
24 KiB





  • Change default ports from 466xx to 266xx
  • AltBytes renamed to Memo, now a string, max 100 characters, costs a bit of gas
  • Transactions now take a list of Messages
  • Signers of a transaction now only sign over their account and sequence number
  • Removed MsgChangePubKey from auth
  • Removed setPubKey from account mapper
  • Removed GetMemo from Tx (it is still on StdTx)
  • Gov module REST endpoints changed to be more RESTful
  • [cli] rearranged commands under subcommands
  • [stake] remove Tick and add EndBlocker
  • [stake] introduce concept of unbonding for delegations and validators
    • gaiacli stake unbond replaced with gaiacli stake begin-unbonding
    • introduced:
      • gaiacli stake complete-unbonding
      • gaiacli stake begin-redelegation
      • gaiacli stake complete-redelegation


  • [gaiacli] You can now attach a simple text-only memo to any transaction, with the --memo flag
  • [lcd] Queried TXs now include the tx hash to identify each tx
  • [mockapp] CompleteSetup() no longer takes a testing parameter
  • [governance] Implemented MVP
    • Supported proposal types: just binary (pass/fail) TextProposals for now
    • Proposals need deposits to be votable; deposits are burned if proposal fails
    • Delegators delegate votes to validator by default but can override (for their stake)
  • Add benchmarks for signing and delivering a block with a single bank transaction
    • Run with cd x/bank && go test --bench=.
  • [tools] make get_tools installs tendermint's linter, and gometalinter
  • [tools] Switch gometalinter to the stable version
  • [tools] Add the following linters
    • misspell
    • gofmt
    • go vet -composites=false
  • [server] Default config now creates a profiler at port 6060, and increase p2p send/recv rates
  • [tests] Add WaitForNextNBlocksTM helper method
  • [types] Switches internal representation of Int/Uint/Rat to use pointers
  • [gaiad] unsafe_reset_all now resets addrbook.json
  • [democoin] add x/oracle, x/assoc


  • [gaia] Added self delegation for validators in the genesis creation
  • [lcd] tests now don't depend on raw json text
  • [stake] error strings lower case
  • [stake] pool loose tokens now accounts for unbonding and unbonding tokens not associated with any validator
  • #1259 - fix bug where certain tests that could have a nil pointer in defer
  • #1052 - Make all now works
  • Retry on HTTP request failure in CLI tests, add option to retry tests in Makefile
  • Fixed bug where chain ID wasn't passed properly in x/bank REST handler, removed Viper hack from ante handler
  • Fixed bug where democli account didn't decode the account data correctly
  • #1343 - fixed unnecessary parallelism in CI
  • #1367 - set ChainID in InitChain
  • #1353 - CLI: Show pool shares fractions in human-readable format
  • #1258 - printing big.rat's can no longer overflow int64


  • bank module uses go-wire codec instead of 'encoding/json'
  • auth module uses go-wire codec instead of 'encoding/json'
  • revised use of endblock and beginblock
  • [stake] module reorganized to include types and keeper package
  • [stake] keeper always loads the store (instead passing around which doesn't really boost efficiency)
  • [stake] edit-validator changes now can use the keyword [do-not-modify] to not modify unspecified --flag (aka won't set them to "" value)
  • [types] added common tag constants
  • [stake] offload more generic functionality from the handler into the keeper


June 13, 2018


  • msg.GetSignBytes() now returns bech32-encoded addresses in all cases
  • [lcd] REST end-points now include gas
  • sdk.Coin now uses sdk.Int, a big.Int wrapper with 256bit range cap


  • [x/auth] Added AccountNumbers to BaseAccount and StdTxs to allow for replay protection with account pruning
  • [lcd] added an endpoint to query for the SDK version of the connected node


