewApp(...) *App {
      // ... = module.NewSimulationManager(
        // ...
        // ...
  8. Set the AnteHandler if you're using the default provided by x/auth. Note, the default AnteHandler provided by the x/auth module depends on the x/supply module.

    func NewApp(...) *App {

Vesting Accounts

The x/auth modules also defines a few standard vesting account types under the vesting sub-package. In order to get your application to automatically support these in terms of encoding and decoding, you must register the types with your application Amino codec.

Where ever you define the application Codec, be sure to register types via:

import (

func MakeCodec() *codec.Codec {
  var cdc = codec.New()
  // ...
  // ...
  return cdc


The x/auth module defines its genesis state as follows:

type GenesisState struct {
  Params   Params                   `json:"params" yaml:"params"`
  Accounts exported.GenesisAccounts `json:"accounts" yaml:"accounts"`

Which relies on the following types:

type Account interface {
  GetAddress() sdk.AccAddress
  SetAddress(sdk.AccAddress) error
  GetPubKey() crypto.PubKey
  SetPubKey(crypto.PubKey) error
  GetAccountNumber() uint64
  SetAccountNumber(uint64) error
  GetSequence() uint64
  SetSequence(uint64) error
  GetCoins() sdk.Coins
  SetCoins(sdk.Coins) error
  SpendableCoins(blockTime time.Time) sdk.Coins
  String() string

type Params struct {
  MaxMemoCharacters      uint64 `json:"max_memo_characters" yaml:"max_memo_characters"`
  TxSigLimit             uint64 `json:"tx_sig_limit" yaml:"tx_sig_limit"`
  TxSizeCostPerByte      uint64 `json:"tx_size_cost_per_byte" yaml:"tx_size_cost_per_byte"`
  SigVerifyCostED25519   uint64 `json:"sig_verify_cost_ed25519" yaml:"sig_verify_cost_ed25519"`
  SigVerifyCostSecp256k1 uint64 `json:"sig_verify_cost_secp256k1" yaml:"sig_verify_cost_secp256k1"`



The x/auth module provides various auxiliary CLI commands and a few that are part of the module itself via the ModuleManager. The commands that are part of the module itself are defined below:

  1. Query an account.

    $ app q auth account [address] [...flags]
  2. Sign an unsigned transaction using a single signature.

    $ app tx auth sign [file]
  3. Sign an unsigned transaction using a multisig.

    $ app tx auth multisign [file] [name] [[signature]...]


The x/auth module provides various auxiliary REST handlers and a few that are part of the module itself via the ModuleManager. The endpoints that are part of the module itself are defined below:

  1. Query an account.
    Method Path
    GET /auth/accounts/{address}