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In this section we describe the processing of the IBC messages and the corresponding updates to the state.

ICS 02 - Client


A light client is created using the MsgCreateClient.

type MsgCreateClient struct {
  ClientID        string
  ClientType      string
  ConsensusState  ConsensusState
  Signer          AccAddress

This message is expected to fail if:

  • ClientID is invalid (not alphanumeric or not within 10-20 characters)
  • ClientType is not registered
  • ConsensusState is empty
  • Signer is empty
  • A light client with the provided id and type already exist

The message creates and stores a light client with the given ID and consensus type, stores the validator set as the Commiter of the given consensus state and stores both the consensus state and its commitment root (i.e app hash).


A light client is updated with a new header using the MsgUpdateClient.

type MsgUpdateClient struct {
  ClientID string
  Header   Header
  Signer   AccAddress

This message is expected to fail if:

  • ClientID is invalid (not alphanumeric or not within 10-20 characters)
  • Header is empty
  • Signer is empty
  • A Client hasn't been created for the given ID
  • the header's client type is different from the registered one
  • the client is frozen due to misbehaviour and cannot be updated

The message validates the header and updates the consensus state with the new height, commitment root and validator sets, which are then stored.

ICS 03 - Connection

ICS 04 - Channels


A channel handshake is initiated by a chain A using the MsgChannelOpenInit message.

type MsgChannelOpenInit struct {
  PortID    string
  ChannelID string
  Channel   Channel
  Signer    sdk.AccAddress

This message is expected to fail if:

ICS 20 - Fungible Token Transfer