  • export command now writes current validator set for Tendermint
  • [tests] Application module tests now use a mock application
  • [gaiacli] Fix error message when account isn't found when running gaiacli account
  • [lcd] refactored to eliminate use of global variables, and interdependent tests
  • [tests] Added testnet command to gaiad
  • [tests] Added localnet targets to Makefile
  • [x/stake] More stake tests added to test ByPower index


  • Fixes consensus fault on testnet - see postmortem here
  • [x/stake] bonded inflation removed, non-bonded inflation partially implemented
  • [lcd] Switch to bech32 for addresses on all human readable inputs and outputs
  • [lcd] fixed tx indexing/querying
  • [cli] Added --gas flag to specify transaction gas limit
  • [gaia] Registered slashing message handler
  • [x/slashing] Set signInfo.StartHeight correctly for newly bonded validators


  • [docs] Reorganize documentation
  • [docs] Update staking spec, create WIP spec for slashing, and fees


June 9, 2018


  • [stake] candidate -> validator throughout (details in refactor comment)
  • [stake] delegate-bond -> delegation throughout
  • [stake] gaiacli query validator takes and argument instead of using the --address-candidate flag
  • [stake] introduce gaiacli query delegations
  • [stake] staking refactor
    • ValidatorsBonded store now take sorted pubKey-address instead of validator owner-address, is sorted like Tendermint by pk's address
    • store names more understandable
    • removed temporary ToKick store, just needs a local map!
    • removed distinction between candidates and validators
      • everything is now a validator
      • only validators with a status == bonded are actively validating/receiving rewards
    • Introduction of Unbonding fields, lowlevel logic throughout (not fully implemented with queue)
    • Introduction of PoolShares type within validators, replaces three rational fields (BondedShares, UnbondingShares, UnbondedShares
  • [x/auth] move stuff specific to auth anteHandler to the auth module rather than the types folder. This includes:
    • StdTx (and its related stuff i.e. StdSignDoc, etc)
    • StdFee
    • StdSignature
    • Account interface
    • Related to this organization, I also:
  • [x/auth] got rid of AccountMapper interface (in favor of the struct already in auth module)
  • [x/auth] removed the FeeHandler function from the AnteHandler, Replaced with FeeKeeper
  • [x/auth] Removed GetSignatures() from Tx interface (as different Tx styles might use something different than StdSignature)
  • [store] Removed SubspaceIterator and ReverseSubspaceIterator from KVStore interface and replaced them with helper functions in /types
  • [cli] rearranged commands under subcommands
  • [stake] remove Tick and add EndBlocker
  • Switch to bech32cosmos on all human readable inputs and outputs


  • [x/auth] Added ability to change pubkey to auth module
  • [baseapp] baseapp now has settable functions for filtering peers by address/port & public key
  • [sdk] Gas consumption is now measured as transactions are executed
    • Transactions which run out of gas stop execution and revert state changes
    • A "simulate" query has been added to determine how much gas a transaction will need
    • Modules can include their own gas costs for execution of particular message types
  • [stake] Seperation of fee distribution to a new module
  • [stake] Creation of a validator/delegation generics in /types
  • [stake] Helper Description of the store in x/stake/
  • [stake] removed use of caches in the stake keeper
  • [stake] Added REST API
  • [Makefile] Added terraform/ansible playbooks to easily create remote testnets on Digital Ocean


  • [stake] staking delegator shares exchange rate now relative to equivalent-bonded-tokens the validator has instead of bonded tokens ^ this is important for unbonded validators in the power store!
  • [cli] fixed cli-bash tests
  • [ci] added cli-bash tests
  • [basecoin] updated basecoin for stake and slashing
  • [docs] fixed references to old cli commands
  • [docs] Downgraded Swagger to v2 for downstream compatibility
  • auto-sequencing transactions correctly
  • query sequence via account store
  • fixed duplicate pub_key in stake.Validator
  • Auto-sequencing now works correctly
  • [gaiacli] Fix error message when account isn't found when running gaiacli account


June 5, 2018

Update to Tendermint v0.19.9 (Fix evidence reactor, mempool deadlock, WAL panic, memory leak)


