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Install the SDK

This guide will explain how to install the Cosmos SDK onto your system. With the SDK installed on a server, you can participate in the latest testnet as either a Full Node or a Validator.

Install Go

Install go by following the official docs. Remember to set your $GOPATH, $GOBIN, and $PATH environment variables, for example:

mkdir -p $HOME/go/bin
echo "export GOPATH=$HOME/go" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$GOBIN" >> ~/.bash_profile

::: tip Go 1.10+ is required for the Cosmos SDK. :::

Install Cosmos SDK

Next, let's install the testnet's version of the Cosmos SDK.

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd cosmos-sdk && git checkout v0.19.0
make get_tools && make get_vendor_deps && make install

That will install the gaiad and gaiacli binaries. Verify that everything is OK:

$ gaiad version

$ gaiacli version

Run a Full Node

With Cosmos SDK installed, you can run a full node on the latest testnet.