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## Hooks
In this section we describe the "hooks" - slashing module code that runs when other events happen.
### Validator Bonded
Upon successful bonding of a validator (a given validator entering the "bonded" state,
which may happen on delegation, on unjailing, etc), we create a new `SlashingPeriod` structure for the
now-bonded validator, which `StartHeight` of the current block, `EndHeight` of `0` (sentinel value for not-yet-ended),
and `SlashedSoFar` of `0`:
onValidatorBonded(address sdk.ValAddress)
signingInfo, found = getValidatorSigningInfo(address)
if !found {
signingInfo = ValidatorSigningInfo {
StartHeight : CurrentHeight,
IndexOffset : 0,
JailedUntil : time.Unix(0, 0),
MissedBloskCounter : 0
slashingPeriod = SlashingPeriod{
ValidatorAddr : address,
StartHeight : CurrentHeight,
EndHeight : 0,
SlashedSoFar : 0,
### Validator Unbonded
When a validator is unbonded, we update the in-progress `SlashingPeriod` with the current block as the `EndHeight`:
onValidatorUnbonded(address sdk.ValAddress)
slashingPeriod = getSlashingPeriod(address, CurrentHeight)
slashingPeriod.EndHeight = CurrentHeight
### Validator Slashed
When a validator is slashed, we look up the appropriate `SlashingPeriod` based on the validator
address and the time of infraction, cap the fraction slashed as `max(SlashFraction, SlashedSoFar)`
(which may be `0`), and update the `SlashingPeriod` with the increased `SlashedSoFar`:
beforeValidatorSlashed(address sdk.ValAddress, fraction sdk.Rat, infractionHeight int64)
slashingPeriod = getSlashingPeriod(address, infractionHeight)
totalToSlash = max(slashingPeriod.SlashedSoFar, fraction)
slashingPeriod.SlashedSoFar = totalToSlash
remainderToSlash = slashingPeriod.SlashedSoFar - totalToSlash
fraction = remainderToSlash
continue with slashing