May 31, 2018

Update to Tendermint v0.19.7 (WAL fixes and more)


May 29, 2018

Update to Tendermint v0.19.6 (fix fast-sync halt)


June 5, 2018

Update to Tendermint v0.19.9 (Fix evidence reactor, mempool deadlock, WAL panic, memory leak)


May 31, 2018

Update to Tendermint v0.19.7 (WAL fixes and more)


May 29, 2018

Update to Tendermint v0.19.6 (fix fast-sync halt)


May 20, 2018

Update to Tendermint v0.19.5 (reduce WAL use, bound the mempool and some rpcs, improve logging)

0.17.1 (May 17, 2018)

Update to Tendermint v0.19.4 (fixes a consensus bug and improves logging)

0.17.0 (May 15, 2018)


  • [stake] MarshalJSON -> MarshalBinary
  • Queries against the store must be prefixed with the path "/store"


  • [gaiacli] Support queries for candidates, delegator-bonds
  • [gaiad] Added gaiad export command to export current state to JSON
  • [x/bank] Tx tags with sender/recipient for indexing & later retrieval
  • [x/stake] Tx tags with delegator/candidate for delegation & unbonding, and candidate info for declare candidate / edit validator


  • [gaiad] Update for Tendermint v0.19.3 (improve /dump_consensus_state and add /consensus_state)
  • [spec/ibc] Added spec!
  • [spec/stake] Cleanup structure, include details about slashing and auto-unbonding
  • [spec/governance] Fixup some names and pseudocode
  • NOTE: specs are still a work-in-progress ...


  • Auto-sequencing now works correctly

0.16.0 (May 14th, 2018)


  • Move module REST/CLI packages to x/[module]/client/rest and x/[module]/client/cli
  • Gaia simple-staking bond and unbond functions replaced
  • [stake] Delegator bonds now store the height at which they were updated
  • All module keepers now require a codespace, see basecoin or democoin for usage
  • Many changes to names throughout
    • Type as a prefix naming convention applied (ex. BondMsg -> MsgBond)
    • Removed redundancy in names (ex. stake.StakeKeeper -> stake.Keeper)
  • Removed SealedAccountMapper
  • gaiad init now requires use of --name flag
  • Removed Get from Msg interface
  • types/rational now extends big.Rat


  • Gaia stake commands include, CreateValidator, EditValidator, Delegate, Unbond
  • MountStoreWithDB without providing a custom store works.
  • Repo is now lint compliant / GoMetaLinter with tendermint-lint integrated into CI
  • Better key output, pubkey go-amino hex bytes now output by default
  • gaiad init overhaul
    • Create genesis transactions with gaiad init gen-tx
    • New genesis account keys are automatically added to the client keybase (introduce --client-home flag)
    • Initialize with genesis txs using --gen-txs flag
  • Context now has access to the application-configured logger
  • Add (non-proof) subspace query helper functions
  • Add more staking query functions: candidates, delegator-bonds


  • Gaia now uses stake, ported from

0.15.1 (April 29, 2018)


  • Update Tendermint to v0.19.1 (includes many rpc fixes)

0.15.0 (April 29, 2018)

NOTE: v0.15.0 is a large breaking change that updates the encoding scheme to use Amino.

For details on how this changes encoding for public keys and addresses, see the docs.


  • Remove go-wire, use go-amino
  • [store] Add SubspaceIterator and ReverseSubspaceIterator to KVStore interface
  • [basecoin] NewBasecoinApp takes a dbm.DB and uses namespaced DBs for substores


  • Add CacheContext
  • Add auto sequencing to client
  • Add FeeHandler to ante handler


  • MountStoreWithDB without providing a custom store works.

