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ADR 013: Observability


  • 20-01-2020: Initial Draft




There has been discussion around exposing more metrics to users and node operators about the application. Currently there is only a way to expose metrics from Tendermint and not the application itself. To bring more visibility into applications, I would like to propose reporting of metrics through Prometheus.

Extending AppModuleBasic to support registering of metrics would enable developers to see more information about individual modules.

type AppModuleBasic interface {
  Name() string
  RegisterMetrics(namespace string, labelsAndValues... string) *Metrics

  // genesis
  DefaultGenesis() json.RawMessage
  ValidateGenesis(json.RawMessage) error

  // client functionality
  RegisterRESTRoutes(context.CLIContext, *mux.Router)
  GetTxCmd(*codec.Codec) *cobra.Command
  GetQueryCmd(*codec.Codec) *cobra.Command
// .....

func (bm BasicManager) RegisterMetrics(appName string, labelsAndValues... string) MetricsProvider {
	for _, b := range bm {
		b.CreateMetrics(appName, labelsAndValues)

Each module can define its own Metrics type andCreateMetrics function in the x/<module>/observability/metrics.go file:

type Metrics struct {
  Size metrics.Guage

  Transactions metrics.Counter

func CreateMetrics(namespace string, labelsAndValues... string) *Metrics {
  labels := make([]string, len(labelsAndValues/2))
  for i := 0; i < len(labelsAndValues); i += 2 {
      labels[i/2] = labelsAndValues[i]
  return &Metrics{
    Size: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
		Namespace: namespace,
		Subsystem: "subsystem",
		Name:      "size",
		Help:      "Size of the custom metric",
	}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
    Transactions: prometheus.NewCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
                Namespace: namespace,
                Subsystem: "subsystem",
                Name:      "transactions",
                Help:      "Number of transactions processed",
        }, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),

To get the correct namespace for the modules changing BasicManager to consist of the app name is needed.

type BasicManager struct {
	appName string
	modules map[string]AppModuleBasic


  • Use Prometheus for metric gathering.
  • Add a method to register metrics to the AppModuleBasic interface
  • Modules create a observability/metrics.go that defines the metrics and create the metrics object.



  • Add more visibility into SDK based application and modules