0.14.1 (April 9, 2018)


  • [gaiacli] Fix all commands (just a duplicate of basecli for now)

0.14.0 (April 9, 2018)


  • [client/builder] Renamed to client/core and refactored to use a CoreContext struct
  • [server] Refactor to improve useability and de-duplicate code
  • [types] Result.ToQuery -> Error.QueryResult
  • [makefile] make build and make install only build/install gaiacli and gaiad. Use make build_examples and make install_examples for basecoind/basecli and democoind/democli
  • [staking] Various fixes/improvements


  • [democoin] Added Proof-of-Work module


  • [client] Reuse Tendermint RPC client to avoid excessive open files
  • [client] Fix setting log level
  • [basecoin] Sort coins in genesis

0.13.1 (April 3, 2018)


  • [x/ibc] Fix CLI and relay for IBC txs
  • [x/stake] Various fixes/improvements

0.13.0 (April 2, 2018)


  • [basecoin] Remove cool/sketchy modules -> moved to new democoin
  • [basecoin] NewBasecoinApp takes a map[string]dbm.DB as temporary measure to allow mounting multiple stores with their own DB until they can share one
  • [x/staking] Renamed to simplestake
  • [builder] Functions don't take passphrase as argument
  • [server] GenAppParams returns generated seed and address
  • [basecoind] init command outputs JSON of everything necessary for testnet
  • [basecoind] basecoin.db -> data/basecoin.db
  • [basecli] data/keys.db -> keys/keys.db


  • [types] Coin supports direct arithmetic operations
  • [basecoind] Add show_validator and show_node_id commands
  • [x/stake] Initial merge of full staking module!
  • [democoin] New example application to demo custom modules


  • [makefile] make install
  • [testing] Use /tmp for directories so they don't get left in the repo


  • [basecoin] Allow app to be restarted
  • [makefile] Fix build on Windows
  • [basecli] Get confirmation before overriding key with same name

0.12.0 (March 27 2018)


  • Revert to old go-wire for now
  • glide -> godep
  • [types] ErrBadNonce -> ErrInvalidSequence
  • [types] Replace tx.GetFeePayer with FeePayer(tx) - returns the first signer
  • [types] NewStdTx takes the Fee
  • [types] ParseAccount -> AccountDecoder; ErrTxParse -> ErrTxDecoder
  • [x/auth] AnteHandler deducts fees
  • [x/bank] Move some errors to types
  • [x/bank] Remove sequence and signature from Input


  • [examples/basecoin] New cool module to demonstrate use of state and custom transactions
  • [basecoind] show_node_id command
  • [lcd] Implement the Light Client Daemon and endpoints
  • [types/stdlib] Queue functionality
  • [store] Subspace iterator on IAVLTree
  • [types] StdSignDoc is the document that gets signed (chainid, msg, sequence, fee)
  • [types] CodeInvalidPubKey
  • [types] StdFee, and StdTx takes the StdFee
  • [specs] Progression of MVPs for IBC
  • [x/ibc] Initial shell of IBC functionality (no proofs)
  • [x/simplestake] Simple staking module with bonding/unbonding


  • Lots more tests!
  • [client/builder] Helpers for forming and signing transactions
  • [types] sdk.Address
  • [specs] Staking


  • [x/auth] Fix setting pubkey on new account
  • [x/auth] Require signatures to include the sequences
  • [baseapp] Dont panic on nil handler
  • [basecoin] Check for empty bytes in account and tx

0.11.0 (March 1, 2017)


  • [examples] dummy -> kvstore
  • [examples] Remove gaia
  • [examples/basecoin] MakeTxCodec -> MakeCodec
  • [types] CommitMultiStore interface has new GetCommitKVStore(key StoreKey) CommitKVStore method


  • [examples/basecoin] CLI for basecli and basecoind (!)
  • [baseapp] router.AddRoute returns Router


  • [baseapp] Run msg handlers on CheckTx
  • [docs] Add spec for REST API
  • [all] More tests!


  • [baseapp] Fix panic on app restart
  • [baseapp] InitChain does not call Commit
  • [basecoin] Remove IBCStore because mounting multiple stores is currently broken

0.10.0 (February 20, 2017)


  • [baseapp] NewBaseApp(logger, db)
  • [baseapp] NewContext(isCheckTx, header)
  • [x/bank] CoinMapper -> CoinKeeper


  • [examples/gaia] Mock CLI !
  • [baseapp] InitChainer, BeginBlocker, EndBlocker
  • [baseapp] MountStoresIAVL


  • [docs] Various improvements.
  • [basecoin] Much simpler :)


  • [baseapp] initialize and reset msCheck and msDeliver properly

0.9.0 (February 13, 2017)


  • Massive refactor. Basecoin works. Still needs <3


  • Updates for dependencies

0.8.0 (December 18, 2017)

  • Updates for dependencies

0.7.1 (October 11, 2017)


  • server/commands: GetInitCmd takes list of options

0.7.0 (October 11, 2017)


  • Everything has changed, and it's all about to change again, so don't bother using it yet!

0.6.2 (July 27, 2017)


  • auto-test all tutorials to detect breaking changes
  • move deployment scripts from /scripts to /publish for clarity


  • basecoin init ensures the address in genesis.json is valid
  • fix bug that certain addresses couldn't receive ibc packets

0.6.1 (June 28, 2017)

Make lots of small cli fixes that arose when people were using the tools for the testnet.


  • basecoin
    • basecoin start supports all flags that tendermint node does, such as --rpc.laddr, --p2p.seeds, and --p2p.skip_upnp
    • fully supports --log_level and --trace for logger configuration
    • merkleeyes no longers spams the logs... unless you want it
      • Example: basecoin start --log_level="merkleeyes:info,state:info,*:error"
      • Example: basecoin start --log_level="merkleeyes:debug,state:info,*:error"
  • basecli
    • basecli init is more intelligent and only complains if there really was a connected chain, not just random files
    • support localhost:46657 or http://localhost:46657 format for nodes, not just tcp://localhost:46657
    • Add --genesis to init to specify chain-id and validator hash
      • Example: basecli init --node=localhost:46657 --genesis=$HOME/.basecoin/genesis.json
    • basecli rpc has a number of methods to easily accept tendermint rpc, and verifies what it can


  • basecli
    • basecli query account accepts hex account address with or without 0x prefix
    • gives error message when running commands on an unitialized chain, rather than some unintelligable panic

0.6.0 (June 22, 2017)

Make the basecli command the only way to use client-side, to enforce best security practices. Lots of enhancements to get it up to production quality.


  • ./cmd/commands -> ./cmd/basecoin/commands
  • basecli
    • basecli proof state get -> basecli query key
    • basecli proof tx get -> basecli query tx
    • basecli proof state get --app=account -> basecli query account
    • use --chain-id not --chainid for consistency
    • update to use --trace not --debug for stack traces on errors
    • complete overhaul on how tx and query subcommands are added. (see counter or trackomatron for examples)
    • no longer supports counter app (see new countercli)
  • basecoin
    • basecoin init takes an argument, an address to allocate funds to in the genesis
    • removed key2.json
    • removed all client side functionality from it (use basecli now for proofs)
      • no tx subcommand
      • no query subcommand
      • no account (query) subcommand
      • a few other random ones...
    • enhanced relay subcommand
      • relay start did what relay used to do
      • relay init registers both chains on one another (to set it up so relay start just works)
  • docs
    • removed example-plugin, put counter inside docs/guide
  • app
    • Implements ABCI handshake by proxying merkleeyes.Info()


  • basecoin init support --chain-id
  • intergrates tendermint 0.10.0 (not the rc-2, but the real thing)
  • commands return error code (1) on failure for easier script testing
  • add reset_all to basecli, and never delete keys on init
  • new shutil based unit tests, with better coverage of the cli actions
  • just make fresh when things are getting stale ;)


  • app: no longer panics on missing app_options in genesis (thanks, anton)
  • docs: updated all docs... again
  • ibc: fix panic on getting BlockID from commit without 100% precommits (still a TODO)

0.5.2 (June 2, 2017)


  • fix parsing of the log level from Tendermint config (#97)

0.5.1 (May 30, 2017)


  • fix ibc demo app to use proper tendermint flags, 0.10.0-rc2 compatibility
  • Make sure all cli uses new json.Marshal not wire.JSONBytes

0.5.0 (May 27, 2017)


  • only those related to the tendermint 0.9 -> 0.10 upgrade


  • basecoin cli
    • integrates tendermint 0.10.0 and unifies cli (init, unsafe_reset_all, ...)
    • integrate viper, all command line flags can also be defined in environmental variables or config.toml
  • genesis file
    • you can define accounts with either address or pub_key
    • sorts coins for you, so no silent errors if not in alphabetical order
  • light-client integration
    • no longer must you trust the node you connect to, prove everything!
    • new basecli command
    • integrated key management, stored encrypted locally
    • tracks validator set changes and proves everything from one initial validator seed
    • basecli proof state gets complete proofs for any abci state
    • basecli proof tx gets complete proof where a tx was stored in the chain
    • basecli proxy exposes tendermint rpc, but only passes through results after doing complete verification


  • no more silently ignored error with invalid coin names (eg. "17.22foo coin" used to parse as "17 foo", not warning/error)

0.4.1 (April 26, 2017)


  • Fix bug in basecoin unsafe_reset_X where the priv_validator.json was not being reset

0.4.0 (April 21, 2017)


  • CLI now uses Cobra, which forced changes to some of the flag names and orderings


  • basecoin init doesn't generate error if already initialized
  • Much more testing

0.3.1 (March 23, 2017)


  • CLI returns exit code 1 and logs error before exiting

0.3.0 (March 23, 2017)


  • Remove --data flag and use BCHOME to set the home directory (defaults to ~/.basecoin)
  • Remove --in-proc flag and start Tendermint in-process by default (expect Tendermint files in $BCHOME/tendermint). To start just the ABCI app/server, use basecoin start --without-tendermint.
  • Consolidate genesis files so the Basecoin genesis is an object under app_options in Tendermint genesis. For instance:
  "app_hash": "",
  "chain_id": "foo_bar_chain",
  "genesis_time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "validators": [
      "amount": 10,
      "name": "",
      "pub_key": [
  "app_options": {
    "accounts": [{
      "pub_key": {
        "type": "ed25519",
        "data": "6880db93598e283a67c4d88fc67a8858aa2de70f713fe94a5109e29c137100c2"
      "coins": [
          "denom": "blank",
          "amount": 12345
          "denom": "ETH",
          "amount": 654321
    "plugin_options": ["plugin1/key1", "value1", "plugin1/key2", "value2"]

Note the array of key-value pairs is now under app_options.plugin_options while the app_options themselves are well formed. We also changed chainID to chain_id and consolidated to have just one of them.


  • Introduce basecoin init and basecoin unsafe_reset_all

0.2.0 (March 6, 2017)


  • Update to ABCI v0.4.0 and Tendermint v0.9.0
  • Coins are specified on the CLI as Xcoin, eg. 5gold
  • Cost is now Fee


  • CLI for sending transactions and querying the state, designed to be easily extensible as plugins are implemented
  • Run Basecoin in-process with Tendermint
  • Add /account path in Query
  • IBC plugin for InterBlockchain Communication
  • Demo script of IBC between two chains


  • Use new Tendermint /commit endpoint for crafting IBC transactions
  • More unit tests
  • Use go-crypto S structs and go-data for more standard JSON
  • Demo uses fewer sleeps


  • Various little fixes in coin arithmetic
  • More commit validation in IBC
  • Return results from transactions


January 14-18, 2017
  • Update to Tendermint v0.8.0
  • Cleanup a bit and release blog post
September 22, 2016
  • Basecoin compiles again